
Different application settings depending on configuration mode

Is anyone aware of a way that I can set application (or user) level settings in a .Net application that are conditional on the applications current development mode? IE: Debug/Release To be more specific, I have a url reference to my webservices held in my application settings. During release mode I would like those settings to point to...

How to programmatically modify My.Log settings configuration

Hello, we have several applications in Vb.Net using the built in log system (My.Log) to write log information. Until now this system was configured by the application.config file before execution but now we want to let the user to choose some options. Is there a way that does not requires to parse the XML file and process it? Is there ...

Settings.bundle does not update on AppStore...

Hi, I have an application for which a new release is now available from the AppStore. The strange thing is that the general settings are still the one of the first version... I have added a new item and modified an other one. On my testing iPhone, either in debug or release mode, I see the new settings. Before compiling for publishing...

How do I get the non-maximised window size of a form?

I'm trying to save my the state of a System::Windows::Forms::Form when my application shuts down. I can record the window's size, position and window state without any issues but if the window was maximised when it was closed the ::Size member records the maximised size of the window. Is there any way to record the non-maximised size or...

Is there a setting in Visual Studio to raise a warning or error when a method is used that can create unhandled exceptions?

Basically at work I commonly run into code like: double pricediff = 0.0; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(someVariable.ToString())) pricediff = Convert.ToDouble(someVariable); Instead of something like: double pricediff = 0.0; Double.TryParse(someVariable, out pricediff); Is there a setting within Visual Studio that can produce a warni...

OpenCV: Getting and Setting Camera Settings

I have been searching around and can't find an example of how to get and set the camera capturing settings. For example the capturing resolution, fps, color balance, etc. I have only seen examples of how to change the settings when saving the captured video but I want to be able to find all the camera's capturing modes and choose which...

Is it possible to use custom enums in application settings? (VS10)

In Visual Studio 10 (probably other versions too) it's possible to define application settings using a designer view. These settings appear to simply be public variables stored. Is there any way to use a custom enum as the type of an application setting? I notice that you can browse the references for enums, but can't seem to find a wa...

mysql vs ini files?

My php program is broken up into modules and each module has its own settings. These settings will hardly change, so would it be better to put the settings in a ini file or in a mysql database? If I go with the ini style then how hard is it to update the ini file? ...

Configure SBT's Ivy cache directory, per-user or system-wide

I am using SBT as my build tool for building a Scala project. My problem is, I can't let SBT download its dependencies to my user home directory. Therefore I am looking for a per-user or even better a system-wide setting to tell SBT to put the Ivy cache directory somewhere else. With maven there is the per-user settings.xml that can be...

Application Wide Settings Available to All Projects

I have a Solution with 3 projects in, each project needs access to certain settings. I'm looking for a way to have these setting values available to any project from 1 distinct source. I cant use the .Config file as that is relevent to that particular project. I could use the database but have been told this is not good practice (Withou...

Can I have more than one instance of some Django project configured in my system?

I have requirement like this: On one server(linux) I need to run 2 instances of the same Django project (the same name, different versions). I've noticed that there is some conflict with settings module (both projects use the same file, which of course is wrong). Do you have some pointers how to solve this problem? ...

Change language inside an application

Hi there :) I'm developing an iphone app and starting to work on the internationalization. I'm wondering if it is possible to change the language inside the application without having effect to general language settings? Any idea? ...

Access MySettings from other Project in Solution

Is it possible to access the My.Settings of an other DLL referenced in the current Project? I have a Database project in which Settings the ConnectionString is stored. I need access to this Setting in an other Project(for Log-File). ...

How can I get smaller CheckBox

Hi all, Is it possible to get a smaller CheckBox, like the one used in Settings application? I'd like to use it in my own custom Preference class, to mimic Android UI more closely... Thank you for your time, Kipple ...

Safari Extensions and settings

I have a setting that has the following elements: Type: Text fieldTitle: TopKey: topcolour Default value: #00FF00 I can't figure out how to get this data from inside javascript, I am trying to use var colour = safari.extension.settings.topcolour; but this is not working, am I doing this right, am I forgetting something? ...

Configuration for multiple projects

My Project I'm writing a Winform application using VS C# 2.0 which consists in several libraries and two executables, each in its own project file and all part of the same solution. Each project has its own Settings Class which configuration parameters. Some parameters are project specific, some are needed by more than one project (b...

.NET Application Settings -> setting the null string

What should I type (in both cases) in my app.config's applicationSettings section so that, when I read Settings, I can get the following: Settings.Default.FooString == null Settings.Default.FooString == string.Empty ? I guess there is no way to achieve both situations, or am I missing something? Diffrerenciating whether string valu...

How to send a user to the main iphone Settings screen from within your iPhone App

I currently have an application that requires the user to maintain a VPN tunnel, on load i check if the VPN tunnel is available. I am wondering if there is anyway for me to display a UIAlertView which on clicking "OK" takes the user to the iPhone main settings screen, so they can turn on VPN. I know how to store app specific settings a...

django css file not recognised - wrong configuration?

in my app, i want to use a css file, but the tempalte doesn't 'know' where the file is, though i've configured it as in tutorials: in the (the urls file in the root of the site, not belonging to an app) (r'^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.STATIC_DOC_ROOT}), in the tem...

Android read handset proxy settings.

If user behind proxy he can set proxy settings in android handset under 'access point option' is there a way i can read proxy settings from android handset? ...