
Is execution of ARM assembly in iPhone Simulator or Android Simulator possible?

Can anybody tell me if it is possible to execute programs using arm assembly language in the simulators? ...

putting file on blackberry emulator file system

Hello. I need to put a video file on the file system of the Blackberry emulator to test the app I'm writing. I can't figure out how to do this. How can I copy a file from my computer's file system onto the simulator's file system? ...

automate installation + running of iphone app in simulator outside of xcode

I'd like to install + run my app built outside of xcode (through xcodebuild) through a similar sort of command line tool. How could I get it on the simulator? I've looked at a few related posts:

CPU simulator with an assembler, linker with Simple assembly

Do somebody know some CPU simulator featuring simple assembly language with assembler, loader, linker for learning and testing purpose. That I could run on GNU systems. ...

MIPS simulator of object files

Hi, i need some MIPS simulator who can work with object files .elf or .o. I have some mips object files, and I want to simulate those files. Is this possible? ...

iPhone Simulator chrashes in NSKeyedUnarchiver. Not running in simulator 3.0

First at all sorry for my bad english, My app works fine in Simulator 3.1 and 3.2, but when run in 3.0 always throw this exception: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: incomprehensible archive (0x4e, .... I found this related question: http://sta...

Consideration to implement a Simulalor

We are going to implement a Surgery Simulator which simulate some behaviour in ortopedy surgury room. I didn't have an experience in simulation. I'm using dot net and want to use Microsoft Simulation API which used in Flight Simulator and Microsoft Flight. I have complete information about surgery room documentation and about the react...

universal app -- Xcode keeps switching back to iPhone executable

I am working on a universal app. When I want to run it on the iPad simulator, I set the executable to the iPad version, and it runs on that simulator, no problem. But whenever I restart Xcode, or even just close and reopen the project, it switches back to the iPhone executable. I can switch it back again, but it's still annoying. Is ...

C# Programmatic Mouse Movement/Clicks

I want to create... basically a macro program. After you click record, it keeps track of all mouse (and maybe eventually keyboard) activity. Then you can save it, and play it, and the mouse should move and click in the same spots that it did when you were recording it. I know how to grab global mouse events, but I don't know how to make...

The iPhone Simulator from xCode 3.2.4 has a problem with sliding!

The problem is shown better in this video I uploaded to youtube. It seems the iPhone simulator doesn't slide the views correctly. It seems to get stuck and the view doesn't return. Like you see in the video, switching between springboard pages doesn't work as it suppose to! I need to make an additional click to make the page go in positi...

Xcode: iPod Touch Simulator?

Hi, I'd like to test my app on the ipod touch. But in Xcode I don't see a simulator for this (I only see a simulator for iphone 3gs, iphone 4, and ipad). Do you know if there's a way to run an ipod touch simulator? ...

location problem in IOS4

i am using location in my app and tested it with IOS 3 simulatior it works fine also on device it works fie. but when tested it on IOS4 simulator it crashes..and unable to find location I know that the location on simulator is of infinite loop cupertino california. but it is not working in IOS4... and i don't have Iphone4...So can't tes...

Jist/swans debug problem.

Hi StackOverFlowians, I am working on JiST/SWANS, Java-based discrete event simulator, in Eclipse. Moreover, in ( extensions and improvements for JiST/SWANS have been developed. I used all the instructions( in Vanet info to prepare my simulation environment. There is n...