
Jquery Hide/show using dropdown options not working IE or CHROME

I have a mutliple drop down menus that I am using to hide/show rows in my table. Example: <select name="kp1_action" class="longboxsmall"> <option class="hidenextrow" value="">Button Disabled</option> <option class="showtransferoptions" value="transfercall">Transfer Call + Log Keypress to Reports</option> <option class="s...

jQuery validate plugin won't hide error <div> after displaying it

I've searched and read (not just on SO) but can't seem to find a solution for this issue. Basically, what is happening is that the jQuery validate plugin is (according to documentation) supposed to hide the errorContainer that is set in its configuration. Unfortunately, it's not hiding it, it's just removing the contents. Please take a ...

show hide content depending if a checkbox is checked

I'm pretty new to jquery so I'm proud of myself for what I've figured out so far. What I'm trying to do is show/hide a list of options depending on the approprate check box status. Eveything is working just fine but I can't figure out how to check to see if a check box is checked on load I know I should be able to use is.checked right no...

How to toggle jqGrid display using jQuery?

We have two jqGrid grids - we only want to display one at a time based on a user's input. Each grid, when displayed, should appear on the screen at the same location. What is the easiest way to achieve this? Currently we just have our HTML set up with <table id="list"></table> and then we create the grid with $("#list").jqGrid({.......

Trouble with Div Hide/Show on mouse click

Hi again RC, I tried your script but it isn't working right. I have edited my code below to show exactly what I am working with. Thank you so much for being helpful. Quazi Hi, I am very new to JQuery. I am trying to get a div to fade in after a click event and then hide after click anywhere. I have three divs set up to do this with ...

jQuery toggle slide out panel

I am using slide out panel that on default is set to display:none. If the trigger is clicked it will toggle the class to "active". That makes the trigger show a red x (for close) that comes from a sprite position. $(document).ready(function(){ $(".info-panel-left-trigger").click(function(){ $("#info-panel-left").toggle(400);//switching...

show selected div with radio,dropdown, and button

a have a page that consist of: <input type="radio" id="oqcline" class="section"/>OQC Line <input type="radio" id="oqcbalance" class="section"/>Balance <br/><br/> Month <select id="search_month" class="searchqp" name="search_month"> Year <select id="search_year" class="searchqp" name="search_year"> <button id="search" type="button" clas...

ONLY Visible Div form elements will get submitted

I have used a JavaScript to hide the DIVs containing form elements.... <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function showMe (it, box) { var vis = (box.checked) ? "block" : "none"; document.getElementById(it).style.display = vis; } //--> </script> When certain checkbox(s) are selected the respective DIV(s) are shown or get visible........

JQuery .show() and equivalent CSS modification not working with IE 8

There are several posts relating to this, but none actually gives a solution. What actually happens is as follows: function LoadSpinner() { $("#divSpinner").css('display','block'); // could have done with .show() } function UnloadSpinner() { $("#divSpinner").css('display','none'); // could have done with .hide() } function OnClickMyBu...

Clickable parent DIV to show and hide children DIV has problems in jQuery

This is kind of crazy and I am not sure what's wrong. I want to make a DIV clickable to show/hide children divs. But once I do a hide of one children, I cannot unhide it. Here's my entire code. Any help appreciated. IN example below, I cannot unhide inner1 when clicking Cancel button. <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.go...

jQuery:modal-dialog with if else

dear all, i need to combine two different result in one script. The problem is like this: if #edit clicked -> show dialog -> click button #ok inside dialog, then do function: if($('#user').val() !== "admin" || $('#password').val() !== "qaubuntu") { alert('Invalid login'); return false; ...