
Options, Settings, Properties, Configuration, Preferences — when and why?

There are several words with similar (in some sense) meaning: Options, Settings, Properties, Configuration, Preferences English is not my native language. Could you explain the difference in simple English please? I think the following template could be useful: Use XXX in your GUI in order to let people change behaviour of y...

WinForms ApplicationSettings, PropertyBinding

Hi, I used to have one project where i had defined all my application settings. In all the different forms I binded controls to those settings and everything worked great. I decided to split the one project into several ones. One of the projects is now shared by all and that project is now hosting the application Settings. The problem i...

[iPhone] Settings.bundle deployment with Cydia

I have created a settings.bundle and the settings are visible when I debug it on my iPhone. But when I upload it to a repository the users can not see the settings in the So how do I make the settings appear in on jailbroken devices? Is there something I can put in the preinst-script to fix this? ...

How to force SciTE to reload a file automatically?

I think that SciTE can do it but it doesn't work for me. Is there any option to setup? Thanks in advance ...

Qt4 QSettings save enumeration value (for example Qt::CheckState)

i wanna save state of QCheckBok in QSetting, i can cast its value to int but maybe exists more simple and proper method to do it? here is my code: QSetting setting; Qt::CheckState checkState; //... checkState = (Qt::CheckState)setting.value("checkState", Qt::Unchecked).toUInt(); //... setting.setValue("checkState", (uint)checkState); s...

Should I use CONSTANT's of method calls with a Registry pattern in PHP?

On my site I have a config file which has many settings that need to be accessed in many pages, including inside many class files. The config file is included into the header of every page build. Since I will be using a registry method to store some objects in, I am wondering if it would be better for me to store some setting in this c...

Django dynamic settings infrastructure and best practices

Django settings includes a list of python variables that are used for a plethora of things from database settings to installed apps. Even many of the reusable apps make some of the settings required. With a dozens of sites, it is hard to manage the settings of all the projects. Fortunately settings is just a python module with variable...

What are some good ways of managing settings in gui applications?

If I have a setting that is accessible via a menu item or configuration window that can change at runtime, for example "bold text on/off"; what are some good ways of ensuring that all applicable components are aware the value of this setting? ...

Best Practices in Storing and Accessing WebApp User Privacy Settings?

If you allowed people to determine who could view their user information, what would be the best way in which to store and access that information? They would be setting their preferences in any of these ways: User Based (select specific users - ie. Block: "Munch", "Dummy") Checkbox Based (select one or many groups of users - ie. "My ...

Can I set a PHP class property from an existing variable?

I am trying to figure out how I want to handle settings in my PHP app. I have pretty much decide that I would like to use a Confg class file so it will be autoloaded and flexible in the future. Below is some stuff I was playing with. I know you cannot set a variable to popluate a Constant so I then try to use a public static propert...

Classes that mimic the behavior of iPhone Application Settings...but within an app?

Has anyone written iPhone classes that mimic the behavior of the Application Settings? It would be nice to be able to define settings tables for use within my app using exactly the same XML structure, etc. ...

How to offer application settings to an end user of your library, at design time, in .net, winforms

I have a library with with a set of classes with a common property that i'd like an end user to be able to override without overriding all the classes. The important thing is, the property has to be overriden at design time. Lets say, for simplicity's sake, that it's the background colour of a UITypeEditor. I can do this by putting the...

Where does CodeGear Delphi 2009 store settings

I'm running windows 7 ultimate (32bit) and have a very anoying problem with my installation of delphi. The problem is with the feature "Code Insight" and with "Code template completion", it is very anoying when it every time i write something and it wants to complete some piece of code for me (for example i hate it when he completes the...

Is there a widespread C library for reading name/value pairs from a file?

My program is reading a text file containing various lines of text for a settings file. Some of the lines could get very large. Currently the buffer size is 4096 chars. It is possible that some lines could exceed this, whether through maliciousness or due to various factors operating within the program. The current routines were rather ...

iphone Settings application persist data

In my app I'm using an NSUserDefaults object to store the username, password and server URL in the built-in Settings app. If there is no data saved, the user is presented a login interface and upon succesful login the username and password are saved. Then in my app I have a view which displays this information, but the text is missing as...

How to force application Settings bundle get updated?

Application Settings.bundle contains a version number, which is automatically generated during build. From build log I can see that new value is written there, also when looking inside the file itself in MacOS X Finder I see correct updated value. Settings in iPhone simulator or in real iPhone shows me the old value. Removing applicatio...

Access a settings/preferences file on a server

My application has historically used an ini file on the same file server as the data it consumes is located to store per user settings so that they roam if the user logs on from multiple computers. To do this we had a file that looked like: [domain\username1] value1=foo value2=bar [domain\username2] value1=foo value2=baz For this re...

Best practices for user settings/configuration in a c# client app

I am working on a .NET app that will also run on iphone via monotouch and osx/linux via mono. The app will hold profiles for various users and the profile used for a particular session will be selected on startup, kind of like Skype. To store per-user settings, I am considering using the Application Settings system that's part of .NE...

WCF Setting in code vs app.config

If I set a setting in the app.config and in code which one will get used? Example: Dim instance As ServiceThrottlingBehavior Dim value As Integer value = instance.MaxConcurrentInstances instance.MaxConcurrentInstances = value VS <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> ...

backup and restore ALL resharper settings

How can I backup and later restore (after a clean install) ALL resharper settings? ...