
Silverlight Bing map question

Hi Team, I am planning to use Silverlight control for bing map. It will be used in a ASP.Net website. Note: I am new to Silverlight and Bing map. How the Silverlight bing map control will behave? Will the bing map service be called from the client browser or the web server? Is there any architecture diagram related to this? Please ...

How to set a default value which is bound to another value for the combobox in datagrid

Hi I have a datagrid which has one combobox column. -the itemsource of the datagrid will be bound to the data from the database through RIA WCF -the itemsource of the combobox which is inside the datagrid will be bound to the ListFinancialAccountType property which is a collection of Financial Account Types (also retrieve through RIA W...

Docking of Silverlight Controls

I've read this question, but still, it explains how to dock controls within DockPanel. How does one dock the DockPanel within the window? As you can see, the Map control is docked to the DockPanel, but the DockPanel is not docked to the window. What am I missing? ...

Database for Moonlight

I'm looking for a local database for Moonlight. I checked EffiProz Silverlight database and it seems to work fine with moonlight Any other databases that work well with Moonlight? ...

Silverlight 4: how to display list of custom controls (not in list order)

There are following object: 'FieldItem' custom control; 'Field' - ... XAML-object, which will contains a dozen of field items; FieldItemViewModel - data class that hosts data to be displayed with 'FieldItem' custom control; position of 'FieldItem' control depend from data entity parameters that is bounded to the control (X and Y); item...

Problem with Silverlight and MEF

I've refferenced my project to the MEF's dlls System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll System.ComponentModel.Composition.Initialization.dll from C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0\Profile\Client But the compiler doesn't recognize the PartInitializer. Why ?! ...

Using behaviours and animations in Silverlight 4 with MVVM pattern

I have seen some great examples of using behaviours to trigger animations in Silverlight. It all seems really easy to do with Expression Blend by simply dragging behaviours onto controls on the screen. But what if my control isn't actually on the screen, since I am using a Listbox bound to a ViewModel in an MVVM pattern. The listbox i...

Event triggers don't work

I have some trigger in my Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app such as <Grid x:Name="ContentGrid" Grid.Row="1" Background="Red" Height="100"> <Grid.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Loaded"> <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Story...

Silverlight datagrid to buy

Hi I am looking for a SL DataGrid to buy that deals with a few main issues that I found annoying in the regular toolkit control. I am not using RIA or WCF Data services. I intend to perform the actual paging in the SQL query. I just Need a control that will let me override the functionality of its pager.In other words - let me insert ...

Customizing Silverlight Dataform's Commands with external controls

I am trying to handling datafrom's internal Add/Delete/Edit command form button control outside datafrom. I am using MVVMLight so. For example : To have Delete in delete button EventToCommand i Bind Command="{Binding DeleteCurrentItemInDataform, Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="{Binding CurrentItem, ElementName=Dataform1}" In ViewModel ...

KeyDown event does not fire for 'enter' in AutoCompleteBox

I am using a Silverlight usercontrol in my ASP.NET web app. The user control has several autocomplete boxes and it seems that the enter key never fires the keydown event in any of them while it fires for other keys. I'm assuming that autocomplete boxes must handle the enter key in a different way, perhaps for chosing an item from the li...

Silverlight can't talk to RIA service

I've followed the tutorial here: ANSWER: When I ran this thing in the debugger, it was starting it up on port 16048. Meanwhile, ServiceReferences.ClientConfig had the endpoint address using port 15459. No clue why it did that, but once I changed it so it was accessing the serv...

Dynamically size controls but disallow fitting to content

Hi, I'm having issues working out how to achieve the "anchor left and right" property from WinForms in Silverlight. Here's the XAML showing my issue: <Grid Width="400" > <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/> </Grid.Column...

Architectural pattern for ASP .NET and Silverlight UI

Hello, do you know of any available architectural pattern where the most of the code could be shared between Silverlight and ASP .NET UI? I understand that Silverlight won’t work very well with MVC (although people are blogging on how they achieved this in fact what they did wasn’t pure MVC) and same applies to ASP .NET MVVM. However,...

Expression Blend Error - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stream

I'm getting the above error when trying to load a User Control xaml file in design view in Expression Blend 4. The xaml itself runs successfully in VS 2010, and I can view the xaml in blend, but not in design view. When viewing the xaml in 'xaml view' the UserControl element is underlined in red. Anybody run across this issue? ...

Can't use silverlight namespace

Whenever I try to reference the following namespace in my XAML, the code compiles and the project starts, but the InitializeComponent method throws an error. Here's the XAML reference: xmlns:ei="" and here's the use of ExtendedVisualStateManager <ei:ExtendedVisualStateManager/...

Silverlight Controls

Where can I find free silverlight controls with the code? ...

Showing a cross-fade (or other) transition when changing a control's content

I have a Silverlight control with a Content field. I'd like to be able to programmatically switch the child control that appears in that field, and to show an animated transition between the old content and the new. What's the best way to accomplish this? ...

"Method is not supported" error when trying to invoke a delegate

I have a function Run(string, string[]) which I want to run on a separate thread, so I am using a delegate and BeginInvoke: private Func<string, string[], Stack<StackItem>> runner; public MainPage() { runner = Run; } private void btnStep_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // snip runner.BeginInvoke(tbCode.Text, GetA...

Silverlight 4 - does install require administrator privileges?

I'm trying to figure out if installing the Silverlight 4 client requires local administrators rights. Some pages seem to indicate that it does, but others that it doesn't. I've had already seen this question: However, I'm asking against ...