
Store Dictionary<string,string> in application settings

I have a dictionary of strings that i want the user to be able to add/remove info from then store it for them so it they can access it the next time the program restarts I am unclear on how i can store a dictionary as a setting. I see that under system.collections.special there is a thing called a stringdictionary but ive read that SD a...

Maintaining a common set of Eclipse preferences

Whenever I switch workspaces/Eclipse installs I need to copy/redo the preferences: compiler settings; font sizes/families; code formatter; java code templates; editor templates; code clean-ups; I would like to maintain these settings in an unitary way, preferrably under source control. How can I do that? I know about 'copy setting...

Can't save project preferences in Eclipse.

All I am trying to do is to set the Java compiler for my project as 5.0. It is 1.4 by default. When I try to save by pressing OK button I get the following error. Preferences Save Failed: Reason: Exception Occured while saving project preferences: /com.myproj.reqmanager.ui/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs. I never got this error ear...

Why is the scope of a ConnectionString setting always forced to "Application"?

Hi, I'm probably not the first one facing this problem, but I couldn't find a proper answer anywhere. I have a Windows Forms application that uses a strongly-typed DataSet. The designer uses a connection string defined in the application settings. The trouble is that this setting is defined as Application scope (thus read-only), and I ...

What's the official way of storing settings for python programs?

Django uses real Python files for settings, Trac uses a .ini file, and some other pieces of software uses XML files to hold this information. Are one of these approaches blessed by Guido and/or the Python community more than another? ...

Where are the Properties.Default.Settings stored?

Hello all - I thought I knew this, but today I'm being proven wrong - again. Running VS2008, .NET 3.5 and C#. I added the User settings to the Properties Settings tab with default values, then read them in using this code: myTextBox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.MyStringProperty; Then, after the user edits the value in the opt...

Where to store facility settings

So the current setup where I work bugs me, but I can't think of anything much better for where to store settings that are used facility-wide(~200 people). Right now they have the settings sitting within an XML file that gets poled by lots of different programs when needed. The natural alternative is to put the data in a DB. They also mak...

How to define a basic custom configuration section?

I have my own custom configuration sections but would like to create a new element that has simple key/values inside it. Now I have a working version but it seems quite a lot of code for such a simpler task. Is there an improved way of doing things? Below is a stripped out version of my config and custom configuration class. web.config...

Visual Studio Settings file - how does it work?

Hi I do not understand the following things: What is the difference between app.config (applicationname.exe.config) and settings file ? I am unable to locate the *.settings file in Windows7 AppData directory under the specific account (I heard that it should be located somewhere over there) ? Let's assume that *.settings file is somew...

Maven repository configurations

Hi - I've asked a similar question in which part of this was addressed, but I'd like to expand in more detail. When configuring maven to look at internal repositories, is it best to put that information in the project pom or in a user's settings.xml? An explanation on why would be really helpful here. thanks, Jeff ...

Will running aspnet_regiis.exe -ir create any problems?

Hi there. I've asked a question about changing the version of .Net sites in the IIS. If it affects classic asp sites etc (See Does setting affect classic asp (IIS 6 settings)) And that seems fine. So my follow-up question is, will running this command get me fired? What it does is changing the default value (and all existing?) of...

"sites framework" on a single django instance

I want to serve up specialized RSS feeds on a different subdomain from the rest of the site. Can I use the sites framework to use a different and file within a single django instance. or do I need to set up two apache locations and just set the different files in the apache conf. The reason I need to set...

Settings file of a console app is not being created

I have a solution which has 3 projects. One is a console app and other 2 are windows applications. Both windows applications uses console application so I added the reference of console application in both windows app projects. Now when I build windows projects, console application is being copied in output directory but the problem is t...

Best practice to persist config/user info in .NET app

I have a low quantity of data to persist in my .NET app. For example, the file that has been opened last time when the user was around. What is the best practice to persist and retrieve information like that? A code sample would be appreciated. ...

Persisting/retrieving settings at runtime using .NET compact framework

I want to save/restore my settings of my Windows Mobile application in runtime. The amount of data is insignificant, using database is an overkill. What would be the best practice for a task like that? I thought of something similar as Settings : ApplicationSettingsBase class in .NET full framework, but it is not supported in the compac...

Should all the fields in a GlobalSettings modelling class be static ( C# centric ) ?

The idea is that the ApplicationSettings class will get some default values from a configuration / resource file and later on some but not all from those settings will be applied to UserSettings ...

Need help with making a settings file.

I am trying to make an application launcher that has a settings file that will save 'names' for programs and the path to that program, and when you type the name in an input box it will run the program that name is assigned to. Also if it the name entered is not known by the application (in the settings file) it will ask the user to add...

Is there a library or framework for setting preferences from within an iPhone application?

Using the on the iPhone isn't that hard. In fact Xcode does the most of the work for you. Just add the Settings.bundle to your project and there you have it for nearly no cost. At the moment I'm developing an application for the iPhone which requires the user to fill out several "forms", mostly key-value pairs, some sliders...

How can I force a reload TCP/IP settings on Windows(XP and 2003 Server) without a reboot

I am trying to optimize my TCP/IP settings such as TCP Window size, MSS and MTU. I would like to do this with the following steps: Adjust settings. Force reload of TCP settings Run tests and save throughputs and latencies. Rinse, Lather, Repeat. My problem is that I don't know how to do step 2. Everything I've read says a reboot is...

Why use app.config to store config data?

I am currently completing an application that was started by someone else. He is using the app.config for some settings, and a custom xml file for other parts. This drives me nuts, and I want to consolidate the configuration into one file. But I am not certain wether to move everything into the app.config and throw out the custom xml f...