
Lean packet protocol for AS3 and C#?

Is there by chance a lean (meaning not xml or json) packet protocol that is implemented in both actionscript 3 and C#? It would be great if there was one that already had an implementation in both languages. If not, I may have to code one side. That being said, would it be stupid/unsafe to figure out (or find documents of) C#'s serializa...

Commerce Server 2007 Expression Syntax Examples

I've been stuck working with Microsoft Commerce Server 2007, in which documentation is almost non-existent (no books etc). Can someone point me to some good examples of eligibility expressions syntax and available variables particularly how it is related to setting up discounts? ...

Getting started with Server applications

I have an iPhone game (Combination), and in the next version I would like to set up a server, where users (via the app) can submit which levels they have completed, and see how other users are doing. At this point I don't intend that users will need usernames and passwords, just a simple submit data, get back data. I know very little ab...

creating a server side time activated process

I am a newbie - would like to know the method for creating a process on the server that checks the date on a daily basis and will start another process when criteria is met. Thanks ...

Setting mysql usernames and passwords

Hi I have recently installed easyPHP at home to do some development work with my computer running as the server (Windows XP). easyPHP sets up apache, php and mysql to work on your computer. I am having trouble setting the usernames and passwords for the mysql accounts (sadly, I've only ever done this through cPanel). The easyPHP GUI l...

multiple request from same ip on Server logs

Hi SO, I implemented a client side interface which makes a service call to the server using JS in an http GET. When checking my access logs, I see that sometimes, I get multiple requests sometimes as many as 6 within a second-- Making the very same request-- from the same ip -- what do u think this tells ? Thanks ...

Possible to assign a new IP address on every http request?

Hi Is it possible for me to change or assign my server a new IP address every time it needs to make a http request with commands such as wget? Thanks all Update The reason for this is exactly what the Tor project is trying to achieve. I do not want to leave a trace of what requests my server makes and I thought constantly changing my...

Why use WAS-CE over Apache Geronimo?

What benefits do I gain by using IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition over Apache Geronimo? ...

CHMOD and the security for the directories on my server

I have a folder on my server on which I have changed the permissions to 777 (read, write and execute all) to allow users to upload their pictures. What are the security risks involved in this? I have implemented code to restrict what file formats can be uploaded, but what would happen if someone was to find the location of the directory,...

Complete MOSS 2007 Migration

Hi! The situation at the moment is that we have a sharepoint server which started out as a pilot but now actually runs as the production environment. The server on which sharepoint runs is an old machine which does not conforms the standard requirements so I want to move the current environment to the shiny new server. I've red a lot a...

Java TCP Socket Sniffing

I am using TCP sockets to communicate data between a server and client program using a specific port number on the same computer (localhost). I need a software that can capture the data being sent/received through that socket? (or) What's the simplest way of sniffing packets from a specified port in Java? ...

Another shell open when at server?

How can I have another Terminal open when I am at my server by ssh? I do not want to type my password twice to get another terminal for my server. Perhaps, Bash has buffers similarly as Vim. ...

Downloading files

Hello, I am using I have a url to a folder on a remote server. In that folder are images that are all .jpgs. I don't know the names of the files, just that they are all .jpgs. How do I download all the .jpg images using to a folder on my local hard drive. Just to clarify. I am pulling files from a remote server a...

How to check programatically whether web server has http compression enabled?

I want to check whether web server has http compression enabled, and a particular compression (i.e. Gzip, Deflate, Compress) is enabled? Or If I request data through WebClient Object in .net by setting Accept-Encoding to "gzip, deflate" how can I know whether the retrieved data is compressed before I process it? ...

Is it worth learning SharePoint 2007?

Is it worth learning Moss 2007? What could be the future of it? ...

Apache not using mod_rewrite.c

So I just setup a linode server with debian, apache, etc. and now I'm trying to get an app that I'm developing running, but it requires mod_rewrite.c. So naturally, I went to the directory of the application (happens to be in PHP if that matters) and created a .htaccess with this inside of it: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On R...

problem occuring when i am inserting date

while inserting date mysql server takes the year and day correctly but the month is defaultly taking januavary into the database. i am using mysql server version 5.0.22 i am inserting the date though application. the application was developed by using Springs web mvc frame-work and Hibernate. ...

What are the best techniques for making my LAMP sites download faster?

Hi Everyone I have a few sites I built for my work, nothing major, mainly just little tools which people can access and use when they're out of the office. I'm not very experienced as a developer but I like to tinker quite a lot and I was wondering if anyone had any clever little tweaks I could do to my sites to make them download faste...

How and where to host applications after getting domain?

I got domain name from google apps. I am using it for some personal stuff. I need a good host provider and that should support linux shell installations, with perl, python, php, My SQL support. ...

Securely upload file to alternate server C# .net 2.0

I have a C# web application on .net 2.0 being hosted on server A. The web application allows users to upload files using <input id="File1" name="filMyFile" type="file" runat="server" /> to server A. This all works just fine. I am now being asked to modify the web application to allow pages being served by A to allow uploading directly...