
WPF / Silverlight flowchart designer

Hi, Anybody knows an open source product/framework, based in the MS stack, that allows modeling workflows (flowchart)? It should allow: - Drag and drop different node styles; - Define properties for those nodes; - Connect the nodes; - Export to xml (non mandatory). Any help is appreciated. Regards ...

Silverlight application with binary xml

My silverlight + ASP.NET MVC application does the following: 1) Silverlight client sends request via HttpWebRequest. 2) ASP.NET MVC connects to a SQL Server database (stored procedure) and gets back XML data It then sends that raw xml to the client (no web services or WCF). 3) Silverlight client receives xml and deserializes it wit...

Silverlight mediaelement buffering

Hello I wish to play received voice data from network in real-time mode over mediaElement control panel. For this purpose it is needed that the control should not buffer. The MSDN only writes that the default value is 5mp but I try to set it to „0” or under „1” second but it is still buffering data according to 1 second . Has anybody...

How to automatically update filter and/or sort order on CollectionViewSource, when an individual item's property changes?

Ok, so this question is related to Windows Phone 7/Silverlight (updated WP7 Tools, Sept 2010), specifically filtering an underlying ObservableCollection<T>. In mucking about with the WP7 template Pivot control application, I've run into an issue whereby changing an underlying item in an ObservableCollection<T>, does not result in the on...

Silverlight authentication and ICredential

Hi I've setup up a WCF web service to handle requests from a Silverlight application. That service has Windows authentication set up which works well with the following endpoint configuration <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="Test.Service.ServiceBehavior"> <serviceMetadata...

Silverlight - specify stackpanel contents of a user control in the parent

Hi! I created a user control called 'RibbonTabX' which contains a stackpanel named 'spMain'. What I'd like to do, is when I declare an instance of my 'RibbonTabX' in xaml, within that same xaml I'd like to specify controls which will be inside the child stackPanel 'spMain'. Here is the code which will make what I'm trying to do much c...

Getting error publishing Silverlight 3 app on IIS 6 \ Windows 2003

I get the error below when I'm publishing a Silverlight 3 app on a IIS 6 \ Windows 2003 box. The app is just a vs08>file>new project>Silverlight App with the mainpage having one textblock that says "TEST". I get this error when I'm in IE only, but Firefox, Chrome just show nothing (no error and no app). The error is a bit confusing...

WCF Duplex Service problems with IIS AppPool recycling.

Hello All I have a WCF Silverlight(3) Http Duplex Service set up in IIS. It works wonderfully until I recycle the ApplicationPool in IIS. Connected SL clients who then call methods on this duplex service then start to get TimeoutExceptions/CommunicationExceptions from the web service. Increasing the timeouts on the client side does not...

Drag/drop from ListBoxDragDropTarget to PanelDragDropTarget

Using the Silverlight 4 toolkit, is it possible to drag and drop from a ListBox to a Canvas (and get an event on the drop into the Canvas)? I was able to write code to drag/drop from a wrap panel inside a PanelDragDropTarget to a canvas but the event handler did not trigger when the drop occurred. When I tried to drag/drop from a ListBo...

How to keep relative position in a listbox when new items are added

I have a databound listbox, and when i add new items to the top of the list, the scrollviewer maintains position, but the items i was looking at are pushed further down out of view. Has anyone found a way to maintain the relative viewpoint as items are added? ...

ApplicationPhysicalPath in silverlight

Hi guys, string str = HtmlPage.Document.DocumentUri.AbsoluteUri; gives me http://localhost/MyApplication/Pages/Silverlight/SLMain.aspx but I just need the ApplicationPhysicalPath - in I can do HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath to do that, but I don't know how to do that for silverlight. Any hints? Thanks, Voodoo ...

Security validation error when try get data from sharepoint using silverlight.

I try to execute this code in Silcerlight 4 contol hosted in webpart: clientCtx = new ClientContext(ApplicationContext.Current.Url); clientCtx.ValidateOnClient = true; clientCtx.Load(clientCtx.Web); clientCtx.ExecuteQueryAsync(updateConnectionStatus, Failed); but it fails and go Failed method and I recive error: "The security validat...

Is there a silverlight replacement for SqlGeography?

I'm looking for a replacement for Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography that will work in Silverlight. I'm primarily interested in arbitrary collection of data (point, path, or polygon) and the STBuffer, STUnion and STIntersect functionality. I need to retrieve some geography data from my database via WCF on the middle tier and return ...

Determine the width of the widest element in a ListBox

When you do not explicitly set the width of a ListBox, it will automatically set its width to the width of its widest visible item. This means that as you scroll up and down and the widest visible data item changes, the width of the listbox itself increases and decreases. So what is the best way to find the width of the widest item in t...

Which background color is active in Windows Phone 7?

How do I know whether WP7 is in its dark mode or light mode? I would like to show different images depending on which mode is active. ...

Silverlight cannot find resource in the same dictionary

I have the following style defined in the ResourceDictionary of a Silverlight 4.0 application <Style x:Key="GridSplitterStyle" TargetType="sdk:GridSplitter"> <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Stretch" /> <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Stretch" /> <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent" /> ...

Silverlight without XAML makes source URIs fail!?

I'm in the process of removing the XAML from my Silverlight project and making it use only code (as per this article). Here is my very simple startup event for a Silverlight application (with the standard App.xaml from the template project): private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { Grid grid = new MainP...

Embedding Silverlight App into webpage for smoother transition

Hi All, Currently I have a pure silverlight website with navigation. Im worried about the customers that are hitting the website and are leaving straight away because they are have to have the SL plugin installed and they also have to wait for the 1.5 meg xap file to download. The first page of the silverlight application is the login/r...

How to use coverflow control in my Silverlight application

I am planning to use coverflow control in my Silverlight application, but I am not able to find the cover flow control in the Silverlight XAML controls tool kit. Also right click on the "Tools pane > Choose XAML components tools >" but still the cover floe control is not there in the Silverlight library Can anyone provide me solutions...

"System.Action claims it is defined" error

I'm building a Silverlight 4.0 application with .NET Framework 4.0, and I'm seeing this error: Reference to type System.Action claims it is defined in 'c:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v4.0\mscorlib.dll', but it could not be found (CS1684) - c:\Program Files\MSBuild\Seesmic\SDP\Seesmic.Sdp.Utils.dll ...