
Optional group with PSToogleSwitch

Hi, I'd like to have a settings bundle behavior similar to the iPhone WiFi settings. If you select the toggle switch and set it to on, an optional group with the specific settings appears. How is this done? I haven't found any clue by now. ...

How to add a push button to an iPhone settings page?

In the Preferences app, Safari's settings page contains buttons labeled "Clear History" or "Clear Cache". The Mail App's settings page contains a big red "Delete Account" button. Is there a way to create such a settings page with buttons for my app? I checked Apple's documentation and didn't find an element type for such buttons. ...

What settings can my app control to conserve battery life?

I was wondering what settings an application can control to improve battery life in the Android environment. On most laptops, you can control screen brightness, wireless adapter settings, etc, as a means to conserve battery life. Are there any such controls in Android? Thanks! ...

Problem with .NET Settings.Reload() and Settings.Save() Settings not loading

I have a strange issue that I can't figure out. I have a custom settings class that inherits ApplicationSettingsBase. It has a user scoped settings as shown below. /// <summary> /// The Last Active Account /// </summary> [UserScopedSettingAttribute()] public AccountKeyClass ActiveAccount { get {...

Settings end up in user.config even though they are unmodified as read from app.config

Consider a C# app which has a number of user settings, some are actively used and updated and others are always read-only. Under which circumstances can such a read-only settings property end up in a per user maintained user.config? I am seeing a funny behavior that several user configuration settings that app merely reads end up in use...

Nested multi value specifiers in iPhone app's Settings bundle

Hi, I am trying to add nested multi value specifiers to my app's Settings bundle (something like what is done in the "Region Format" section of the International settings in the Settings app). I have tried to use a PSMultiValueSpecifier for the first set of values (first screen, like the list of languages in "Region Format") and then s...

iphone sdk. Is it possible to read system settings?

Hi I need to determine if certain system settings have been set on the iphone. i.e. Whether or not particular sounds are enabled/disabled so I can decide whether or not to play sound in my own app. Is it possible to read the system settings, and if so, how? Thanks Fitto ...

Java app behind proxy to use http_proxy variable in linux

I am thinking of a simple Java appplication (command line) that connects to the internet to download a XML file, the problem is that my Ubuntu is using a proxy to connect to internet with username and password (through http_proxy ="http://&lt;username&gt;:&lt;pwd&gt;@&lt;ip&gt;:&lt;port&gt;" ). So my question is, could it be possible to ...

Where should global Application Settings be stored on Windows 7?

Hi everybody, I'm working hard on making my product work seamlessly on Windows 7. The problem is that there is a small set of global (not user-specific) application settings that all users should be able to change. On previous versions I used HKLM\Software\__Company__\__Product__ for that purpose. This allowed Power Users and Administr...

Where are global settings stored?

Hi, sometimes after logging out and in again, my settings in Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/VC++ Directories are lost. To investigate the problem I tried to find the file where Visual Studio (2008 Team) stores those settings on disk. (Or is it in the registry?) Can anybody point me to where it is? Thanks a lot! ...

Is it good to use .settings for storing controls text data?

In my WinForms applications I often put the controls text data (form title, labels texts, button captions, etc.) into a .settings (feature automatically generated by Visual Studio - based on the ApplicationSettingsBase class). In particular, Add a form or a control. In Solution Explorer add a new string item into the application scope ...

Is there an easy way to change iPhone Application Settings from within an application?

I've got application settings working just fine. However, I'd like to be able to change my app settings from within my app. It seems as though there should be some kind of generic way to add this functionality to my app without having to recreate all the controls myself. I mean, the code is already written in apple's settings app. ...

How to use Winmerge with Git Extensions?

I'm using Git Extensions and it pre-installs and sets up KDiff as the diff tool to solve merge conflicts. I'm very fond of Winmerge though and would like to replace KDiff with Winmerge. In the Git Extensions settings, there are settings to change the Mergetool, but I can't seem to figure out what syntax I should use and why. There seem ...

Where can I find a list of Hibernate default configuration settings?

I'm looking for a list of hibernate configuration settings with the defaults listed. I found a good list of settings here: ...but the default settings are not listed. ...

Modify Django settings variables in a middleware

I set a variable MAX_REQUEST = 100 in I write a middleware which may lower this value for request origining from a proxy ip address by the following code: settings.MAX_REQUEST = 10 However, looks like the above modification affects all legitimate users. Is it normal? ...

.Net application settings path

By default in windows application setting are saved in this directory: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\<Company Name>\<appdomainname>_<eid>_<hash>\<verison>\user.config Is it possible to change path for saving user.config file? For example save it in local folder? ...

Changing a formwindows backcolor from a panel

I have a panel that is docked to the right side of a windows form. I set a color with a setting on the panel but I want to then update the main form (not the panel) backcolor to the new setting. But when I use me.backcolor = setting it changes the panels backcolor. This is also with windows forms with Visual Studios 2008 Thanks...

Specify JDK for Maven to use

Hi all. I am trying to build a Hudson plugin I've modified and it requires jdk1.6. This is fine, but I don't see how I can tell maven where the different jdk is. I've found few mentions on the internet but they don't seem to apply to me. Some suggest adding some config to .m2/settings.xml but I don't have a settings.xml. Plus, I don't wa...

XNA/C# Game Settings (Menu?)

It's my first time trying to make anything really interesting in C# and I was trying to make a simple form or game screen where the user could define a custom resolution/screen ratio etc. or to automatically detect the max screen size/ratio and output? its my first game, so I was wondering if it was possible or if there would be any majo...

How can I efficiently retrieve a large number of database settings as PHP variables?

Currently all of my script's settings are located in a PHP file which I 'include'. I'm in the process of moving these settings (about 100) to a database table called 'settings'. However I'm struggling to find an efficient way of retrieving all of them into the file. The settings table has 3 columns: ID (autoincrements) name valu...