
XAML/Silverlight: Passing a collection (e.g. ListBox.SelectedItems) to a DomainService method

I need to pass a set of values to a DomainService method. Here's what I'd like the service method to look like: IQueryable<Person> GetPeople( Nullable<DateTime> MinDOB, IList<String> Ethnicities ) { return from Person item in ObjectContext.People where item.DOB >= MinDOB && Ethnic...

Reference Shared Silverlight Assembly with slsvcutil.exe

I have several WCF services being consumed by different Silverlight applications. I am currently using slsvcutil.exe with a pretty standard setup to generate my Silverlight proxy objects: "%ProgramFiles%\microsoft sdks\silverlight\v4.0\tools\slsvcutil.exe" http://myhost/MyService.svc?wsdl /out:Proxy.cs /edb /namespace:"*,My.Namespace" /...

How can I determine when my StackPanel lost focus, from inside the UserControl that contains it?

Hello, I have a Silverlight UserControl, and it contains a StackPanel which, in turn, contains some UserControls in it. I would like to be able to determine when the user clicks/tabs outside of the outermost StackPanel (i.e. when the StackPanel loses focus), and I would like to be able to handle it from inside my UserControl. Does any...

Is there a Windows Phone 7 reference application?

Hey All, Are there any solid Windows Phone 7 reference applications that demonstrate core APIs and best practices for Windows Phone 7 + Silverlight? Specifically, I think there are a few major concepts that are not well-documented or well-built-out. Rather than fall back to frameworks, I'd like to have a better understanding of how the...

In XAML is there a way to default the UpdateSourceTrigger to PropertyChanged?

In XAML (or code) is there a way to default the UpdateSourceTrigger to PropertyChanged for all bindings? ...

Embedding fonts forces Silverlight project to always rebuild.

I'm having a weird issue with my Silverlight 4 project, although it's one I've seen before. Basically, embedding fonts forces my Silverlight app to always rebuild even if everything is up to date. This kind of sucks as the font embed task takes a lot of memory and will eventually crash VS. I'd like to be able to build the project from th...

HtmlPage.Document.QueryString within a UserControl.

A) If I check the querystring within a Navigation Page, things work great. B) But if I check the querystring within a UserControl (which is delcared in the Navigation Page), the querystring shows it is empty. Question) If there a way to check for a querystring by the UserControl (i.e. a child control who ultimately has a Navigation Pag...

Runtime theme switching with explicit styles in Silverlight 4

It's been requested that we add dynamic theme switching to our application, and I'm having problems figuring out how to do this. Here's the current situation: our application has a merged resource dictionary with explicit (not implicit) styles. The views in our application refer to these styles through the StaticResource markup exten...

Silverlight client access policy problem.

Hi, I have a wcf webservice which I call from my silverlight application, using https, and it works fine without any problems. Now I got to add a new reference to an old service (soap/asmx) from the silverlight client which went ok. Then when I tried to access the service, I get the following errors: An error occurred while trying t...

How do I expand treeview node by clicking on section header (Silverlight)

How do I expand the node by clicking on the item text? Purpose is to make it easier to expand or close a node, apart from depending on the Expander arrow button. ...

How to enable auto-scroll for silverlight page

There is a Silverlight page, it's width is 810 pixels, height is not specified: <NavigationControls:Page x:Class="VfmElitaSilverlightClientView.Pages.SquadView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsof...

How to get TextBox inside DataTemplate in a ListBox to notify the ViewModel on value change

What I need to find is when a textbox's value is changing or the dropdown's value changes inside my datatemplate item, I need to be notified in my ViewModel.cs. So basically as a user edits a textbox inside the listbox, the viewmodel will be notified as the values are changing. The reason is I need to go through all my Entries and upda...

Login Silverlight Website

Wich is the best (and safest) way to implement user login for a silverlight application? ...

What are the reasons/scenarios for properties like DisplayMemberPath to be dependency properties?

Could anyone explain the reasoning behind making say ItemsControl.DisplayMemberPath a dependency property and not just a regular CLR property? Are there any real life scenarios when such properties are used in data binding scenarios, styles, or other dependency property related situations. Thanks. Update: The reason for this question...

Simulating calls made by Silverlight to the server

I am trying to make an automated test/load test on a Silverlight based webapp. AFAIK, Silverlight uses WCF to make web service calls to the server. Instead of trying to make those web service calls, currently I am considering capturing all http traffic between the browser and the server (using a proxy) and replaying that using a script (...

Is it possible to share code between a Silverlight web app and Windows Phone 7 app

I have a simple Silverlight app that I want to run on Windows Phone 7 almost exactly as is. I've created a new Windows Phone 7 project and when I reference the Silverlight app I get a warning that says "Adding a reference to a Silverlight project might not work properly. Do you want to continue?". If I continue and try to run anyway, th...

All WPF control properties are dependency properties. True or False?

While answering this question I noticed that I have never come across any property which is not a dependency property (WPF Controls, no 3rd party controls). Although, when I started with WPF I remember reading somewhere that "more then 90% of properties of WPF controls are dependency properties". Can anyone give examples/links of CLR pr...

Problem with nested StackPanels and DataContext inheritance in Silverlight 4

I have a problem with nested StackPanels. If I define StackPanels like in the code below, button binds to command (MVVM and command pattern) but doesn't react on button click (command function is not called). When I put stackPanel4 on second position (below stackPanel3) everything works ok. When I move stackPanel4 on the last position (I...

Silverlight Shared classes in RIA service causing build errors -The type 'X' already contains a definition for 'Y'

Hi, I have a Silverlight 4 application where I am making use of shared classes. In the .Web project, I have a class called "X.Shared.cs". This class has three string properties. When I build the application, it gives an error saying "The type 'X' already contains a definition for 'Y'". It seems that the properties in the generated code ...

PropertyChangedEventHandler always null in silverlight binding

Hi there, I've been trying to resolve this issue for some time. I'm trying to bind a TextBlock's text to a string property using the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. For some reason the PropertyChangedEventHandler is always null when the value of the property is changed thus the target never gets updated... Any suggestions? Code below: ...