
How to access iPhone's general accessibility settings

Hi, I need to access the iPhone's general accessibility settings; I need to know whether the user has turn on features such as "Speak Auto-text" or "White on Black" and respond to that programatically. I don't need to change the values, only read them. Also, if there's a way of defining (for my app) to ignore them (and set the correspon...

Transfer ALL R# 4.5 settings from VS 2008 to VS2005 and to VS2010

It just took me 2 hours to configure Resharper 4.5 with StyleCop for Resharper in VS 2008. Now I hope I don't have to go through all this for VS 2005 and VS2010 (once it and R# 5 is released) again. Is there a way I can transfer my settings? The best thing I can figure out so far is to to a diff between the files in %userprofile%\Applica...

Custom enum as application setting type in C#?

If have an enum in C#: [Serializable] public enum OperatingSystem { Windows, Macintosh } For my application I use the application settings, where I can select of which Type a setting should be. I thought when I select Browse, I could choose my enum or type the fully qualified path to select that enum as the Type. Edit: I se...

How to center text label in iPhone Settings application

When you look at Settings - General - Keyboard you can see text "Double tapping the space bar will insert a period followed by a space". Question: how can I do something similar in my own app settings? Got pretty close by using PSGroupSpecifier for text, but can't figure out how to center the text. Centering is the missing feature I'm ...

Do iPhone app settings have to be shown in the iPhone system settings?

If I'm using NSUserDefaults to store settings for my application, is there any way to make my app's settings "hidden" from being shown in the general Settings application on the iPhone? I know there are other tools out there such as mySettings, Keychain, etc, but I'm just wondering if there is a flag somewhere that says 'do not show my s...

How to specify image for the Settings app in iPhone app

How do I specify the image for the Setting in the iPhone for my iPhone app? What are the requirements for the images? ...

Why are persisted user settings not loaded?

I have a windows application that uses an assembly that stores some configuration settings in the default application settings. The settings can be changed in run time and are persisted thus: Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedCOMPort = options.SelectedCOMPort; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); The settings are saved correctly and...

Change "Pulse notification light" / trackball light setting on Android (Nexus One only?)

On the Nexus One (at least in 2.1-update1, and I think in 2.1), there is a setting under Sound & Display: "Pulse notification light". This doesn't seem to be present on the "2.1 with Google APIs" emulator image. I've not yet checked any other devices. I want to set this programmatically without user interaction, in order to make a Loc...

Resetting a key in My.Setting

I know it's possible to reset the My.Settings with Reset() method. Is there anyway to do the same thing for just one setting? Or simple getting its default value instead of the one changed by user. (I'm referring to User Scope Settings) ...

Is there a way to disable or modify Xcode's code completion?

I have unchecked both "Show arguments in pop-up list" and "Insert argument placeholders for completions" in Xcode Code Sense preferences, but when I type "else" (for example) in the editor, Xcode still dumps in a pre-formatted "else" block. Is there a way to disable this feature entirely, or (better yet) to modify the block that Xcode i...

Netbeans 6.7.1: problem with macros

I find the macros feature, accessed via the red circle and the grey square in the toolbar of the source editing window, in Netbeans to be a rather nifty way of getting things done quick. However, I find it annoying how they cannot be toggled on/off. I can be typing some code, and if it contains just the first (not all) the keystrokes in...

How to vary connection string for different work locations

I am working on a C# 4.0, WPF 4.0, SQL 2008 project and I do work at home and in the office. I just setup SubVersion using Visual SVN per the recommendations found in other questions. The problem I am having is the connection string for the database is different for each location. At home I have the database on my dev system, in the off...

Compiling all code parts in Visual Studio

Hi there, I am currently working on a platform indepedent project and we have frenquently come across the following problem: When the Windows guys work on code that is not called by any other part of the code base it will not be compiled and will therefore not trigger compile errors. Once this code is uploaded to a svn server and Linux ...

Storing iPhone application settings in app

My iPhone app has few settings that users is likely to change quite often. I would like to know if there's any suggested way of handling such settings (reading and saving them). On Apple sites I found only a tutorial about integrating your application settings with Settings app (link) but I don't want a user to exit my app so he could ju...

href="#" redirects to the index page but not to the current page's top

Hi all. Having an odd problem at the site. Link tag having href="#anything" doesn't move you to the top of the page or to the specified anchor, it moves you to the home page. Thats it - when I hover over the link I see at my FF's status bar "" instead of "" Site is full of crap code and it's impossib...

XmlWriterSettings have no effect on XmlWriter created from XmlDocument

I need to use ISO Latin 1 encoding, but using the code below the writer settings defaults back to UTF8. What am I missing here? XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto; settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(28591); usi...

How to use different .settings files for different environments in .NET?

.NET allows you to use .settings files to manage application settings. I would like to store Production, Development and Test settings separately in a way that I can do something like this: EnvironmentSettings environmentSettings; // get the current environment (Production, Development or Test) ApplicationEnvironment Environment = (Ap...

Best way to define custom settings for desktop-application?

If you have a Java desktop application, what is the best way to store window-related settings like window position, window state (maximized, ...), ... Thanks! ...

Custom path of the user.config

Hi all, I manage my application-settings using the setting-designer in VS2008. "The exact path of the user.config files looks something like this:" <Profile Directory>\<Company Name>\ <App Name>_<Evidence Type>_<Evidence Hash>\<Version>\user.config Is there to a way to customize this path? I would prefer something like this: ...

C# - User Settings broken

We had a rare exception occur when reading the standard .Net user settings (this are the ones found in "project properties" in VS 2008): System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException was caught Message="Configuration system failed to initialize" Source="System.Configuration" BareMessage="Configuration system failed to initiali...