
JQuery Tools Scrollable: On Click, stop scrolling?

Hi Guys, I am using the scrollable plugin, excellent stuff and works the way I want. The only thing I want to change is the following: I have a list of linked images that scroll. When I click on an image, the scroller still scrolls and looks a bit odd. How do I stop it when a user clicks on a link? $("#scroller").scrollable().circula...

How to scrollbar a table with variable amount of rows and columns

Hi! I am having a problem trying to scroll a table wich has variable amount of rows and columns. I've tried to put overflow (auto AND scroll) and max height and width to both the div containing the table and the table itself. I copied the source of the code and my css class. If someone could help me I will appreciate it! thanks! <div cl...

How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView

I'm trying to programmatically scroll a WebView to the location of a particular element in the DOM tree. But so far I haven't been able to get the WebView to respond to scroll requests. I've tried calling JavaScript that uses window.scrollTo(...), but the WebView doesn't respond. On the Java side, I've tried calling the WebView.flingS...

WPF TreeView - How to scroll so expanded branch is visible

When I expand items in my treeview so that scrolling is necessary, a scrollbar appears. However, it doesn't scroll down for the newly expanded branch of items - they get cropped by the bottom of the control. So as I continue expanding items at the bottom of the tree, I have to keep manually scrolling down to see the new children. Anyone ...

Qt - QScrollArea widget clipping contents

I'm trying to add scrolling to a drag and drop example source that I modified. The example simply draws several draggable QLabel widgets. I was modifying it in a way that a larger number of various different length widgets would be created. I made a class that would be called by main and would contain the scrolling widget, that in turn ...

using a simple jquery script to have a div follow the page on scroll

I'm trying to use this script here: to make a simple div that follows the window as the user scrolls. I changed it from 0 to topPadding and changed topPadding to topPadding*2 to get the right top offset. Unfortunately this has the side effect of the object making the page a little longer and a...

Image scroller in web page

Hi I want to develop an image scroller in a web page. It must satisfy the following conditions I must be able to scroll either using the navigation buttons or the mouse wheel The images must wrap around in a cycle. How do I implement these ? Hi jCarouselLite works fine on an independent web page but not in a joomla module Can an...

X events: find out which device generated an event

Hello, I've got a mouse with scroll and a keyboard with scroll. Both devices are connected using USB, both scrolls send the same event ("mouse button 4/5 press/release"). I'd like to map up/down arrow keys to the keyboard scroll, but not the mouse scroll. Any ideas of how to do this programatically? I think I have to do this at the X s...

image scroller using yui

Hi Can any one tell me how to implement a yui carousel based image scroller ? Will it also respond to mouse wheel event as well ? ...

jquery scroll content with stop function

Hi, I have a div with a height of 200px (viewport). Inside this div there is a ul>li list with many links. Now I have 2 arrows to push/scroll this content up and down. I'm using this kind of code (will be changed into bind- events): $("#jq-manufactors_bot").click(function() { $("#manufactors .toggle").animate({marginTop: "-=100"},...

C# ListView column names corrupted after vertical and horizontal scroll.

Visual Studio 2008, .Net 3.5 I am populating a ListView with 100+ items, about 10 columns each. I find that after some horizontal and vertical scrolling my column headers get corrupted with snippets of data from the items. For example, a ListView with a column "Animals" with items that have "Dog", "Cat", "Pig", "Horse" in that column, ...

Stackpanel add item animation

Hello, I've been struggling a while with marquee-style image scrolling control. At a moment, I stuck up with templated ItemsControl: <Window.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="itemsTemplate"> <Image Source="{Binding AbsolutePath}"></Image> </DataTemplate> </Window.Resources> <ItemsControl ItemTemplate="{StaticResource item...

WPF detect scrolling parent Control

Imagine the situation you open a WPF Popup(e.g. through ButtonClick). You have a ListBox directly in the Popup with some items, so you have to be able to scroll. Imagine that this is your Custom Control and it's located in the ScrollViewer. Now if you move with your mouse outside from the Popup surface and scroll, what happens? You scro...

setting position of a control doesn't seem to work when scroll is 'moved' (c#, winforms)

Hi, Description of the problem: Create a 'custom control'. Set it's property AutoScroll to 'true'. Change it's bg-color to green. Create second 'custom control'. Change it's bg-color to red. On main form place first custom control In code create 20 instances of second control Add a button and in the button: In code set their position...

How can I easily scroll a product list in flash?

Is there a way to have a flash control scroll through a number of images with descriptions without knowing Flash? Perhaps like LightBox but with nice scrolling. ...

jquery, Scroll to

Hi, Can somebody help me, I want to use in jquery somethink like "ScrollTo". When I click something , --- > scroll to some div Like in HTML with anchors Thanks !!! ...

Scroll text in a textblock from code behind

i need to scroll the textblock text. For example, the textblock contains 700 words. These words are populated to the textblock from code behind as it could be a different 700 words depending on some "stuff". There is a textbox on this form as well. The user types the words in the textblock into the textbox. As they type i keep track...

Silverlight 3 scroll textblock in code

i need to scroll the textblock text. For example, the textblock contains 700 words. These words are populated to the textblock from code behind as it could be a different 700 words depending on some "stuff". There is a textbox on this form as well. The user types the words in the textblock into the textbox. As they type i keep track of w...

jQuery - onclick slide page if element not visible

Hi, I have a jQuery dropdown to display a div 500px in height. The problem is that the links to show this div are above the page fold, and the dropdown div which fades in shows below the fold. I've been experimenting with to move the page down if the new div is not in view (but leaving the user where they are if it is complet...

How to get iframe scroll position in IE using Java Script?

scrollPosition = window.frames[id].document.body.scrollTop; The above code doesn't work correctly. Please tell me how to correct it. ...