
Is there a standard way to store arbitary settings in an XML file for use by .net?

Ideally I'd be using files of the same basic structure as an app.config and pulling settings buy so long as I can get any sort of "pathed" XML storage for settings I'd be okay. Ideally given something like : <Root> <ApplicationSettings> <Setting key="SomeKey", value="SomeValue"/> </ApplicationSettings> </Root> I'd call something ...

How to set up Maven to override a settings file for another when running a test ?

See the following Maven generated project target classes test-classes src main java scripts resources datasource-settings.xml test java resources datasource-settings.xml I would like, when running a test, to use the settings found in test/resources/datasou...

How to detect iPhone common settings?

I want to detect iPhone's common settings like settings about Mail, Contacts and Calendar. I want to detect this Sort Order and Display Order settings for a native contact book application. Is this possible and how? Thanks in advance. ...

XML inside XML attributes. C# app settings in console application

Hello guys, in a XML settings file I am using for console application You have such structure: ... < appSettings> < add key="Message" value="Hello, World!" /> < /appSettings> ... You access them with ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Message"] I have also large strigs with line breaks etc. (e.g. SQL scripts templates) insid...

Android - How to populate Content Provider only once on App install?

I have a database in my application that is used as a ContentProvider. It holds settings values for the application, and when I install the application I want it to add a hardcoded set of values just once. This is how I am trying to do it at the minute. if(settings.size()<= 0){ Settings s = new Settings("voipusernameTa", "xxxxxxxx...

"Program options" dialog with the "Reset" capability - best practice

What is the best way to implement a "program options" dialog with the "Reset to default" capability in C# (vs2005)? Below is the way I am doing. Create a dialog form and add some controls (like checkBoxes) to it. Also add three buttons: Ok, Cancel, Default. Create Settings file and add some fields in the user scope. Bind the dialog co...

iphone global settings - best way to implement it?

Hi all, I'd like to have some settings that I can access from anywhere in my app. Is there a best way to implement this? Right now I'm just sticking properties in my app delegate, then access them with: ClientAppDelegate *appDelegate = (ClientAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; settingValue = appDelegate.setting...

Multiple targets - multiple Settings.bundle files?

Hello. I am making a iPhone app that has two different targets. They use the same files, with some #ifdef here and there, and that works just fine. But now the project has stopped. Does anybody know how to have different Settings.bundles for both targets? Thank you! ...

Accessing Child.plist of Settings.bundle in iPhone application - How?

Hello ! Every one here. I am facing a problem in accessing Settings.bundle. Let me explain what exactly I am doing. Any kind of new Project Template from File ( Under iPhone OS ) - preferable View based. Now Right click on your project / Resources group. Select Add / New File Under iPhone Os - resource - Settings Bundle. Name it as ...

Sharepoint Blog Comment Input textbox got disappeared...

I have one blog site created.I was working as required for almost 2 month. But,Suddenly Comments link stopped working.I am not able to see Add Comment Textboxes. There is no problem of security access,I have already checked those setting. Searched a lot...but cant find any solution. ...

Properties.Settings.Save() only saves on first call

I have a DataGridView populated with a BindingList. This list gets saved into the Settings file. It saves and loads correctly.. but will only save the first time I call Properties.Settings.Save(). After that, calling Save() will do nothing. I have verified that Save() is being called, and that at the time it's called the BindingList ...

iphone dynamically add a section to a tableview

I have a tableview actings as a settings or preferences panel (see below). The name of the setting (for example Address) is the header of the section the setting is part of. My question is if I want to allow the user to add her own setting how should this be done? I was thinking of adding a "+" button on a toolbar and having a modal v...

access user push notification preferences/permissions in the iPhone using objective c

we are looking for a way to find out (not modify, just find out) if our application has been allowed to receive notifications or not from our service. This probably requires read-only access to the "general settings" properties or some specific API's. Does anybody know how to get that information? I am talking about the info in iPhone...

Eclipse shortcut ctrl+m behavior

In eclipse we have the ctrl+m shortcut for maximizing windows. But when you have two editors opened side by side, it maximizes both editors. Is there anyway to change the default behavior of ctrl+m so it only maximizes one window? (Personally this is the behavior i need 9 out of 10 times using ctrl+m) Thanks. ...

How to use Data Connection created in Visual Studio in code?

Is it possible to access the Data Connection added to the project in the code? I know that it is possible to access DataSets created using visual designer but I would like to access the connection only. Edit: It is possible to add Data Connection to the project in VS2008 via Tools > Connect to Database. I would like to access this co...

Saving things to the executable of the applications (so it will be there on next application launch) in C#

Alright, so I know about the Settings.Properties.Default.* Stuff, but thats not what im trying to use.. I'm trying to develop my own class, ill show you: public sealed class SettingsHolder<T> { public SettingsHolder(){} public T Setting { get{ /*return setting*/ } set( /*store setting*/ } } } so then i could c...

Make Maven Proxy/Server settings configurable based on location?

So I'm not sure what the best way to accomplish this is, but basically I have a laptop that I use at work for Maven projects. It works fine when I'm at work, but as soon as I walk out of the door of their corporate proxy and maven server, I often have to do alot of hand-fudging of the settings.xml file when I'm at home if I'm not VPN'ed...

Is it bad to check a Properties.Settings setting on every request?

Hi, i am checking a setting (from the settings.settings) in the master page to see whether or not to add a stats tracking code to the page or not. In test environment, this is false, production this is true. I was wondering if this reads the web.config file every time, or if will "cache" this setting on application startup or so...

How do I set my development web browser in VS2010 RC?

I don't like to use IE for my system default web browser. but I do want to set IE as my browser in VS2010 because it works a little nicer for debugging and I like to develop to the lowest common denominator. (jab, lol)... anyhow, can I default to debugging against IE? I know in VS2008 you just had to "Browse With..." on an .aspx page...

storing app settings on Google App Engine

I need to store settings for my Google App Engine project. Currently I have: class Settings(db.Model): rate = db.IntegerProperty(default=4) ... And when I want to use it: Settings.get_or_insert('settings') This feels clumsy so is there a better way (without using Django)? ...