
How can I sync my Resharper settings between computers?

I have a work PC and a laptop at home that I dev on using Resharper. Unfortunately, every time I add a live template or change my formatting settings, I have to export and import the settings/templates between computers. For visual studios settings, I use the Automatically save my settings to this file option in conjunction with a file...

celery-django can't find settings

I have a Django project that uses Celery for running asynchronous tasks. I'm doing my development on a Windows XP machine. Starting my Django server (python runserver 80) works fine, but attempting to start the Celery Daemon (python celeryd start) fails with the following error: ImportError: Could not import settin...

How do I get python.vim to work with vim?

I am playing around with vim and I heard that python.vim has some nifty settings for python. Link to python.vim Q1: How do I integrate python.vim with vim? Q2: Because I am not familiar with vim, if I use something like python.vim will it have a crazy effect on non-python files or w...

How to change default path for images to look for

By default, rails is looking for images to "public/images" folder. But it is not suiteable for me, since i have all the multimedia stuff in "public/data/:model/:id" folders. How do i force rails to look into this folder. I don't need obligatory such a pattern, that i mentioned above. The only thing, i need, is just to change "public/i...

add account functionality similar to the mail app on the iphone

I want to create an 'add account' functionality similar to the mail app on the iphone. I've created a Settings.bundle, but I want to do some more advanced things. I want to list the accounts that you have enabled dynamically in the settings screen, and I'm not sure how to do that using the settings plist. ...

IntelliJ: Never use wildcard imports

Is there a way to tell IntelliJ never to use wildcard imports? Under 'Settings > Code Style > Imports', I can see that you can specify the 'class count' prior to IntelliJ using wildcard imports. However, if I never want to use wildcard imports can I turn this functionality off? I have tried putting -1 or leaving the field blank but t...

Printer settings change at runtime not taken into account in my application...

Hello, I have followed instructions on the msdn to change at runtime a printer paper size configuration in my application. I have replaced the dmOrientation option by the dmPaperSize to meet my need. All seems to execute fine (no error), but my new paper size is not taken into account until I manually validate the paper size from the p...

Deleting old user settings

I am using the standard .NET Settings functionality, which allows be to store settings under the user and application scope. I have noticed that every time I do an installation of a new build it creates a new folder for the settings and a new settings file. I have worked out how to use the Upgrade method update the new settings with th...

.NET Settings File Available Types

When modifying a .NET settings file, I'm given a choice of types for a setting. However, not all of the types accessible by my project appear, even in the 'Browse' window. What determines if a type can be used for a setting file setting? I have a type I created that I would like to be able to save, and I want to know what I need to cha...

Is it possible to combine the settings bundle and main application localisation resources?

In the documentation for localising settings bundles, here, it seems to imply that the strings in the user defaults are only localised using the .strings files within the settings bundle. Is it possible to combine these .strings files with the main application's localisation resources so that all translations are in a single location ra...

Sharing settings between applications

I have multiple .NET assemblies that all need to share common user settings, such as preferences, user names, etc. One is a WPF application, another is a console application, and the third is an Office Add-in. All of these settings are user-scope. Only the WPF application needs to be able to change settings. The rest just read them. I...

Optimizing the compiler for iPhone apps

The "Build" section of project info in XCode offers lots of compiler settings. I'm seeing good improvements in performance (up to about 20%) when I choose the LLVM GCC 4.2 compiler with the "FASTEST-O3" setting. Are there other settings that also improve performance when compiling for the iPhone? ...

Broke eclipse.ini! Using plugins and Android

Here is my broken eclipse.ini I editted it several times, and Eclipse is crashing. Last time it crashed I was submitting a Mylyn Task ticket to Trac. This was my last edit, using the Eclipse site for Windows: --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.200.v20090519 -startup plugins/

updating settings from within app in iphone 3.1 effective on re-launch of app - does not work in iOS4

Hi, I am working on an App for iphone OS 3.1. In the app I have 'settings' tab where user can update some values which are effective when the app terminates and re-launches. I have now built this app with Base SDK set to 'Device 4.0' and the deployment target to 'iOS 3.1', since I do not want to loose the iOS 3.1 user base. Running t...

Intellij: Adding 'Interface' to my context menu in the Project Pane

Currently in IntelliJ, if I right-click a package in the Project pane, I can see things such as: new > Java class new > File new > Package I want to add some new menu items in the 'new' context menu such as Interface and Enum. Does anyone know how to do this? I've been playing around in the Settings > Menus and Toolbars without any ...

Generalized settings UI + settings classes

For more classes derived from a base class I decided to have a base UserControl and derived ones for each derived class (for visualisation; box on the right side of the image). Now each of the derived UserControls have a specific settings (red rectangle on left) The settings UI is a separate UserControl (can be moved freely, put to...

wordpress add settings to user page

I would like to add a field to the user profile edit page in wordpress. The field should consist of one checkbox and should only be edited by the 'admin'. Does anyone have an idea where I can find this or how I can do this? I have searched through the entire Wordpress codex however i couldn't find anything helpful.. Thanks a lot! ...

smtp using exchange node

I've created a website in ASP.Net 2.0 and there is a contact page which should send an email. The webserver is on an exchange node so should act as a local smtp server. However, in my we.config file i've tried all sorts but nothing seems to be working but it works locally. I've tried: ...

How To Properly Turn On MySQL Error Logging?

I currently have "err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log" under the "[safe_mysqld]" section. I was under the impression that it should be under the "[mysqld]". Am I right about that? Should I move it there to turn it on? Why is it under the [safe_mysqld] section? Also, I noticed that the log file didn't exist at all for me, so I created it with my...

How do I change the default preference for TIME_12_24?

The default time setting in Android is for a 24-hour clock. I would like to set it (the default, not the setting) to be a 12-hour clock instead. How do I do this? ...