
How to call Assembly.Load(Bytes[]) in SL 4 app?

I'm trying to use Assembly.Load(Byte[]) in a Silverlight 4 app and i'm getting MethodAccessException. As far as I understand that's because my app code is Transparent and this method is Critical. Is there any SafeCritical API to load assembly from byte array? Then I want to create an instance of type (SL app doesn't have a compile time ...

Strange Silverlight Problem

I have a method that generates XML for a class I have created -getXML(). This is called from the following methods: private void send_Response() { String xmlUrl = ((App)Application.Current).Resources["xmlUrl"].ToString(); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(xmlUrl, UriKind....

Silverlight 4 DataGrid column header style

I am trying to affect the background pattern on a DataGrid in Silverlight 4. I have the following style: <Style x:Key="DashboardGridHeaderStyle" TargetType="primitives:DataGridColumnHeader"> <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="14" /> <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" /> <Setter Propert...

Silverlight fluidLayout fail

So this is going to be a bit difficult to explain, but I'll give it a go an hopefully someone will recognize what I'm talking about. So I have a StackPanel in which there are 3 Buttons and 3 Lists there are also 3 VisualStates that represent the "open" state of each list (it's an accordion). By default each element's height is set to 0...

Silverlight 4.0 Copy Paste data into AutoComplete Box

Hi, I am using a Autocomplete textbox for "like" search text from Database using KeyDown Event. One of the scenario is COPY-PASTE textname to Autocompletebox where data is already available in Database. I was unable to complete this scenario because when i am trying to paste the text, "Ctrl" is getting fired instead of "Ctrl+V" from k...

How to avoid waiting for Silverlight templated control initialisation in context of MVVM

I'm trying to make and use templated controls in an application but I seem to run into timing isssues. When I use a custom templated control, in XAML <local:MyControl> and through code (new MyControl()), and call a method on the control that tries to do something with a control in the Controltemplate, a control in the template is almost ...

Multiple Controls Alignment dynamically in Silverlight

HI ALL I'm a beginner in SilverLight.I have three controls in a canvas which are dynamically created.I want to align the Controls like in Visual Studio(Left Align,Right Align, Center Align) dynamically. I want to know whether i can select a control dynamically? I want to know whether i can select a Multiple control ? Whether there ...

Killing Two Birds with One Stone in RIA Services with Silverlight

Here's the issue: The database is highly normalized, and one particular query relies on the multiple relationships in the database. The query is designed to join all the tables, construct the entire object, and then return a list of those objects. In other words this particular query does a lot of work. Now, the query does only return...

How to store / access a global state object in Silverlight? (phone7)

I'm building an application on Phone 7 using Silverlight and need to maintain some state between pages. I was hoping to store an object in app.cs and access it from each page but I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to do this. What is the best way to access the same object between many different pages? Thanks for your...

Silverlight TextBlock Text Attribute vs Content

When would I use the Text attribute of the <TextBlock> and when should I put my text in the content of the <TextBlock>? <TextBlock Text="Example Text" /> vs. <TextBlock>Example Text</TextBlock> ...

Silverlight WCF service timing out (even when passing one item)

I have a wcf service created that's being consumed by a silverlight application. We are using the service to get geographic data back: A point (consisting of an X and Y double) A shape represented as a List> Our one service method returns a collection of "Items" which contains a "Object ItemData" property. Depending on the data we ge...

External alias in XAML

Hello, I'm currently using a library that implements Menus and ContextMenus for Silverlight 3 and 4. This library defines a MenuItem class in the System.Windows.Controls namespace. No problems with SL3 because there is no MenuItem class elsewhere in the Silverlight class library; but now I need to use another control in a Silverlight 4...

changing style causes ParserError

When i try to change the style of my SMFPlayer at runtime it throws this error Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Code: 2531 Category: ParserError Message: Failed to assign to property 'Microsoft.SilverlightMediaFramework.Core.BitrateGraphControl.AvailableBitrates'. the only change i made in the style was changing th...

Webservice(s) become unresponsive when multiple clients are connected using polling duplex binding

Hello all, I have a duplex enabled service where clients register themselves to receive notifications. In the same AppPool I have another, regular web service which is used by the clients to communicate with the server. Sending something to this web service will trigger a notification to all connected clients. All works fine until 12, 1...

question about Shared Policy in MEF with Silverlight

this is the table from the official MEF document Part.Any Part.Shared Part.NonShared Import.Any Shared Shared Non Shared Import.Shared Shared Shared No Match Import.NonShared Non Shared No Match Non Shared My question is that for the "No Match" case(Export is shared...

CollectionViewSource Filtering logic

The design I've come up with for filtering is awkward at best, and buggy at worst. The idea is to have a base class to support a pick list, and let subclasses add on additional filtering logic as needed. What is particularly confusing to me is how to trigger the view to filter as various filtering criteria change (see _ApplyFiler(), bel...

Stop containing button from handling input - Silverlight.

I'm working on a custom button where the content is sometimes a textbox. I'm doing this so I have a sort of edit-in-place where you can type text, hit enter, and then the textbox disappears and the button's text is what was typed. So as a simple case, you could mock this up like so: <Button> <TextBox /> </Button> The problem is i...

Adding link to Web Reference from a Project - ChannelBase not found.

I am building a Silverlight app. As I have classes to be consumed by Silverlight and .NET modules, I have created a Silverlight project with all the classes in it and then, a .NET project linking('Add Link') to the classes in Silverlight project. This way, I have one class file compiled separately as Silverlight and .NET assemblies. I wa...

WP7 Rowspan all

I'm looking to make a border that will serve as a general overlay. I'm trying to use an 800x480 border with opacity .75 as the overlay. However, it only fills the content of the row it's in, not the entire page. If I know how many rows it needs to cover, I can set the rowspan and it will cover the entire screen. I was wondering if there ...

How to define resources AND a MergeDictionary with a key in a SL4 page

This is probably a really stupid question but I can't figure this out. I have a page with a MergeDictionary defined: <navigation:Page.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="../Assets/TourneySetupStyles.xaml"/> </ResourceDict...