
Deleting SQLite rows automatically/periodically

Hi guys! So, i have a application that displays tasks and i created an option in the Settings menu that lets you choose in how many days all (Never, 10 days, 20 days or 30 days) these tasks should be automatically deleted. So when i open up the app there will be a method that will be called and check if theres any tasks to be deleted. I...

settings file vs app.config

I'm not really understanding the interaction/differences between settings and config files. If I add an entry to the settings file, it gets added to the app.config as well. Does this mean that changing the value in the app.config will update the settings? If not, how do I update settings in a live application? What's the general purpose ...

Change Ssms2008 default setting on installation

Hey, I am currently developing a vbs script, which installs SQL server 2008 + SP1. After the install I want to change the default settings in the Ssms, such as "Prevent saving changes that require table recreation" and such on. I can't figure out, where Ssms hides its settings. Currently I am looking at 1) My Documents\SQL Server Mana...

Need data on disk drive management by OS: getting base I/O unit size, “sync” option, Direct Memory Access

Hello All, I want to ensure I have done all I can to configure a system's disks for serious database use. The three areas I know of (any others?) to be concerned about are: I/O size: the database engine and disk's native size should either match, or the database's native I/O size should be a multiple of the disk's native I/O size. Dis...

Changing settings in multiple VS project

Hey, Is there any way to change settings for multiple projects in a Visual Studio 2008 C++ solution? For example, adding a library dependancy for all the projects, or ignoring a specific warning. I am aware being able to change some global settings in the IDE itself, but I'm looking for settings which will be stored in the solution/pro...

Winform User Settings - Allow multiple choice values at Runtime

I created a simple User Settings Dialog by binding the Property.Settings to a PropertyGrid. This works like a charm but now I would like to allow only certain choices for some values. I have noticed that some Types will give a dropdown of possible choices. This is what I am shooting for but for, say, Strings. Example, one of the ...

Is it possible to read the iPhone phone number out of the settings?

I would like to pre-populate a UITextfield with the phone number of the current iPhone device. Can that be done? ...

Force VS to use System.[Type] in Code Completion

Is it possible to have Visual Studio code completion use the System.[Type] instead of the keyword. Example: Autocomplete of List<String> myList = completes as: List<String> myList = new List<string>(); whereas, I want: List<String> myList = new List<String>(): This isn't the only example, but hopefully shows what I'm looking for...

How to retrieve the Description property from SettingsProperty?

For each item in my application's settings, I've added text to its Description Property which I want to retrieve at runtime. I'm sure I'm missing some basic logical nuance here, but everything I've tried has failed. Clearly, my understanding of what value needs to be passed to the Attributes property of the SettingsProperty class is wron...

Mono doesn't write settings defaults

Hi guys! Here is my problem. If I use only one Windows Forms project and call only - Settings.Default.Save() when running it, Mono creates a user.config file with the default value for each setting. It is fine, so far so good. But now I add a class library project, which is referenced from the Windows Forms project and I move the sett...

Windows Application Data Directory

Not completely a programming question, but its close enough so here goes: In Mac OS I'll put user-specific files for my app in ~/Library/Application Data/{MyApp}/ and in *nix I'll put them in ~/.{MyApp}/ - where should I put them for Windows? I'll be using Ruby's File.expand_path to get to this directory, so if there's a windows equiva...

C# Modify Connection String that exists inside a library

I have a Class Library, which inside just has a DataSet (MySQL connector) and a Connector class. I use this class in multiple projects to connect to the database, and I always had the password embedded in the connection string but now I need to be able to modify this string(for security purposes) so I can have the user connect using the...

persist vsx package settings in project configuration file

I developped a Visual Studio 2008 package that adds some menu/commands to the IDE. I have settings related to this package that I would like to save for each VS project where I use the package. How do I get the current selected project (assuming I have either a solution with several projects) using DTE2 methods. How do I programmatica...

Play sound in

Is there any way to get sound playing when user taps on a row in multi value selector of my app setings page on ...

[Android] Change language settings (locale) for the device

Hi, I know it's possible to have multiple languages in a single application through the res/string and depending on Locale. Here is a case Now how can I change the language in the phone ? Like I'd do by Menu > Settings > Language & Keyboard > Select locale ...

iPhone: How to Get an Entry for an App in the Settings?

I am doing a movieplayer application and I want to activate certain settings about my application in settings. What are the steps should I do to get an entry for my app in the settings of iphone/itouch? ...

Rails - handling global site settings

I'm developing a new rails application which is supposed to be installed several times in order to implement several sites. There are some things, like the "Site Title" or the "Default Number of Items per Page" that clearly belong to a "global settings" table / config file. I've made a list of the things I think I'll need: ActiveReco...

Indicating a user default value - flex

This was just what I was thinking for this solution and I would like to know if there's a better approach I could take? I'm creating a simple desktop contacts application. Users have the ability to enter in peoples contact information. I've add a combo box containing city name. The user has the ability to add city to this list and then...

Is it possbile to export IDE color settings from VS2008 into VS2010?

Question explained on title ...

change system settings from android widget

I have a widget that changes some system settings, but it will not take right away. It seems like I need to refresh the system settings for it to take. How do you change some system settings from a widget that take instantly? when my widget is pressed it goes to an activity with a blank background to change the system settings. one of...