
VS 2005 line-spacing settings

I can see how to change the fonts and colors in the IDE. Is there an option available to incrase line-spacing in the IDE? ...

How to make designer generated .Net application settings portable

Hello, I've been looking at modifying the source of the Doppler podcast aggregator with the goal of being able to run the program directly from my mp3 player. Doppler stores application settings using a Visual Studio designer generated Settings class, which by default serializes user settings to the user's home directory. I'd like to...

Good way to store settings for an XNA screensaver?

What's the best way to store settings for a screensaver that happens to use XNA? i'm thinking of using a .settings file but i'm unsure how to read that from my XNA code... ...

keep settings in database

In a reusable application (in which i don't want to change any code) i would like to change a SETTING var that the application uses (in its forms and maybe other parts) to be dynamic (update its contents from a db table). What would be the best approach to do that (a middleware maybe?) ? ...

Assembly specific settings not loading at runtime

Hello, I am developing a .NET 3.5 Windows Forms app. I have two projects, the UI and a Library. UI uses strongly typed settings that are stored, as usually, in the app.config file. I read them using UI.Properties.Settings class (generated by Visual Studio). Library uses its own strongly typed Settings (the Settings.settings file that ...

How can I access settings from a referenced assembly ?

I have some values (basically constants) defined in assembly (class library) A. I would like to use these settings in assembly B. Is there a way to do this other than having the assembly A have some sort of wrapper classes around these settings or not ? ...

Changing the main view using the NSUserDefaults and the settings bundle

I have a game on the App Store, and for the next version I am working on having an option in the settings to use different skin. So for example, lets say I choose the basketball option. I would want the app to show the basketball .xib instead of the default view controller. How would I do that? There would be about 4-5 different ski...

Does web.config override any app.configs?

If I have a web application (with its own web.config) and a .dll it uses happens to have its own app.config which settings file wins when there is a conflict? ...

xdebug: %H %R specifiers not working on Windows XP?

Hi all, I want the xdebug.profile_output_name ini setting to accept the %H and/or %R specifiers on my Windows XP box. It seems xdebug doesn't do anything with them. Is this known behaviour for xdebug on Windows machines? Apache: 2.2.9 PHP: 5.2.10 xdebug: php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.2.dll Cheers ...

How to use Application Settings in .Net 3.5 Windows Forms

I am trying to store a Type of System.Collection.Queue, the queue will only contain strings. The issue I am having is that when I attempt to use it, it is always Null. Settings.Default.CorrectionsDescription.Enqueue(textString); I get the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I have gotten StringCol...

C# Custom user settings class not saving

I have the following class: [Serializable] [XmlRoot ( ElementName = "TextData", IsNullable = false)] public class TextData { private System.Drawing.Font fontColor; [XmlAttribute ( AttributeName = "Font" )] public System.Drawing.Font Font { get; set; } [XmlAttribute ( AttributeName = "FontColor" )] public System.Dra...

XCode build settings for performance - iPhone apps

Hey Guys, Is there any articles available online where can I find some tips on improving the iPhone application performance. I have read Apple docs on Memory Management and CPU cycles, but they are not very helpful. Also can someone suggest a few XCode settings that could improve the performance of the application (release version)? ...

C# mysettings run empty

I used the app.config Settings to set up my Config. class Program { static Settings settings = Settings.Default; static void Main(string[] args) { Program a = new Program(); a.init(); } public void init() { settings.CurrentArticleNr = settings.ArticleList[0]; settings.ArticleList.Remove(setting...

GlobalSettings ViewModel

I have some global settings that should come from the ViewModel and should be available to all DataTemplates across all UserControls. It includes things like GlobalButtonMargin, GlobalStrokeWidth or GlobalWorkspaceBackgroundColor. Those things are in the viewmodel because the user can edit these settings at runtime. How would you go ab...

Is this an abuse of the Settings Feature?

I've been storing collections of user settings in the Properties.Settings.Default object and using the Visual Studio settings designer (right-click on your project, click on Properties and then click on the Settings tab) to set the thing up. Recently, several users have complained that the data this particular setting tracks is missing, ...

Can I stop applications from grabbing focus in OS X?

Applications stealing focus is on of my biggest UI pet peeves. There's rarely a good reason for an application that I'm not using to interrupt what I'm doing. Is there a way to disable focus-grabbing globally in OS X? ...

iPhone and NSUserDefaults

In my viewWillLoad: method I'm currently doing something along these lines: - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if ( [defaults boolForKey:@"enabled_preference"] ) { ... } else { ... } [super viewWillAppear:animated]; } If I build and...

What makes a good options/settings dialog box?

I was browsing the Worst UI You’ve Ever Used question, when I realized that many of them involved the options dialog of some application. This is obviously an area where a developer could get "lost" easily, since there are often a large number of options available which can be hard to organize. (Especially to the stereotypical programmer...

How do I share user settings or files using the UserAppDataPath across builds?

Right now when I release a new build of my .NET app, the UserAppDataPath path points to a new folder that includes the build number. Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Company\AssemblyName\ I use this path as a convenient storage place for extended user UI setting files. Every time I release the user looses...

JQuery UI dialog: how can i get dialog settings ?

Hi, If i want to create a JQuery UI dialog, i use something like: var settings = {autoOpen:false, draggable:false, and so on...}; var dialog = $("#container").dialog(settings); But now i want to know how i can i retrieve dialog settings as shown above, something like dialog.getSettings(); I need it because i have an application t...