
How do I get around application scope settings being read-only?

What use are they if they cannot be altered from their default values anyway? Rhetorical question. First, what's the best way to circumvent the Settings system and write to the application scope settings file directly (security issues in the next paragraph)? XmlReader/XmlWriter? IIRC, if an application tries to write to its Program Fil...

Storing key-value pair settings in silverlight

I have a class in silverlight that I would like to store to disk. It contains a couple of basic CLR objects - strings and integers, and a WPF BitmapImage. What is the best way to store this to a file? I have tried serializing the class and dumping it to file, but BitmapImage does not support serializing. Ideally, I want to store the bi...

C# Way to serialize List<string> in settings containing any character (Regex/xml)

I am looking for a neat/clean way to store a list of strings into a C# settings file. As far as I can work out, you can't store List objects into these settings, so basically it needs to be converted to a string. For example, say I have a list of names: N*a*m*e*A Name;B Complex, Weird, Name Name"nickname"Person i.e. I am trying to ...

Losing VB.NET "My.Settings" with each new ClickOnce deployment release

I am using the built-in My.Settings functionality in VB.NET to save application settings. This is very convenient but I notice that each time I release a new version, the settings are lost. Why and how can I prevent it? ...

Setting network options in a RCP Application

We have a RCP application that does sometimes get some data from URLs in the internet. Our customer uses a Proxy-Server, and we can't get to the information we need unless the network-settings are correct (Setting IP of Proxy and the Port-Number). In Eclipse (the IDE), there is the Preferences->General->Network Connections Dialog to set...

Underscores in Company Name when using C# Settings & LocalFileSettingsProvider

I've noticed that when using the Settings object that's created by a Windows Forms application, any spaces in the "Company Name" field of the assembly info are replaced by underscores in the path of the user.config file. For example, in XP the path to the user.config file will be something like: \Documents and Settings\user\Local Setti... application default file Index.aspx

how can i make it that when i go to (for example) http://localhost:60288/ it does not show me a directory listing but rather opens the Index.aspx page? This works with http://localhost:60288/Index.aspx but i don't wish to have Index.aspx shown every time. i also need links like http://localhost:60288/?a=1 to work like http://localhost:6...

Bug? FlashPlayer 10 Projector not going into fullscreen depending on SWF/HTML Player settings

Hello, We now use Flash CS4 to publish our FlashPlayer (SWF) and Projector (EXE) but have been having problems with the Projector not running full screen but we can't see why. To demonstrate, create a new AS2 Flash Project in Flash CS4 and add the following actionScript to Layer 1, Frame 1 fscommand("fullscreen", true); fscomma...

How to store int[] array in application Settings

Hi, I'm creating a simple windows Forms application using C# express 2008. I'm an experienced C++ developer, but I am pretty much brand new to C# and .NET. I'm currently storing some of my simple application settings using the settings designer and code like this: // Store setting Properties.Settings.Default.TargetLocation = txtLoca...

How to save default context settings in c#?

Hello, could somebody tell me why I can not save dynamic data in Settings.Default.Context? My code: Settings.Default.Context.Add("myKey", "myValue"); Settings.Default.Save(); MessageBox.Show(Settings.Default.Context["myKey"].ToString());<-- This works If I don't reload the appi everything works fine. But after reload application an...

How/where to store settings in windows mobile app?

How / where do I store settings in a windows mobile 6 application (targeting compact framework 3.5)? Is there some mechanism like the properties.settings for desktop? ...

Extjs: Graph Major and Minor Units

Hi, I have created a graph in extJS and was wondering if people know of a general formula to calculate the major and minor units of the X-Axis. I know Extjs should do it automatically, but its not working and want to do it manually any way as I am already setting the maximum and minimum values. Thanks for any help : ) Some code I ha...

Standard interface to select an alarm sound on windows mobile 6?

I'm creating a windows mobile app, and on the settings page I want the user to be able to select an installed sound. It should look and act just like every other settings dialog where a sound can be selected - is there a special API for this, or an example how to achieve this? ...

Where is the data for Properties.Settings.Default saved?

In my WPF application, I click on Settings.settings in the Solution Explorer and enter a StringCollection variable with a User scope: in my app.config I see that they are saved there: <userSettings> <TestSettings.Properties.Settings> <setting name="Paths" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <ArrayOfStri...

Default list of Django built-in middleware

Django comes with a list of built-in middleware, but if one wants to use all (or most) of them, he has to work through tons of docs in order to get the right sorting in the file. Is there an optimal default order of all built-in Django 1.1 middleware classes? I.e., something to copy'n'paste into MIDDLEWARE_CLAS...

What settings storage format to choose?

I'm writing a Qt application and will need to store the settings for the program. I want them to be easily editable by non-advanced users yet be flexible enough for advanced users (thus allow easy automated editing via other programs, scripts, whatever). QSettings does provide two formats, the native format, which for Windows is registry...

Add User Settings at runtime in a c# application

I want to add new settings to the user.config at runtime for a C# application (WPF). These settings will be added by independant modules so I have no idea what they will be in advance. Most examples refer to: Configuration config = configurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); But this only allows you to acc...

How to set a fixed width of editor window in Eclipse?

Hi Recently I have got a new 22" monitor. Finally it's possible to keep all needed windows in Eclipse open while having the main editor window wide enough to display all 120 columns. Problem now is when I wide up or narrow down windows on the left or right side of the editor. Editor's width narrows down or wides up. I'd like to set its ...

How to make some Django settings accessible by staff?

In Django, settings are stored in a file, This file is part of the code, and goes into the repository. It is only the developers who deal with this file. The admin deals with the models, the data in the database. This is the data that the non-development staff edits, and the site visitors see rendered in templates. The thin...

Visual Studio - Splitting so that Design mode is on top

VS2008 seems to have a new feature that allows one to split a website into the source code and design aspects on the same page. This feature seems great, however it defaults to having the design part on the bottom half of the screen and the code part on the top half. Unfortunately, my brain doesn't work this way and it ends up being ...