
VIM Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File

So I work in a PHP shop, and we all use different editors, and we all have to work on windows. I use vim, and everyone in the shop keeps complaining that whenever I edit a file there is a newline at the bottom. I've searched around and found that this is a documented behavior of vi & vim... but I was wondering if there was some way to d...

Shall I deploy app.config with my installer?

As far as I understand all default settings of app.config settings is hard coded in the application and will generated on the fly in the first run. If this is true then there is no good reason to deploy these files with an installer or in a zip package, am I right? Or am I missing something in here. I want to be sure before rolling out...

What is the difference between the ApplicationSettings section and the AppSettings section?

Can someone please explain to me the difference between the AppSettings and ApplicationSettings sections in the App.Config file. Why are there two different sections that apparently do the same thing?? ...

Settings class architecture.

Just wondering what the best practise advice would be on the architecture for a settings class. We've a number of tables which will be used to populate the class, I'm guessing a Hashtable is the best way to go? It also would be nice to have a strongly typed collection available through the scope of the app in Intellisense. e.g. Settin...

How do I access the ApplicationSettings section from another assembly?

I have a dll that is referenced by the parent (executing) assembly. In the ApplicationSettings section of the app.config for the parent assembly I have some settings that can be accessed in the normal intellisense manner (e.g. Properties.Settings.Default.SMTPServer). How do I access these settings from the referenced dll? I obviously ca...

Accessing the settings (app.config) of the calling application

I have a WinForms application ("WF"), and a Library called by that WinForms application ("LIB") WF has a Settings.settings (Visual Studio Designer) and app.config combo. I gather than the designer is a front end that auto generates the app.config file. To use those settings from within WF, I use the strongly typed properties of the clas...

Quickly determining if a set of files are identical in C#?

I have the need to relatively quickly be able to determine if a set of files on a user's machine has been processed before by my application. The app in question uploads the files for the user to a server, and if the files have been uploaded before, it skips the upload. My plan so far has been to hash the files and then store the results...

When using a Settings.settings file in .NET, where is the config actually stored?

When using a Settings.settings file in .NET, where is the config actually stored? I want to delete the saved settings to go back to the default state, but can't find where it's stored... any ideas? ...

C#, SQL: Storing arbitrary user data in a database as serialized binary

Would you consider it bad practice to store various user data in a database as serialized binary? Is it a good, bad or really ugly idea? I'm talking about pretty much arbitrary things, like the last splitter distance on a form, the last value in a search text box, prevously selected checkbox indexes, et cetera. Things that should be rem...

Allowing administrators to modify user's settings from within my program -- what's my best option?

I've been working on making my app easier to use for administrators. One of the things I'd really like to do is allow admins to modify other user's settings from within the program -- while still making it possible for regular ol' users to modify their own settings, as my application isn't necessarily only for administrators who want to ...

cross platform settings directory

Hi I am making a jython application that needs a config/settings file (and probably eventually directory) but I want it be stored in the expected/correct directory for each os. ~/.app_name/config in linux c:/documents and Settings/User/app_name ?? in windows. I have found this: b...

Django apache mod-python setup (vista)

I am trying to setup my development environment on my local vista machine (django+apache+mod-python+postgres) and for some reason I can't load the settings. Everything works on the built-in server but not under apache. Here is my httpd.conf <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpyt...

is it possible to open Settings App using openURL?

I know a app can launch other apps by using this codes: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:appUrl];. And I know the scheme of url to open safari and mail, but I did some searches and found nothing about the scheme of ...

Dates in iPhone Settings Bundle

I'm working on a very simple iPhone app, that in the end will have maybe 3 or 4 settings. Ideally I'd like to use the Settings app provided for free in the SDK. One of the settings I'd like the user to be able to enter is their date of birth, however there doesn't seem to be a way to prompt the user for a date in the Settings app. Asi...

Lock down Word & PowerPoint features

Does anyone know of a way to lock down (remove/hide/disable) Word & PowerPoint in Office 2007? Simply put I want to disable the user from using some functionality in them (mostly formatting). Some ideas of ways to do it, which I just can’t seem to find solutions based on: Word has a protect document option which locks some features a...

Programmatically Change System Network (Proxy) settings

Hello. Is there a way, from within a Cocoa application to change the system network settings (specifically, the proxy settings). I've found that there is a file called preferences.plist in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration that has the settings I want, but I can't figure out how to get the system to process changes to this file ...

When is the Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Temp folder cleared?

Hi, I have a query regarding the directory returned from Path.GetTempPath() function. It returns "C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Temp" as the directory. I am saving some temp files there and I am wondering when this folder is cleared, so I know how long they will exist, if it is cleared at all that is. Is it every time...

Visual Studio missing "create website" on start page

I recently imported a visual studio 2008 settings file. This caused my "open website" and "create website" links to no longer appear under recent projects on the start page of visual studio. I only have open project and create project. When I goto File-->open I can select "website". Just not from the start page. How can I get those ...

Monitor changes to settings in app.config

When I use typesafe application settings, I have something like this in my app.exe.config file: <setting name="IntervalTimeout" serializeAs="String"> <value>10</value> </setting> The Settings.Designer.vb does something like this: <Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute(), _ Global.System.Diagnostics.Debug...

How to integrate Mercurial with PHPed IDE ?

Hello Can anyone post the steps for integrating mercurial to phped. I followed the following steps, listed by one member on their forum: What to do: Creating a Commit Shortcut * Install Mercurial if you have not already. I've installed mine to c:\development\Mercurial\ * Go to PHPEd Settings > Tools > Integration * Creat...