
WPF: RenderOptions.EdgeMode="Unspecified" vs "Alias" override global setting with local setting

Hello, in the ressource-tag of my MainWindowView.xaml I have this markup: RenderOptions.EdgeMode="Aliased" to get a general sharp look of my whole application. Using mostly rectangular shapes/controls this works fine. But for my validation error symbols I use a red ellipse with a white cross or "X" in it. The ellipse is using now th...

global security manager in flex

hi, I made a swf that interacts with other site on the internet (which has a crossdomainfile for me). in the main.mxml there is a definition of webservice (mx:WebService)(which is not in my domain). Therefore when loading the swf, there is a first call to crossdomainfile.xml. I put this swf on my server so that my clients can get it. Whe...

Start application when Content provider is changed.

Hi. I want my application to start when someone modifies a content provider. A setting to be specific. The settings framework calls "notify" when a value is set. If my app was started I would use registerContentObserver() I guess, but is is not started. Can define some intent-filter in my manifest that wakes up my application. A back ...

Storing settings/variables persistantly in C#/.NET

Ok, this is a total newb question, so please forgive me. What is the best way to store variables so that they persist and are recoverable? I have a small application that uses about 10 variables (string and decimal) as settings. Currently, I convert them all to strings, if needed, put them into an array and serialize the array to a file...

InAppSettingsKit without saving to Settings app

I've seen there is a library called InAppSettingsKit - - which lets your in-app settings mimic your settings within the Settings app. But is there a way to get this to NOT use the Settings app as well? So it just allows you to change settings within the app. Or is there another library which does this...

User settings mechanism for Yii

Hi guys! I need some help with user settings mechanism for my Yii-based application. I've created the following db structure to store user settings: table user with the following fields id | username | email | etc. table settingslist (to store a list of all possible settings with descriptions) with the following fields id | code ...

Could InAppSettingsKit do this, or is there another library?

I'm trying to implement a system whereby the user is initially presented with a single tablecell, in a uitableview (grouped style), within a uinavigationview. --------------- + | add record | --------------- When they click on the cell, they are pushed onto a new screen where they fill in a few textviews (perhaps imbedded in a ta...

Creating settings like the Mail settings in the Settings app

I want to create some settings much like the Mail settings within the Settings app. These allow you to add mail accounts to the end of the table First screen --------------- + | add account | --------------- When they click on the cell, they are pushed onto a new screen where they fill in a few textfields Second screen --------...

How do I get a preference to correlate to a variable?

I have my menu button bringing up a Settings option, which brings up numerous ListPreferences such as weight and various sizes for glasses (it's a BAC calculator app). I'll pick one example... weight will work. Depending on how much you weigh it will affect your BAC. I have a int for Weight, set at 180. I would like someone to be able t...

Loading flash piece locally - security settings

I have a flash piece that communicates with the page its on (index.html) for javascript functions that open up pop up boxes. I'd like to be able to load the flash piece from a local computer (i.e. package up all the assets into a zip and allow people not on the internet to view the flash piece). However I get a security settings error ...

How do I get preferences to work in Android?

I've really been struggling through this. New to Java/Android. I'm writing my first app and this is the first thing that has taken me longer than a couple days of searching to figure out. Here's the setup: It's a BAC calculator / drink counter: A formula is used to calculate the BAC. Here's the forumla: Bac = ((StandardDrinks / 2) * ...

iphone/ipad dev - how to launch the system settings app programmatically

In the settings -> general, there is a switch to turn on/off the location services. In the Maps app, when location services is off, if the user click on the find me button, it pops up an alert and asks the user to turn on location services in the settings. It then exits the app and launch the settings app. How can I do that programmatica...

c# application and configuration settings

Hi, I never used Settings class before but I found some articles on CodeProject which I'm currently reading (for example but so far I didn't see how to save string array for getting it after application is started next time. For example my application has several FileSystemWatch...

ASP.NET plug-in architecture, settings problem

I want to divide business layer (BLL) of an application into multiple components. Each component is a .NET class library which is compiled as a standalone DLL. These components should have their own configuration files. For example "MyNameSpace.Users.dll" contains classes about users of the website and there's a password policy t...

Save Settings in a .NET Winforms Application

Possible Duplicate: What is the best way to store user settings for a .NET application? I have found alot of VERY different examples as to how one would save application settings (per user) from a Winforms application. I imagine that the correct way to do this is very simple in c# and am hoping someone can enlighten me? ...

Subsonic 3.0 Settings ttinclude for Oracle ?

Is there any subsonic settings.ttinclude template file for oracle db. ...

Change browser proxy settings from Python?

I have written a program that relies on a proxy to function. I now need a script that will check to see if the browser is set to use the right proxy, and if not, change it to use it. I need this implemented for as many browsers as possible, but is only required for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera. I am...

What is the differences between connectionstring and appsettings?

in one of the application i have been reffering connection string is stored in appsettings! till now i have been storeing the connection in <connectionstring/> element. But, what is the correct way? So my quetion is, What is the differences between <connectionstring> and <appsettings> in web.config, are there any specific reason why i ...

lock users in SAP

How to completely disable the lock users in SAP? What setting controls this (login / failed_user_auto_unlock)? ...

Oracle/Toad Active Pane Setting

On TOAD for oracle, there is a bar at the bottom where your active windows (be it an sql editor, schema browser or SQL modeller window) are displayed. I have just moved office and it now only displays the active window and none of the other windows... any of you toad guru's know how to get it to display all the windows? Toad version 7....