
How to work with mouseover events in Siverlight when I have 2 mouseoverable objects in the same space?

Hi! I have a map (which is made of paths), and above this map, in another canvas, I have some elipses that I intend to use as buttons. I created their mouseover events, but when I tested just the harbor mouseover were triggered (before creating this harbors, the state mouseover worked well). How should I make them both work, in a way tha...

How do I override the default behavior of a Silverlight ListBox?

The Silverlight ListBox control automatically moves the scroll box when the list item shown is clicked (if the list box is showing 5 items, click on the last item and all of the items are moved down one). I have a bug from my QA team telling me that causes confusion for our specific case. How can I override this behavior? <ListBox x...

DataBinding Oddity - Converter not called on the second pass

I have a context menu that is defined as a resource and bound to the SelectedItem in a DataGrid, using a converter to get the display name of the current item, as in "Edit " or "Edit " It works fine for the first selected item, but doesn't call the converter on the second (I have a break point in it that only gets hit on the first pass)...

Read and write EXIF data with Silverlight

Hi, I'd like to find a way to read AND write exif data of an image with Silverlight. I couldn't find any sample code or library doing this, so I don't know if it's even possible? Thanks Update : I need to write (edit or add if necessary) exif data and more precisely the "Software" tag. ...

WCF DataServices Expand 12 Limitations

I'm using WCF DataServices in a Silverlight app. My issues is that with the model I'm referencing I need access to more than 12 expanded properties. The reason is that I am referencing a service with recursive model and basically I need 5 expands on 4 levels which exceeds the max number of expands which is apparently 12. Is there another...

In which forums do Flash/Flex/Silverlight developers hang out?

We consider using one of these technologies for a new project and are currently in the planning/learning stage. What are the most popular online forums to meet Flash/Flex/Silverlight developers? Of course, I mean in addition to Stackoverflow ;) ...

How to position Silverlight RowDetailsTemplate above its corresponding row?

When you create a RowDetailsTemplate in a Silverlight grid you can specify a template for row details that is shown directly below the row when it is selected. The details I have for one of my datagrids would look a lot better immediately before each individual row, rather than after it. I've tried modifying the template in Blend, but ...

Can`t find the parent of a control which is in another page of a different project from source code

Hy, Can someone tell me how can i find the page parent of an element in Silverlight 4. The element is in a page of a Project2 (is a userControl), and i want to find that page in the codeSource of the ControlElement. The code which i use now is this (this code is in control): Project1.MainPage pageM = Application.Current.RootVisual as Pr...

How to properly use a Subclassed silverlight control?

Hi guys, I created this class where I wanted to override this specific event for the content control. public class MyContentControl : ContentControl { protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { //do something //.......... e.Handled = true; } } However when I am using this control in my XAM...

How to detect if the user of a Silverlight app is logged into server?

Hi, I'm looking for a good clean solution to detecting whether a user has been logged out of an ASP.NET MVC application from Silverlight when performing a web request. The problem is that the website has a Silverlight component that the user could potentially spend a large part of his time in, thus letting him get logged out of the webs...

Hoto measure the performance/resource status of a Silverlight application internally at runtime?

Hi, I want to measure the resource consumption of my silverlight application at runtime. I do NOT want to use an external profiler, since I want to evaluate the overall application performance (esp. regarding CPU consumption), to show/hide functionality depending on the current performance status of the application. Is there a way to me...

How can I add additional bindable visual state groups to a button?

I need to extend a button control to add some additional, bindable, visual states. What I would like to create is an additional boolean property, to bind to, that will create a simple visual state change on the button. For this example, it could just be an additional border which changes colour according to the boolean value. All the ...

How to check if Silverlight is ready for an user initiated OpenFileDialog?

Hi, there is the security issue that "Dialogs must be user-initiated." in Silverlight (see question 1355078). There is "a timer in silverlight" and a "UserInitated" flag that is used to do the check (see silverlight forums). That's why you should not set break points before code involved in the procedure. The problem now is, if SL is r...

Silverlight - Add Ellipses to a canvas dynamically with MVVM

I want to add a dynamic number of ellipses to a canvas and set the ellipse position (, canvas.left). I tried binding to an ItemsControl but it each item (ellipse) has a container, so I cant set the ellipses position directly. I don't want an items container, I just want a canvas that contains ellipses. Can this be done? ...

Dynamically change selected row's style in SilverLight DataGrid.

Hi Guys, Is there any way so that we can provide style to the Selected Row in DataGrid (SilverLight). I am able to handle SelectionChanged() even but there I found SelectedItem (BusinessObject) not Row so that I could provided it required backcolor/Forecolor. I tried to achieve it by binding RowBackColor property of DataGrid with a con...

What can act as a tab stop in silverlight?

I am working on a silverlight application with a significant number of invisible tab stops. I am currently busy trying to track them all down and eliminate them. I am aware that any control that inherits from System.Windows.Controls.Control can take focus and yet I still can't identify where the focus is be going for much of the time wh...

Why would I want IsTabStop set to true on a ContentControl?

Given the following: setting IsTabStop to false on a ContentControl will not prevent its content from acting as a tab-stop setting IsTabStop to true will result in an invisible tab-stop, which does nothing, in your application I have the following two questions: Why is IsTabStop true by default for the ContentControl Why would I ev...

Ria Services Passing Complex Object as parameter to a query domain service method

Hi I'm experiencing some difficulties with a WCF RIA Services similar to the problem specified in this thread. The domainservice method I'm creating (a Query method) should take a complex object parameter. example domainservice method: public ComplexObjectResult GetComplexObject(ComplexObjectParameter test) { //do stuff ...

Is it possible to determine if a HTTPS proxy is being used just by looking at the certificate?

Since HTTPS proxies will replace the SSL certificate with their own, what are my options to determine if a given HTTPS connection has a proxy in the middle? I will use this information to determine my application policy, since there are cases where I want a 100% end-to-end encrypted tunnel with no decryption by any 3rd party. Even bett...

Silverlight ScrollViewer takes focus when scrollbars are not visible.

I'm finding that Silverlight's ScrollViewer will still take focus even when the scrollbars are not visible. Has anyone else seen this issue? Are there any workarounds that will prevent the ScrollViewer acting as a tabstop when the scrollbars are invisible? Thanks, ...