
Ultimate Fade-in Slideshow initially fades in from black, how to change?

I would like to change the colour/image that the Ultimate Fade-in Slideshow fades in from once the images have loaded, currently it is black or another dark colour or an image. See here: link text Before the first image shows the box is black/dark and then the first image fades in, how do I change this? Thanks ...

How do I make my jQuery slideshow with controls unbreakable?

I'm building a simple slideshow using jQuery. I have the basics down, but as a relative jQuery newcomer, I feel like I'm fighting with the animation queue and not making much progress. I've created a slideshow by making a function that receives a numeric index of the first slide to show. It fades in the slide, pauses, fades out the sl...

jquery slideshow won't work because file attribution might be wrong

Hi, I recently launched some web pages using a jquery slideshow plugin which, of course, was working just fine on my hard drive. But now that the pages are on the server, I keep seeing an error code that the 'mygallery' file is undefined. I fixed this by pointing to the public folder location where the files are located but the script s...

Images Slideshow in Gstreamer

I want to make a GStreamer application which takes a xml file process its content which provides information like image url, its weight and the duration for which it is going to be displayed on the screen. The xml file can be clearly processed in C using libxml. But how can we create a slideshow of the images using the GStreamer librar...

This jQuery slide show doen't work in IE 8? Any ideas on how to fix it?

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { //Execute the slideShow, set 4 seconds for each images slideShow(2000); }); function slideShow(speed) { //append a LI item to the UL list for displaying caption $('ul.slideshow').append('<li id="slideshow-caption" class="caption"><div class="slideshow-caption-cont...

How to increase character length for title in views-slideshow module?

Hi All, Im maintaining this Drupal Site which is using Slideshow Views for displaying the featured posts. Its using Slideshow Thumbnailhover SlideShows contribution of 'Views Slideshow' Module for Drupal. However, even after scanning through the code and browsing though all settings, I cant figu...

Access all the photos of user album in iphone using application

Hi all, I am working on one application in which i need to show slide show of the user selected photo album, UIImagePickerController only returns the selected image. I want all previous and next images of the selected image, is it possible with UIImagePickerController and if not is there any other way that i can do it. Thanks in advance,...

jQuery GalleryView support for links/href

I've upgraded to jQuery GalleryView 2.1.1 and it doesn't seem to support ahref tags on the images. Is there a workaround for this? I want to be able to display the title on image mouseover and redirect to another page onclick. ...

Jquery staggered fade-in is breaking my slider

Hi, I'm trying to stagger the loading of my page, which has a slideshow on it. Ideally I would like the page to load in two steps, header first then the body, but when I break it down this way my slider reacts poorly. I've been through a few steps but can't get it all to come together the way I want. -If the whole page fades in at ...

Query about SlideShow Implementation.

HI All, I'm trying to implement Dynamic SlideShow of Images similar to Gallery on Android Platform. On Drag, I Should be able to change to next images. I'm looking into class from APIDemo Example, I think there is no sufficient information in that, so is there any better code example which could help me..! ...

how to make a slideshow repeat using javascript

ok my slideshow is my body background and the imgs are in img tags like this <img name="pic" src="../../Content/images/bg.jpg" style=" width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1;width: expression(document.body.clientWidth + 'px'); " alt=""/> my problem is it plays but then stops on the last image instead of bei...

Image slider that resizes only images that are bigger than a fixed size?

I need an image slider which resizes the images only if its needed (the size of the image is bigger than the div containing the slider). I've tried with AnythingSlider, but when I set the width and height to the div containing the slider, the images that are smaller than the div are stretched. I don't want them to be stretched. ...