
How can I set the Regional Options in a Visual Basic 6.0 Application?

I have a VB6's Application that is in production environment right now, this application is reading the pc's Regional Settings; but now, I need to set another Regional Settings for the application without change the pc's settings. How can I set the new Regional Settings globally with the lowest impact? Is there any configuration method...

Using icons in Android preferences

I would like some of my preferences to have icons, like the Settings app. I guess one way of doing this would be to copy all the relevant code and resources from the Settings app, but it seems like overkill for a couple of icons. Also I don't like the idea of having to duplicate the code and resources in each project that requires set...

Associating a modifyable settings file with a class library in C# ?

I have a class library(abc.dll) in which i have used a settings file. An exe (app.exe) references this class library. At runtime if i want to change the values of the settings without having to rebuild the class library/application, what is the best way to approach this problem ? In my current approach the setting values get embeded i...

iPhone Settings app and keyboard control?

So I'm putting my app's preference settings into the Settings app. One of the settings is an edit text field (PSTextFieldSpecifier). When touched, the keyboard dutifully appears, I can make the edits, but when I press Return....nothing. Well, the editing is completed, but the keyboard remains. I see no way to make the keyboard go awa...

DLL response is too slow in Visual Studio [Resolved]

I use a 3rd party DLL in my VB.NET project (VS2005) that responds to slow and give wrong values in debug mode. In run-time mode everything works as expected. I do understand that there are something going on in the debug mode which makes the DLL communication slow. This behavior makes it hard to debug the application correctly. Is ther...

How do I create 1 .NET Settings per instance of DLL

My service is a DLL and it can be installed multiple times. The DLL has its settings stored in Settings.settings. Each instance of the DLL will have its own Settings.settings. Can this be done with Settings.settings, or do I have to create my own configuration scheme? I want to avoid reinventing the wheel if possible. I don't have to ...

Read an external settings/parameters file from installer project?

I have created an installer project in VS2008 and need to supply a settings/parameters file along with the .msi/exe file; is this possible? The settingsfile will basically contain some information that is needed in the configuration and our different clients can control the settingsfile. ...

Stop the Error List from popping up in Visual Studio 2008

Whenever I type in the markup of an aspx/ascx page in Visual Studio, the Error List window pops up (blank of course). Is there a way to stop that from happening? Thanks! ...

MVVM- How would I go about propagating settings between my main view-model (and other view-models) and my settings dialog?

I am building a settings dialog for my application and right now all of the settings correspond with settings on the main view-model, but as I add more view's and view-models some may not. I need to know what the best practice is for loading the current settings into the settings dialog and then saving the settings to thier correspondi...

C#: Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture not working consistently

I've been working on a pet project on the weekends to learn more about C# and have encountered an odd problem when working with localization. To be more specific, the problem I have is with System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture. I've set up my app so that the user can quickly change the language of the app by clicking a...

How do I specify which version of the app I want to use in settings' INSTALLED_APPS

hi, I've got a version of a module (South 0.6) installed system-wise and a newer version installed in my home. When I add 'south' to my INSTALLED_APPS, it uses the system-wise version. How can I tell Django to use the version in my home? Thanks Jul ...

Visual studio settings css

My css file does not show any color high lights for the css what are the studio setting to enable it.Also my css intellisence won't work. I am using visual studio 2005. kindly help ...

How may I see the data in the Oracle view like I see it through the application ?

When I navigate through the Oracle application with my application user and the right responsibility, I see the data. I use the "record history" menu to see which table/view is used by application. So, I got PA_EXPEND_ITEMS_ADJUST2_V. When I'm connected with apps user in a sqlplus session, SELECT * FROM PA_EXPEND_ITEMS_ADJUST2_V gi...

How do I store an array of a particular type into my settings file?

For some reason, I can't seem to store an array of my class into the settings. Here's the code: var newLink = new Link(); Properties.Settings.Default.Links = new ArrayList(); Properties.Settings.Default.Links.Add(newLink); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); In my Settings.Designer.cs I...

Where should I store my application data?

I have an application that needs to store data. Currently, I am using the built-in Application Settings to do it, but it only gives me two choices: application and user scopes. Ideally, I want a "local" scope that allows the application to run under another user and still find its data rather than recreate it for that user. The applic...

Stuck on preserving config file in WIX major upgrade!

ARGH! Wix is driving me crazy. So, of course I have seen the many posts both here on stackoverflow and elsewhere about WiX and major upgrades. I inherited this software project using WiX and am releasing a new version. I need this new version to leave ONLY the one configuration file if it's present, and replace everything else. This...

In IntelliJ on OS X, how do you clear out all global setting info, licensing etc. (external to any project)

I am having some low level issues with IntelliJ on my mac, I really want to just zero everything out and start over. But even after removing the application and re-installing it, IntelliJ still remembers things like what the last project was, what licensing key to use etc. Where is this information stored? And what is the best way to c...

How can I quickly set the iPhone deployment target in Xcode?

I was reading this great article about Base SDK and Deployment targets and decided to try it out myself. The Deployment target seems to be buried in the Build settings, and not that easy to access compared to the Base SDK target (which is right there in the General tab of the project settings). To get to the Deployment settings now I hav...

How do you copy VB6 user settings/preferences from one PC to another?

Where are all of the VB6 user preferences (like custom edits to the toolbar, etc.) stored? I'd like to copy all of those from an old PC to my new one. ...

Create application setting in Settings app

I am very new to iPhone programming and I was wondering how could I create a separate section for my application in the Like what the Facebook or BeejiveIM or JellyCar apps do. Would I have to declare this dynamically, or could I use Interface Builder? ...