
C# visual studio - Properties.Settings.Default.SomeValueOrAnother has me baffled.

C# visual studio project: Properties.Settings.Default.SomeValueOrAnother has me baffled. I have a relatively simple project. It saves a bunch of last-entered values between sessions, and restores them on next invocation. Was working fine. I changed a control so that the minimum allowed value was no longer 1, but was now 100. Last used v...

Visual Studio Won't Mark Errors

I just upgraded from VS C# Express and VS would mark my errors on the fly and now in full VS 2008 they aren't marked until compile time. I have checked the settings and have I have the check boxes marked for showing errors. I have even reset the VS settings and that didn't work either. I have the free version of devExpress, does anyon...

How can I stub the Properties.Settings object when the unit test is in a different assembly?

I have an object the references a bunch of Properties.Settings.Default... values and I need to stub these in the unit test for this object. Unfortunately the type for the settings object is declared as internal and so I can't access it from the unit test project. How can I stub up the return values for these properties? I'm using Rhino...

Program setting design pattern

I want to have the changing setting of my program to take effect right away rather than rebooting my program, what design pattern is suitable here. have a centric setting class, once the setting changed it has to update the property of objects that need to be updated, if the number of objects is big, this will create unnecessary depen...

How to use another app's settings

What code could I use in an iPhone app to get and set the settings of another app I wrote? (preferably using NSUserDefaults) ...

C# multiple settings files with same interface

I'm trying to create a program with two (or more) discrete sets of settings, that both conform to the same interface. Particularly I'd like to do something like the following, using designer generated settings: IMySettings settings = Properties.A; Console.WriteLine(settings.Greeting); settings = Properties.B; Console.WriteLine(settings...

How to enable user settings to libraries used by a web project hosted WCF service?

By default a IIS hosted WCF service can't use libraries that uses user scope settings. The only scope that it accepts is the Application scope. When you try to do otherwise it throws an exception: [System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException]{"The current configuration system does not support user-scoped settings."} How to c...

Accessing Program Settings by Name

I am writing a program in C#. The program controls a physical filter wheel which has interchangable wheels A through H. Each wheel can hold 8 filters. I want the user to be able to store friendly names for each filter in each wheel (64 total). The device and program are capable of identifying the wheel ID(A-H) and filter position (1-8) s...

PHP Server Setting Stripping HTML Posts

A client's web host recently changed servers on them and it's broken some of the administrative tools. I'm providing a YUI WYSIWYG editor for them to create content on the site. The HTML content is now being "cleaned" by something before I get to it. For example, a link tag like <a href=""&gt; gets turned i...

"Browse with..." option not available on ASP.Net MVC Project

I'm sure this is a simple misunderstanding but I'm trying to change the default browser in Visual Studio 2010 from Firefox (my machine's default) to IE so that VS will stop debugging when the window closes. Based on ScottGu's post on the subject, I'm expecting a "Browse with..." option when I right-click on an aspx page in my MVC app; b...

Is there a way to prevent saved authentication in Tortoise SVN

I am using Tortoise SVN, and I tend to have my own username/password stored in it's saved data so that I don't have to authenticate each time. Trouble is, we have a number of scripts, Final Builder projects and things that use another username - and so this overwrites my own username in the saved data. Then I go to make a commit and fi...

Android equivilent of application.config?

Is there an Android equivalent of .NET's application.config? I am currently using a values XML file for a similar effect, but this doesn't seem to be the right approach. I looked into using SharedPreferences, but I need to access some settings outside of activities. ...

Is there a quick way to fix line ending problems in Xcode?

I am looking at a project which contains a mix of source files - built on a variety of systems. When I attempt to compile it, I'm getting some errors from the pre-processor which suggest that my line ending formatting mix is just not cutting it. Is there a quick way to correct this in Xcode? I'm looking to globally change the line endin...

Store custom application settings in XML

Hi everybody, please help. I have this code, it's my class to serialize\deserialize application settings. public static MyConfigClass myConfigClass = new MyConfigClass(); private static String myConfigFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\ApplicationConfig.xml"; [XmlRoot("EvaStartupData")] [Serializab...

Can I access the Flash security manager without an Internet connection?

When Flash Player 10 thought that I was doing an "unsafe operation", it told me that to reset security settings I have to go online, somewhere around this link . Well, great, except what if (hypothetically) it's difficult to get Internet connectio...

How can I update a setting based on the build?

I have developed a HTTP resource, that uses the Last-Modified header, and it should reflect any modifications made to the application. I would like to update this field to tell the build date, or the last application update date. Here is some solutions I have thought of: Use a build script to change a DateTime setting whenever the app...

Settings bundle MultiValue default value not working

I have created a Settings bundle for my iPhone app, with a multivalue specifier called Choice 1. The titles and values arrays are both correct - titles is strings, and values is 1-5. I set the default value to be 5, but it always stays as the first title in my array, and also the actual value doesn't appear next to the title of the ...

Set / Reset Option in Visual Studio 2008

When we install Visual Studio 2008, we are asked about the settings for our environment like visual c# / visual basic etc. When set, We may alter these options from Tools --> Options --> Environment / TextEditor etc My problem is, if we "mess" up these settings!!!! is there any way to restore defaults or particular Settings Template ...

save context menu items in my.settings

How can I store the items in a context menu strip in the Settings so they are in the context menu when the application is next started? Or is there a better way than using settings? (they are recently opened files in the cms) ...

How to share settings in SOA systems?

I have thinked of 3 alternatives: The settings are handed from one service to the next in each transaction. Each service can provide the settings to the next upon request. The settings are stored in a central service where that all services must access from time to time. What is your favorite approach and why? ...