
How Widespread is Silverlight in the Corporate World?

Hi, I would like to develop an application using Silverlight. As this application is used to give demos to delegates on their corporate networks, I would like to know how widespread Silverlight is? Could anyone please let me know the coverage of Silverlight in the corporate world? Thanks, Mahesh ...

List of fonts in Silverlight 4

Am using Silverlight 4. I want to populate a combobox with a list of the fonts available. I have searched high and low and can't find a way to do this. Seems be a lot of dead ends. There was a similar question asked in May but with no suitable answer. Surely its not impossible? ...

How to get Memory Stream/Base64 String from Image.Source?

I have a dynamically created Image control that is populated via a OpenFileDialog like: OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true) { using (FileStream stream = dialog.File.OpenRead()) { BitmapImage bmp = new BitmapImage(); bmp.SetSource(stream); myIm...

How to do a server-side Insert/Update (Upsert) from Silverlight RIA services

While RIA services seems very good for table operations & queries, I am stuck on one traditional update situation. The UPSERT (Update if exists, else Insert new): First: I want to add a record server-side if the record does not already exist, otherwise if it already exists, I want to update one of its current field values. Second: I do...

Silverlight 4 Datagrid Plus Minus button in DataGrid Header

Hi I am using silverlight 4 + MVVM Architecture & My Question is, I am using RowDetailsTemplate in DataGrid & My First Column is a button which will have "+" or "-" value & I am Binding this datagrid to observable collection which has a string type value called SIGN = "+" or "-" & I have a button in the DataGrid Header & in its OnClic...

Is it possible to specify <SupportedCulture> from code behind

Is there a way to specify the <SupportedCulture> from code behind? Or is there any way I can avoid specifying this tag in the project file? Edit: For HiTech Magic's comment. I have sample browser contains, multiple samples. All will be dynamically displayed in the sample browser. What I'll create is Only XAML and it's code behind. My s...

Binary vs. Soap Binding - WCF Service Performance

For my thesis I need to measure the performance of Binary Binding vs. basicHttp(Soap) Binding in WCF Services and a Silverlight Client for a specific object. I already found some example performance data for these bindings. I wonder how to measure them by myself for a specific object. Are there any tools which make this process easy o...

Get local IP address (192.168.X.X) in Silverlight from a public website

Hi I am looking to get the local IP address (pre-proxy) by using a public web site address "". I am in other words NOT after the proxy IP address that you typically get from something like How would I go about and do this in Silverlight? Is this even possible? What I am after is identify if a machin...

Silverlight 4.0 + MVVM Pattern + Copy Paste a name in AutocompleteBox

Hi, I am using a Autocomplete textbox for "like" search text from Database using KeyDown Event. One of the scenario is COPY-PASTE textname to Autocompletebox where data is already available in Database. I was unable to complete this scenario because when I try to paste the text, "Ctrl" is getting fired instead of "Ctrl+V" from keyboar...

Intermittent Functionality Sending Data from SilverLight to MVC Controller

I have a SilverLight button that gets a comment from a text box to be saved in my database and then closes the window. SilverLight: Task task = new Task(); private void saveChangeBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string commentTxtBxValue = commentTxtBx.Text; task.SaveComment(commentTxtBx.Text); commentTxtBx.Text...

How keep drop down opened in silverlights ComboBox?

Hi all. I use ComboBox control as popup. Item for my ComboBox is Grid. There is TreeView control and two Buttons in grid. Items of TreeView are CheckBoxes. When I click on Buttons or CheckBoxes drop down keeps opened, but when I click on other part of grid drop down i closed. Is there any way to keep it opened until I click outside of Co...

How to create a simple editable dataGrid in Silverlight

I want to bind an 'ObservableCollection' to a Silverlight dataGrid and allow the contents to be editable. I've got the following XAML, which allows the editing in the UI, but once I click off the row it changes back to the original. I'm obviously missing something, any ideas? <sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" ...

Silverlight in Safari and Firefox by default?

I'm curious, how does Microsoft plan to embed Silverlight into Safari and Firefox. Because if it doesn't come shipped with Safari and Firefox by default, why should anyone use it? They are counting on that the average user is installing it when he/she sees: "Silverlight need to be installed"? Maybe they won't install and just leave th...

Exchanging Data between 2 XAP files that are in separate browser windows

What's the best way to exchange Data between 2 XAP files that are in separate browser windows or maybe a browser window and a popup? each html/window with it's own .xap file ...

Returning nested complex types from EF4 using Stored Procedures

Is it possible to return nested complex types from multiple different Stored Procedures using EF? (e.g. ClientSelect, ClientAddressSelect) I have imported a few stored procedures and added function imports and created a Complex Type for each of the return types. (e.g. Client and ClientAddress). Now, for example, I want to add the Clien...

How to set a different unselected style for Pivot headers?

I'm using a Pivot control with a HeaderTemplate to set the color of the header. However, I haven't found a way to change the color of the unselected pivot items. They default to an opaque version of the header color. Does anyone know how to set the color of the unselected items? ...

Silverlight Autocomplete & WCF RIA Services: Is the entire list returned to the client?

I have a database which will eventually contain thousands of records and will search this list using the Silverlight autocompletebox control and WCF RIA services. I am using the base implementation without any parameters for the "GetXXXQuery" in my domain datasource: public IQuerable<XXX> GetXXXs() { return this.ObjectContext.XXXs;...

PagedCollectionView groupings don't seem to automatically be refreshed when a new element is added to the source collection.

Hello, I'm using a PagedCollectionView to bind an ObservableCollection<T> to a DataGrid in my Silverlight app. In this case, the source collection can incur an unbounded number of updates during its lifespan. It seems, however, that if I'm using a PropertyGroupDescription to group the elements in the DataGrid then I need to reapply that...

Silverlight 4.0 - image cropping with mouse events

Hi, I have a task to build image cropping functionality in Silverlight 4.0 application. What I need to do is to have user on the left button mouse click select area to remain after cropping is applied and then call some other event (button click maybe) to apply that cropping itself. I did develop similar functionality for rotation. I a...

Silverlight Best Practice for modular UserControls / Inheritance

Hi, I am kind of stuck in the different approaches to UI design in Silverlight, combined with the aspect of reusability. Assume the following simple example: A base class ORGANISM has a NAME + AGE The child class DOG has a FURCOLOR The child class HUMAN has a JOB Now I have a list of 30 ORGANISMs, some DOG, some HUMAN. I can use a lis...