
Exposing WCF Service to Mobile Clients

Hello, I have an existing ASP.NET web application. This ASP.NET web application uses JQuery to provide a rich experience to the users. This user interface interacts with the server through some WCF services. A sample service looks like the following: [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMo...

Creating an online visual designer using silverlight

Hello I'm trying to create an visual designer like Visual Studio, Expression Blend, Dreamweaver etc as an ONLINE APPLICATION (ASP.NET). Can Silverlight be helpful with this? What are the things i need to be aware of before starting developing this online app? How good is it dragging, dropping & moving controls around with Silverlight...

Silverlight Binding Issue

Ok, So I have tried to implement a coverflow found on codeplex I wanted to use my own class for data binding: class CoverItem { BitmapImage _image; string _title; string _link; string _content; public BitmapImage Image { get {...

TreeListView, tryringto combine listview and tree

I have treeView that is bounded to a class that imlements the interface - IHaveValue. Inside countryies, I want the inner items that are also IHaveValue to act as ListView, that allow grouping. I've seen this question but is doesn't helped: link text ...

Exposing a webHttpBinding WCF service to mobile clients

Hello, I have created a very basic service operation that needs to write content to my database. This service looks like the following: [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)] [ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = false)] public class myService : ImyService { publ...

Check if an event already exists

Hi guys, I have a data grid loading row event _gridObj.LoadingRow += new EventHandler<DataGridRowEventArgs>(_gridObj_LoadingRow); and in the handler I am creating another event. In the following code how can I know if the MouseLeftBtn event already exists for that row? void _gridObj_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e) ...

Firefox on Windows 2008R2 cannot consume WCF service

After I use WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("https://", WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp); IE is still OK, but firefox will encounter an exception: {System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebExceptio...

Image control default image binding at XAML page when retrieve image url is empty

Hi All At Silverlight 4.0 XAML page (not using code behind), I'm binding Source to Image control. I want to show default image when retrival ImageUrl (from Database) is null or empty. I'm trying the TargetNullValue as following , but not showing default image when ImageUrl is null or empty <Image Grid.Column="0" ...

Using Rx to simplify an asynchronous Silverlight web service request

I have written a simplified Silverlight client library for my WCF web service using Rx, however I notice sometimes I'm missing completed events. public IObservable<XElement> GetReport(string reportName) { return from client in Observable.Return(new WebServiceClient()) from request in Observable.ToAsync<string>(client.Get...

remove and inmediatly add the same UserControl to an ObservableCollection

Hi, I have 2 listboxs which ItemsSource is an ObservableCollection, but that throw an exception of "not valid value", for resolve that I made a wrapper class that have a property of type MyUserControl and I changed also the collection for an ObservableCollection changing also the ListBoxItemTemplate to a ContentPresenter with Content bi...

Binding to nested Property of Custom Object

I want to bind a column of my DataGrid to a nested property. I have defined these two classes: public class ViewObj { public cCar car { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } } public class cCar { public int ps { get; set; } public int wheels { get; set; } } The class cCar is a property of the class ViewObj. ...

How to Edit a Silverlight treeview data bound to ria services then to Entity Framework and SQL recursive table

I am searching for guidance on how to edit add, update and delete on a Silverlight treeview connected to a simple hierarchical sql server table using entity framework, ria services and data binding. ...

setting tool tip for devexpress silverlight datgrid cell

i want to set tooltip for each cell of a devexpress silverlight datagrid .i want it either in xaml page or in xaml.cs page ...

Silverlight - Dynamically creating controls without any postbacks

Hello Can I dynamically create controls in Silverlight without a postback to the server (even an asynchronous one). Does silverlight drag-n-drop requires postback? I'm asking this because I've an application where I dynamically create/delete lots of controls. So after the postback I'm getting error with view state stating that...

Capture print dialog's cancel in silverlight printing

Does anyone know if you can find out if the print dialog's cancel was clicked? I've seen post and doc that say "EndPrint – Event fired when the printing is either completed or canceled. " But I don't think that is the print dialog's canceled... I think the is if the print job is canceled. thanks ...

Databinding a readonly property to an attached property doesn't work

I'm trying to databind the visual state of a control (using code from the answer to to a property on my viewmodel in Silverlight. On the viewmodel-side when I expose a standard property Public Property State As String Get Return _state End Ge...

Unable to load external images in Silverlight

Hi All, I'm trying to load an image from a URL in Silverlight and have followed the steps at this site but to no avail. My code is as follows: imageUri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute); System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage bi = new System.Windows.Media...

Silverlight - Creating a canvas with auto-alignment and scale

Hello How can i create a canvas of this kind - I want to position the controls exactly aligned to each other. I want to help users to align it properly using auto-alignment (like visual studio) and by providing user the scale. ...

Validation on subclasses

Hello. I've a small inheritance-tree like this: BaseGuest -> GuestA -> GuestB -> GuestC BaseGuest has a member 'Firstname' which is required for GuestA and GuestB, but not GuestC. So I've there are Required-Annotations on GuestA.Firstname and GuestB.Firstname. [Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "FirstNameRequired", ErrorMessag...

Silverlight - HTML Markup and Javascript inside the application

Hello all Can I have HTML markup and javascript code existing inside a Silverlight application? For example can I have a JQuery accordion inside Silverlight? ...