
Jquery - Show/Hide - always goes up the page on click

Hey, I am using the JQuery show/hide functionality in a form (generated with php) In this form, there are 10 hidden elements, and every time the user click on an "add another" link, it displays the next hidden element, and my footer goes down with it. So far, so good. Now the problem is after 2 or 3 hidden elements are shown, the page...

jQuery: show the metadata relevant to a file when a particular filename is clicked (show/hide, this object)

I have the following HTML which is a single result which contains a filename and some metadata about the file. I want to hide the table which has class "detail-pane" initially (I know how to do this) and I want to display the panel (of class "detail-pane") that relates to the filename (e.g. H001_abcde_martin_chop.gits) when the filename ...

Hide/Show <div> according to URL in Prototype

Hi Guys, I am trying to use the prototype framework to hide a '< div >' based on a particular URL. I don't have access to server side - so I have no choice but to do this using prototype [restriction of platform using prototype]. Wondering if someone could tell me how to do this in prototype framework ? i.e. I tried to do this but doe...

How to show the DIV related with clicked link and hide other DIVs with Jquery?

Hello, As I summarized at topic I want to show the DIV related with clicked link and hide other DIVs with Jquery. To be able to understand what I am saying, please visit Worldlines You will see there the topics related with some news. When somebody clicked on a topic the news div will slide-down below clicked topic and previously read ...

jquery show / hide div on click even in a slideshow?

Is it possible to combine a slideshow and show / hide div functionality? My html structure is below, and basically, I'm trying to get the tabs > a links to open up the div with the corresponding class if a user clicks on it. If a user doesn't click on it, it should still just cycle through each image. So, if the images are rotating, an...

jquery disable/remove option on select?

Hi all, I have two select lists, I would like jquery to either remove or disable a select option, depending on what is selected from the first select list: <select name="booking" id="booking"> <option value="3">Group Bookings</option> <option value="2" selected="selected">Port Phillip Bay Snapper Charters</option> <option value="6...

Silverlight DataGrid: Hiding columns using VisualStateManager

Is it possible to hide a column of a datagrid, without using codebehind? E.g. by using the VisualStateManager? <UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:data="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data" x:Cl...

Sphinx, reStructuredText show\hide code snippets

Hi, I've been documenting a software package using Sphinx and reStructuredText. Within my documents, there are some long code snippets. I want to be able to have them hidden as default, with a little "Show\Hide" button that would expand them (Example). Is there a standard way to do that? If not, I think I will suggest this feature to...

replace a bunch of show/hide with switch/case in javascript

Page has menu items that would replace a 'div id=foo_(current menu item)' with 'div id=foo_(selected menu item)' in 'div class=foo' Here's what I've got, and try to keep your breakfast down... $('#t1').click(function() { $('#attorney').show(); $('#insurance,#financial,#estate,#trust,#death').hide(); }); $('...

flex combobox hide and show down arrow

I am looking to implement a search text box as follows: When user starts typing in and there are non-zero results, the text box will open up and display the results below it. When the user selects a result, the text box closed, but this time with a down-arrow (like a combobox) so that the user can re-open the list. I suspect what I re...

how to hide table columns in jQuery?

I've a table with lots of columns. I want to give users the option to select columns to be shown in table. These options would be checkboxes along with the column names. So how can I hide/unhide table columns based on checkboxes? Would hiding (using .hide()) each td in each row work? May be I can assign checkbox value to the location of...

Hide/Show Part of a Page in JS

Hello. I have an image on my website. I would like when I click it, it show a <div>, and when I click it another time, it hides the <div>. How can I do this in JavaScript? Should I use jQuery? ...

Simple show/hide jQuery troubles

Okay, I feel like a bit of a 800 pound gorilla trying to thread a needle when it comes to jQuery. I need a script that will preform a simple show/hide (preferably with a nice sliding in and out) on a list. My markup looks like this: <div id="themes"> <h2>Research Themes</h2> <ul> <li class=...

Clean way to display/hide a bunch of buttons based on a ComboBox selection

I'm writing a standalone application in VB.NET using Visual Studio 2005. I want to display/hide a bunch of Buttons based on the selected value of a ComboBox. Each selection would have a different set of Buttons to display, and I'd like to have them arranged in a nice grid. Driving a TabControl with the ComboBox value would be the kind...

Hover function for accordion

Thus far you guys have been wildly helpful with me getting this little ditty working just so. I have one further request: This markup: <div id="themes"> <h2>Research Themes</h2> <ul> <li class="tier_1"><a class="enviro" href="">Learn about our approach to the <strong>environment</strong></a...

Jquery show/hide: hidden slowly in Internet Explorers results in awful effect.. ideas?

Hi guys, I implemented this Jquery show/hide code and everything works fine except that the box that I want to hide, with slow javascript browsers (IE 6) is hidden after the webpage has been loaded (or at least all the JS). And as the page is pretty complex this takes a while resulting in the very bad effect of displaying contents and th...

WPF/C#: Proper implementation for closing/hiding the form while new form is opening

Hi, I was looking something similar with winforms like // in Form 1 this.Hide(); Form2 form = new Form2(); form.Show // in Form 2 // if button pressed, Form 1 will be displayed, while Form 2 will be Hide. I was trying my luck for FormEventHandler but doesn't know where to start. Any suggestions/ideas? ...

Prototype hide/show

Hi, I am a Javascript/jQuery/Prototype newcomer and I have a page that has a Prototype function to get info from a database and put it into some input fields. This was made before I came to work on this site and now I've been asked to add a hide/show div function. I tried it in jQuery and there were clashes with the two frameworks, (as ...

jQuery hiding a div on click outside

Hi All I would like to build a simple menu for each list element clicked on but hide this div once you click outside it. Here is some simple code which hopefully will make sense. $('.drillFolder').click(function(){ var id = $(this).attr('data-folder'); $(".drillDownFolder ul li > a").attr('data-id', id); $(".drillDownFolder...

Microsoft Expression Blend 3 - Show / Hide a popup

Hi, I'm using this for the very first time to do some quick prototyping (using sketchflow). I have a simple dialog window that I want to show when a button it pressed and then hide when a button (in the dialog, like an "OK" button) is pressed. If someone could just point me in the direction of a simple tutorial on how to do this I'd be ...