
Silverlight + WCF RIA + Child-Parent-ReferenceBook => How to fill ComboBox on UI side correctly

Hello everyone! It could be the question about Entity Framework (WCF RIA domain model is based on it) but I'm not sure... So I have Silverlight UI (MVVM) + WCF RIA domain services + Entity Framework on server side. I have data Entities: Room -> Hotel (parent entity) <- RoomTypes plus Room has a reference to room type (so Room can be e...

Validation in Silverlight 4

Hello, I want to know how to apply Validations on fields in SL4. I went thorugh the sample code given for Datagrid with Master-Details and DataForm implementation on It has validations applied on all fields but no code is written. I want to apply suc...

silverlight4 tools for visual studio 2010 fails with the following error... HELP!

Hi, I am trying to migrate my silverlight applications from version 3 to version 4. I've been running into this problem. when i try to install silverlight4 tools for visual studio 2010 Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Web Developer Express 2010 or Visual Phone Developer Express 2010 that matches the language version of Silverlight Tools...

What does the file with the extension xapping mean?

Dear ladies and sirs. When I run Silverlight unit tests, I get First Chance HttpException, at the following stack trace: System.Web.dll!System.Web.StaticFileHandler.GetFileInfo(string virtualPathWithPathInfo, string physicalPath, System.Web.HttpResponse response) Line 87 C# System.Web.dll!System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequestInt...

Loading silverlight contrils by reading from Xaml File in Silverlight ??

I have to read an XAML file in a Silverlight application and load controls from the Xaml File directly into the Application. How can I do this? ...

Silverlight DataGrid and Binding columns

Hi I have a silverlight datagrid control and columns autogenerate property is set to false. I am using MVVM and wants to bind the columns collection. The data which i get is from xml. Something similar to sample code Now by...

How to Apply Styles at runtime in Childwindow in silverlight ?

Hi, I am not able to apply style at runtime on child window.I have created two styles one with chrome and one without chrome. What i wanted to do is on mediaplayer fullscreen mode disable the dragging of child window and on press on escape button(normal mode) enable dragging of child window. My code looks like this : void Content_FullS...

Call webservice when silverlight exit

How i can to call webservice when silverlight exit? I need send update on server when silverlight exit. ...

Silverlight/Prism injecting stackpanel into view from viewModel

I have a StackPanel in my View: <StackPanel x:Name="VariablesPanel"></StackPanel> And I want to add into this StackPanel other StackPanel which I build in ViewModel. this._unityContainer.Resolve<DeductionView>().VariablesPanel.Children.Add(allStackPanel); and it doesn't work... I have no idea why... If i use this method in codebehi...

Silverlight 4 - Persist user settings to isolated storage

The full .NET platform has a great feature for storing user options in Settings files, which conveniently support saving and loading. Has anyone created an analog to this for Silverlight? I'd like the settings to be stored client side. ...

Dynamically Bind XML to DataGrid in Silverlight

I've been trying to bind XML (via an XElement) to a DataGrid dynamically in Silverlight (specifically Silverlight 4, but any solutions in SL3 would be fine too) but have been unable to do so. I hope to do this dynamically (ie - no rigid business objects to represent the XML). What I'm hoping for in the end is a way to bind to any XEleme...

VisualStateGroup Triggering Animation in Another VisualStateGroup

There's something fundamental about VisualStateGroups that I'm not understanding. Everything I've read has led me to believe that they are orthogonal. That is, a state change in one group won't affect other groups. Indeed, they would be rather pointless if this were not the case. However, in an attempt to understand some odd behavior I ...

Unhandled exception with Silverlight Application when running from a deployed site.

I have a simple Silverlight application that consists of a DataGrid and a web application, along with using a WCF Service to get the data. Everything works great when running it from the Visual Studio DevServer. Also when running from the deployed IIS application, meaning when I use "http://localhost/SomeApp.aspx" it renders the data per...

Silverlight: converting WriteableBitmap to stream

Given a WriteableBitmap, how can I save the bitmap back into an image stream (JPG or BMP)? My scenario is: Show OpenFileDialog, let user select image Load image into WriteableBitmap Resize image Send image stream to web service Step #4 is what I'm having trouble with. How can I go from WriteableBitmap -> Stream? ...

Inherited WeakReference throwing ReflectionTypeLoadException in Silverlight

Hi all. I'm trying to use a type-safe WeakReference in my Silverlight app. I'm following the recipe on this site: only using the System.WeakReference and omitting the stuff that references Serialization. It's throwing a ReflectionTypeLoadException when I try to run i...

Guidelines for Sharing code between Silverlight and WPF

I want to share as much code as possible between Silverlight and WPF. My lowest level handles the difference between calling the database directly and calling a web service. My data layer on top of that is compiled with both .NET and Silverlight. My GUI layer is currently designed as a WPF Control Library. For sivlerlight... Is it ...

Where can I get the "Silverlight Developer Runtime" for Silverlight 4?

The error I'm getting is: Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed. Please install a matching version. ...

How can I share a ViewModel between parent/child Views (Silverlight 3.0)?

I have a parent View that is xaml-binded to a ViewModel (the viewmodel is declared in the xaml). This parent view can then display a child View (via NavigationService, aka navigation:Frame). The parent view never goes out of scope, but I want the new child View to share the parent's ViewModel. How can i do this? Because by declaring t...

Which GroupBox control would you recommend for Silverlight?

It seems like everyone has their own GroupBox control for Silverlight. Which one would you recommend. ...

Programmatically reference items rendered by ItemsControl from code behind

I have a Silverlight user control that contains an ItemsControl that renders a StackPanel containing another user control for each item in the data source, the XAML is as follows: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="ValuesItemSource"> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTempl...