
plugin_action_links not working in WordPress 2.8+

I developed a plugin with Settings link that was working fine in WordPress 2.7. Version 2.8 brings some additional security features that cause Settings link displaying message: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. This is the API hook I use to create link: function folksr_plugin_action($links, $file) { if (s...

How do I change the default application config/setting in different deployments?

I have a c# class library that builds into a DLL. I have some setting values, like paths to directories, that I use inside the class library. I would like to make it so, that whomever references the DLL has a chance to edit the default values of the settings (preferably through a file). Like, [In the class library] Default value would...

Eclipse classpath does not update changes in Project Properties

I am using Eclipse 3.4.1 Build M20080911-1700 I have tried to change the classpath directories for jar and the source directory using the Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries Tab or Source Tab. When I click OK button and then return to the properties page, my changes were not applied. I have to resort in the work around ...

Writing a maintainable commit method

I have a ViewModel that encapsulates some properties that are being edited in an options dialog. I can't actually save them to the settings until they hit the Ok button, which will end up calling Commit on this particular ViewModel. A single property in my ViewModel looks like this: public bool SomeProperty { get { ret...

PHP error display removing all other content

On a development server here, a setting has been changed which makes any PHP error (of any level) only output the error message and nothing else. To demonstrate what I mean, here's a script to reproduce the error: <?php $array = array('a'); echo "Hello world"; echo $array[1]; echo $array[2]; echo "Goodbye world"; ?> What I'd expect fr...

Can I reference environment variables in eclipse while defining a (tomcat) server?

I am using eclipse Galileo. The "New Server Runtime Environment" dialog box contains three fields: Name Tomcat installation directory JRE I would like to set the tomcat installation directory relative to an environment variable I have set in my OS (win xp). Can this be possibly done? ...

Updating & changing settings plist files with new versions of an app

Hi there, I've got a default settings plist file in the resources folder of my app, and on the first launch that gets copied to the documents folder. In successive versions of the app, how can I merge the plist settings in their documents with any new keys & values (possibly nested) that have been added since the previous version? I'v...

Can I set the iPhone to edge network programatically?

Is it possible to troggle between 3g and edge through an app and not closing the app and going to settings? ...

Change iPhone settings from an app.

Does anyone knows how to change the iPhone settings from interior of an app? For example: close the WiFi, disable 3G, change the sound volume and so on? Apple is changing settings trough an app: It means that it's possible, I just don't know how. ...

comparing 2 phpinfo settings

I'd like to compare the settings I have on 2 different servers. Both are shared hosting so I don't think I have enough access to do it any other way but programmatically with phpinfo. So now that I have the 2 outputs, I'd like to compare them without examining them manually. Is there an automated way for this? Also, as a side but relate...

How to prevent Internet Explorer from playing wav files?

Hi everyone! Unfortunately I've a problem with IE =( I have a service on IIS that returns me a wav file. So if I go to the URL of the service, IE tries to play returned wav file with Window Media Player. Can I set any setting in the IE (7 or 8) to deny it play wav file with WMP and allow only show Open \ Save \ Cancel dialog? Usually I...

Why do so many apps/frameworks keep their configuration files in an un-executed format?

Many frameworks keep their configuration files in a language different from the rest of the program. Eg, Appengine keeps the configuration in yaml format. to compare, DJango is a python module. There are many disadvantages I can see with this. If its in same language as rest of the program, I can Do interesting things in th...

Xcode: project settings vs. target settings

Hi all, I'm creating a static lib on Mac OS X for one of our customers, as well as a small cmd line app to test the static lib. The cmd line project has 2 extra library search paths, which meant I was linking to the Debug version in Release mode and just about went crazy, so I tried to get rid of these two paths, but I couldnt find wher...

Global variables v Settings in C#

I have read in various places that having variables with global scope, i.e. a public static class with static members, is considered going against the philosophy of OO, and is not good design. (For example, I have seen comments along the lines of: "If you are using a global, you are not doing it right." Or words to that effect.) But, if...

Preserving selected printer settings

I have an application that runs through a series of bookings and prints each in turn in the form of an itinerary to send to clients. Each run could be 30 or so bookings so a need to automate this is required and we have delivered it. All works well with our report software (Report Builder for DELPHI) except when the user wishes to use D...

Server is not loading/compiling the latest version of code in Eclipse?

A few days back, while the built-in server (Tomcat v5.5) in eclipse was running, and while I was modifying the code, the server used to recompile and restart itself. I've gotten into a problem from the last day, where, the server DOESN'T load the LATEST version of the code I'm writing, instead, (I'm assuming) it compiles its own internal...

Can I access the __dict__ object for the local scope?

Here is my situation... I am trying to dynamically generate a bunch of stuff in my file on a django site. I am setting up several sites, (via sites framework) and I want to have some values I plug in to a function that will generate a portion of the settings file for each site. for example: from universal_settings import ...

How can I prevent .NET from using the compiled .config settings when no config file is present?

How can I prevent .NET from using the compiled .config settings when no config file is present? For example, I have a connection string setting in the app.config file that specifies a development server. When built, this produces an .exe.config file. And all is well. However, if you ever forget to tote along the .exe.config file, the...

How to share settings between different versions of the same software

I am deriving from ApplicationSettingsBase to store our users settings, however when the build number gets incremented the app uses a new settings folder, and so the old settings are lost. What is an appropriate way to deal with the situation of shared settings over different build numbers. ...

Rails: Best practice to store user settings?

Hi, I'm wondering what the best way is to store user settings? For a web 2.0 app I want users to be able to select certain settings. At the moment is it only when to receive email notifications. The easiest way would be to just create a Model "Settings" and have a column for every setting and then have a 1-1 relationship with users. B...