
Changing the Hibernate 3 settings

I use Hibernate3 and Hibernate Tools 3.2.4 to generate hbm.xml and java files and I want to use List instead of HashSet(...). I've tried to modify the hbm.xml files, putting list instead of set. Is there any way to specify to hibernate tools that I want to generate automatically a list not a HashSet? This is an exemple: Java class publ...

How to the php setting from php code?

I want to change the php setting but from ".php" page not php.ini. The settings I want to change is upload_max_filesize, post_max_size and memory_limit ...

How to get iPad/iPhone Cellular Network Data >Sent/Received Usage so my app doesn't kill users Data Plan

Hi The iPad is coming to the Uk and so are the expensive data plans. My app downloads large pdf files. I prompt the user if they are on 3g if they wish to continue but it there any way to access the IPhone setting for data downloaded so I could do a before/after. Im looking for IPhone > Settings > General > Usage > Cellular Network Data ...

In-app settings controlled by plist?

Is there a library or good tutorial which covers creating in-app settings, like this: What I would like is if it: doesn't use the built-in Settings app, and does not replicate it's settings in the Settings app is controlled by a plist file with various Dictionaries and Array...

Add to Trusted Site

What we did: We have created an activex which installs through the web browser into client machine What are the Problems facing now? We are trying to add the site in trusted site list Which we wrote the code in Activex. So while installing it adds the site to Trusted sites list But it is not affected immediately ...

What to store at application Settings, numeric / string representations or objects?

Hello, I've been thinking for a while on what to store at the Project Settings, objects or numeric/string representations of those objects to set a rule and avoid thinking on this at the future so I want to take the best approach. On one side storing object representations grants you that what is stored is valid and saves you from doin...

c# Properties.Settings.Default Doesn't work as expected

I've been working on a program to automate my backup checks with LogMeIn backup (a windows forms based program). I now need a way to store user settings, to save information easily. I've never worked with the Application/User settings that is somewhat "built-in" - and decided to try it, but ran into problems. I added four settings for ... runserver not working

I am new to django and python in general, so pardon me for any simple mistakes I may be doing. I am trying to setup my first django project on my local windows vista machine. I have created the project successfully with no problems. The issue I am coming across is when my has values for my database keys, the runs...

Save UIWebView Access to Current Location

A UIWebView in my app is loading up a site that is requesting access to the user's location. In Safari, it stores this preference and does not ask it again, but in my app, it continues to ask every time. Is there a way to store the user's preference on this so they are not asked every time they use the app? ...

How do I include the Django settings file?

I have a .py file in a directory , which is inside the Django project folder. I have email settings in my, but this .py file does not import that file. How can I specify to Django that should be used , so that I can use EmailMessage class with the settings that are in my ...

can set to website on Twitter Application settings

i set: Website: Callback URL : is this be permited , thanks ...

MVVM Binding to Properties.Settings

In a MVVM approach how would I go about binding to Properties.Settings? Is there a way to bind a property in C# code(in the ViewModel) to another property(Properties.Settings.Default) or should i just bind to standard properties and on save make sure each property gets propogated manually to the Properties.Settings? ...

Settings File as Dictionary with Serialization

This is a three part question. One: Would using a Dictionary<String,Object> be a good way of saving data where it would be Dictionary<Key,Value> as the basis? Two: What would be a better way without using app.settings or xml? Three: How would you serialize this(Or the better solution) into a binary format that is compact and se...

Visual Studio: reset user settings when debugging

In a C# Winforms-App I have several user settings stored. Is there an easy way to clear those settings each time I start debugging the project from Visual Studio 2008? Otherwise it always starts up with the settings from the last debug-session. Thank you! ...

Rails application settings?

Hi Everyone, I am working on a Rails application that has user authentication which provides an administrators account. Within the administrators account I have made a page for sitewide settings. I was wondering what the norm is for creating these settings. Say for example I would like one of the settings to be to change the name of t...

Sync Settings between computers in Visual Studio 2010

Is it possible to sync settings between computers in Visual Studio 2010? I know you can do it by exporting your settings then copying them over to another computer or putting them in drop box or something. So I was wondering if there is any other way to do it? ...

Is there a way to use one and only one settings file in stylecop?

Dinking around with stylecop settings files is getting annoying and messing with my repo structure. The repo is like this: + Trunk + src - ProjectA - ProjectB - ... + lib + Icons - ... + tools + NUnit + PartCover - Settings.StyleCop - ... I would like ...

Application settings methods? c++

I am thinking about adding configurable settings to an application, and I think the easiest ways are an external file or win registry (its a win only app). Which way would be better? I was wondering, an user with not enough permissions may not be able to create/write the config file. And in the case of the registry, would todays antivi...

Where to put the Settings in Android?

On the iPhone/iPod touch, settings could be kept in the Can you do this in Android? Or must you settings have to be in the actual appilcation? ...

Settings.bundle Not Appearing on Application Updates

I have an app that does not currently use a Setting.bundle to display setting in the iPhone Settings app. I am releasing an update that does. On a fresh install, the settings are added to the Setting App as expected, but upon updating from the old install, the bundle is not added. Is there some sort of trick to get the Settings App to...