
Evaluate my Python server structure

Hi! I'm building a game server in Python and I just wanted to get some input on the architecture of the server that I was thinking up. So, as we all know, Python cannot scale across cores with a single process. Therefore, on a server with 4 cores, I would need to spawn 4 processes. Here is the steps taken when a client wishes to conne...

IIS 6.0 FTP Server Extensibility

Are there any extensibility points for IIS 6.0 FTP Server? I'm trying to write a simple plugin to determine whether a file has been successfully downloaded or not. Cheers Alex ...

Create simple embedded http and https applications in C#

There is a simple http server API that allow you do some simple stuff quickly, without any addition dependency/installation required. Are there any similar API/library in .NET WITHOUT IIS? For example, I am a small window service running, I'd like to add a simple stupid web interface to allow local/remote control/monitoring. ...

Python/Twisted - Sending to a specific socket object?

I have a "manager" process on a node, and several worker processes. The manager is the actual server who holds all of the connections to the clients. The manager accepts all incoming packets and puts them into a queue, and then the worker processes pull the packets out of the queue, process them, and generate a result. They send the resu...

Python/Twisted - TCP packet fragmentation?

Hello, In Twisted when implementing the dataReceived method, there doesn't seem to be any examples which refer to packets being fragmented. In every other language this is something you manually implement, so I was just wondering if this is done for you in twisted already or what? If so, do I need to prefix my packets with a length head...

Setting up dev server for Ruby

I want to make a development server for Ruby. (I have done this for IIS and a LAMP set up, but am by no means proficient at it.) What will I need besides the actual server (which I already have)? And also any security issues? I know I could dev locally on my machine, but don't want to do that. ...

Best way to copy millions of files between 2 servers

I have roughly around 5 million small (5-30k) files in a single directory that I would like to copy to another machine on the same gigabit network. I tried using rsync, but it would slow down to a crawl after a few hours of running, I assume due to the fact that rsync has to check the source & destination file each time? My second thoug...

Python/Twisted multiuser server - what is more efficient?

In Python, if I want my server to scale well CPU-wise, I obviously need to spawn multiple processes. I was wondering which is better (using Twisted): A) The manager process (the one who holds the actual socket connections) puts received packets into a shared queue (the one from the multiprocessing module), and worker processes pull the ...

Where can I find a log4j server ?

I would like to centralize different log4j logs to a server. where can I find one ? ...

PHP Errors on Making Local Copy of Server

I have a site that I am trying to create a local copy of for test purposes (dusting off a past site). I was able to correctly get the db out and most of the site works great. However, I have places where things aren't loading correctly and are just giving me errors or messages in curly braces. For example, a td class' name is being re...

Products Similar to Progress AppServers

I work in Progress ABL and use what we call AppServers. Application Servers, processes that can talk to a Progress database and run business logic on the on a server and then send a response back to the client. These come in 4 modes but I'm most accustomed to state-reset which is an appserver that preserves state throughout the connecti...

Client Server programming in python?

Here is source code for multithreaed server and client in python. PROBLEM: In the code client and server closes connection after the job is finished. I want to keep the connections alive and send more data over the same connections to avoid overhead of closing and opening sockets everytime. What is the best way to do this? I am new to...

Handling Tomcat in Eclipse: make it as easy as MyEclipse?

I have been using MyEclipse for a number of years. I am coming to the conclusion that I would rather ditch MyEclipse and revert to plain old Eclipse, except for one detail: MyEclipse's Tomcat integration. Does anyone know of an Eclipse plugin that would provide such integration? Here's what my current MyEclipse setup does, which I wou...

ASP.Net Compilation Conflict... My usercontrol exists in two locations

I get the following error message trying to run my page Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'usercontrols_BirthDetails' exists in both 'c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\5c377e82\1f883022\App_Web_ub0hcxgl.dll' and 'c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\5c...

What do I need to do to get a JS3 environment (or at least couchdb) up and running?

I'm primarily a front-end coder but I'm not a stranger to server-side programming or the command line. Regardless I've still got a lot to learn about setting up servers and whatnot so I was wondering if anyone could help me put together some steps for setting up CouchDB on (preferably) ubuntu. That's my main goal but I'd also like to ge...

How do you remove a self-installed DLL?

I have a DLL on a server that has somehow been registered as self installed instead of a Component Service it is under Microsoft/COM3/SelfReg/CLSID with the ID and information for this DLL stored there - this component needs to be replaced or removed for updating how do you remove it regsvr32 will not work and there is no visible entry f...

Sending xml data from one server to another

Hi Can anyone tell me the best way to send some xml data from one server to another in an application. Basically in one application on a certain condition I want to trigger the sending of some xml values to another receiving application that will process the data and return the user to the sending site. If anyone has a...

subversion server vs. network repository access through tortoise

Hi all, There are currently 5 developers on my team and we all access a repository through a shared drive on computer X which is on our network. Since we all have access to computer X, and we can manage who has and who doesn't have access to computer X, we can manage who can access our repository. My question is this: If I set up a ...

How I turn an average desktop PC into server for hosting a website using Ruby on Rails?

What is the best way to turn an average desktop PC into server for hosting a website using Ruby on Rails? I am open to changing operating systems, buying parts if I need to, using whatever Database People recommend and any software. Here are the approximate details of the computer: The computer is an HP Desktop with 1.86GHz Duo Core...

how to create a performance management system that adjust available services based on current load?

how to create a performance management system that adjust available services based on current load? any idea lets say I have too many people accessing one page of my website ? how can I build a system which can disable some services for a while (automatically) to save the server from being dawn. because some services parts of the webs...