
Efficient way to synchronise entityManagers in mainly asynchronous Seam app?

I'm having some fun writing a strategy/fantasy game with Seam. Unlike a typical Seam application there is a lot of asynchronous activity; scheduled methods update player data, both offline and online, and using Icefaces' Ajax push the players views are updated with relevant information, like available gold, stone, chat messages etc. My...

How do various Java frameworks for web application design tie together

Hi All, I am a newbie to Java Web Application development. So far all I have used are plain old servlets, jdbc and jsps. I started to read about all the frameworks and I am totally confused and lost in the swarm of frameworks? So here are some questions I have: Are EJB3 and Hibernate competing technologies or can they be used together...

Lazy loading parts of seam pages?

Hi All I'm working on a seam application (2.1.1.GA under JBoss AS 4.2.2) where a particular has a number of (sometimes large) sections that do not need to be rendered untill the user interacts with that particular section, think along the lines of an article title where the user clicks on the title and it expands to show a box containin...

Mixing s:link, s:button action calls and icefaces SessionRenderer

Using SessionRenderer anywhere during a session after the user has clicked an action referencing s:link causes a Missing ViewRoot in restoreState error. It seems icefaces is attempting to rerender the view that contains the s:link, not the current view. When the s:link references a view instead of a method, nothing breaks. Any idea wh...

Why EL gives me the wrong object as parameter between parenthesis?

Here's the situation: In a rich:dataTable in an a4j:form, i create a a4j:commandLink to select the values and pass it to the bean with the jboss el action syntax action="#{bean.myaction(myparameter)}" This works without problem. But If I re-render the form to filter the datatable with an ajax call, when I select the value, it gives...

Remote Seam Persistence

Hi. I have a button in a .xhtml file which calls a javascript function which calls a java function remotely (in jboss seam environment). That java function has an entityManager.persist(object). Do you know why this line of code doesn't commit to the DB? It says something that a transaction hasn't started. I supose in a remote context i d...

Experiences with single-instance multi-tenant web application in Seam?

Any experiences with Seam in a one-instance multi-tenant setup? Is Seam suited for that setup? How did you realise it? What were the costs involved? Our situation: A Seam 2.1 SaaS web-app (POJO, no EJB). Available development budget forced us towards a simplistic one-instance per tenant design. The application is not in production yet b...

Conditionally required jsf validation in a4j form

Hello, I'm having a little problem with using conditionally evaluated expression in jsf/a4j Here's my code <a4j:form> <h:inputText id="id1" value="#{mybean.myvalue}" size="1" required="#{not mybean.condition}" rendered="#{not mybean.condition}" requiredMessage="Put a num...

Which is the best way to implement SOAP Web Services on JBoss Seam?

I need to implement a SOAP Web Service on Jboss Seam 2.1.0. The idea is to export an Stateless bean method as a Web Service. However, I have found two approaches. First one, is to use the Seam's own web services annotations. The problem of this is the lack of documentation. Second one, is to use Enunciate. It's a lot better document...

SEAM projects run in JBoss AS?

How do I run Seam applications in JBoss AS? I put JBoss SEAM as a dependence (using MAVEN2) of my project and deployed it in JBoss AS - just that will sufice to make my project work properly (with all the features provided by JBoss Seam) or do I need to modify JBoss AS in any way (like, for example, include some extra seam library in th...

Problem using two xa-datasources with Jbpm

Hello, I'm using Seam, JBoss Jbpm and Resteasy. I have a very simple process definition: <start-state name="create"> <transition name="send" to="inbox" /> </start-state> <node name="inbox"> <action expression="#{test.sayHello}" /> <transition name="acknowledge" to="acknowledged" /> </node> <end-state name="acknowledged" /> Thi...

J2EE Seam Framework, getting started too complicated?

Hey guys, PS: Using Windows XP Pretty much I'm trying to get started with J2EE using Seam Framework. I think that the documentation is too shallow if you are new. I'm completely lost here. I want to get started building simple J2EE apps with Seam, but as I read, there so much to get started. Ant JBoss/Tomcat Maven ?? Seam Thats ...

JBoss Seam - ViewExpiredException

Hi, I currently have a web application which acts as a Portal. Users log onto the Portal and are shown a list of services. To view a service, an iframe is populated in the same page pointing to the URL of the service. All applications are Seam 2.1.1GA on JBoss 4.2.2GA AS. If a user loads up Service A, interacts with it, then switches ...

Seam 2.1.1: build using Maven 2?

I'm interested to move a project based on Seam 2.1.1 from Ant to Maven, to integrate some tools in the build process (like testability explorer and others) Question is: you recommend it? I've read (in the few sites with useful information about this subject) that is quite pain in the back to use Seam 2 with Maven, while others say is wo...

Building a project with files pending on a parameter

I am trying to find a way to build a C/C++ project to only include certain files depending on an input i.e, if its parameter a include files 1-5. parameter b include files 6-10, etc etc. Basically a script or something to build a project based off of an input for visual studio. Only ideas I have came up with is using preprocessor comma...

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Seam over Spring?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Seam over Spring? Why would I use Seam in lieu of Spring? Is there anything that can be done in Seam that can't be done in Spring? Anything in Spring that can't be done in Seam? What about stateful/stateless architecture? I am a Spring user, so I am biased, naturally. ...

Webservice using Seam

Hi I am new to Seam and want to develop Webservice using Seam.I have an aggressive deadline Where i can find the details to develop the Webservice using Seam.Any good document, book, website etc. ...

How to create in-page configuration. Via c:set?

I've got a web application that I need to be able to configure parts of from a JSF page. So for example, imagine my application was split into several smaller parts each with a folder/file structure like below: /partname /config config.xhtml /template generaltemplate.xhtml search.xhtml results.xhtml Se...

How to conditionally style a row in a rich:dataTable

How can I change the style of a particular row based on a condition? I can use JSF EL in rich:column style class attribute, but I have to write for each column. I want to change the entire row. Thanks ...

Seam 2.1 issue: losing theme

I'm developing a web application with Seam but suddenly the theme has stopped working. I've reverted the latest changes and it doesn't solve it. I've even reinstalled the JBoss (5.1) server but it doesn't fix it either. I see no error in the logs, just the css theme is not being shown (although it's there in the server), no css errors i...