
WPF DataGrid is extremly slow, how can I improve the Initial Loading time ?

Hello, I have a Window with a DataGrid showing grouped Data. I am loading around 4 x 300 items in the WPF DataGrid which are grouped in 4 groups. Grouping disables Virtualization. I set IsAsync="True" so my Window opens fast but the DataGrid is just filled AFTER 11 SECONDS ??? What can I do to speed up the loading/display of my data...

SlideShare Does not Load on Internet Explorer 8

Hello, I have made a simple embed of slideshare on my site. However, on Internet Explorer, it keeps saying "Loading" and nothing appears. However, in Firefox its almost instant. Please try here using internet explorer. Or is it just me? It makes use of Flash and Javascript. What can the problem be? Thanks all for any hellp ...

Apache's Velocity Template Engine -- Worst Software Package Ever?

So I'm using Velocity in a legacy project. And even rendering moderately large pages takes FOREVER. Literally 10+ minutes. There has to be some kind of bug I'm hitting... anyone else have bad experiences with Velocity in general? I'm about to start stepping through the source code and see where it hangs/etc but I wanted to see what SO h...

Query performance problem.

Hello everyone, I'm having troubles with certain query performance, i have the following 2 tables: CREATE TABLE `customers` ( `CustFullName` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `CustPassword` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `CustEmail` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `SocialNetworkId` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `CustUID` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, ...

PHP function curl_exec() slows down my script

I use the following function in CodeIgniter, to get my latest tweet: function tweet($id) { $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, "".$id.".xml?count=1"); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //Benchmark starts here $src = curl_exec($c); ...

MongoDB's geospatial index: how fast is it?

I'm doing a where in box query on a collection of ~40K documents. The query takes ~0.3s and fetching documents takes ~0.6 seconds (there are ~10K documents in the result set). The documents are fairly small (~100 bytes each) and I limit the result to return the lat/lon only. It seems very slow. Is this about right or am I doing somethi...

How can I distinguish between "run all tests" and "run just this test"?

I have tests which run very slow, say a test which exports a large database to test the exporting code for memory leaks. I'd like to have these tests in my usual test suite but they should be ignored unless one of these conditions is fulfilled: The test is running on a CI server The user has selected this test in the IDE and runs it ...

H2 datastore EXTREMELY slow!!!

I just tested the H2 datastore (with Datanucleus 2.x) The performance is VERY slow. 1/3 of Postgres and 1/10 of MySQL (aprox.) I was very pleased by the "specs" but i cannot see them in "real usage". Is there any performance tuning that i might be missing? NOTE: even when accessing "our...

Google App Engine development server is slow to start up when using WingIDE

I'm developing on Google App Engine. I am using WingIDE (a python IDE) to debug on the development server. I have several thousand entities in my datastore and I can see that when the development server starts up, it has to go through DatastoreFileStub.Read() and do something which each entity. The problem is, when I run the development...

Development environment query on some models very slow

Hi there, I am scratching my head over for this issue for last few weeks. My local rails dev environment has been so slow for some reasons. I have production environment working as quick as a bullet on the servers. But with the same code, my dev environment is taking so slow and I have decided to dig into that further. I have found ...

shell_exec slow with php

Hi all I have a curl script multi that helps index my site every 10 minutes it pushes to a mysql db so I can search my site for users The script uses 2 MB per instance (which isn't bad) however every time I run the script it slows apache down ( i have a UNIX server) so badly it takes 30 seconds to search... I keep the mysql db conn...

java webstart extremely slow

I have to deploy a Java application via Java Webstart. Webstart downloads the application jar and library jars needed, then after everything was downloaded there is a 50 second delay before the application starts. Running the jar directly on the computer loads almost instantly, so it's not the application jar which is causing the probl...

Why is my debug executable in Visual Studio (9) starting up so slowly?

I am experiencing a very weird issue when using Visual Studio (9) for debugging my applications. Whenever I hit F5 to start the debugging, the application takes a long time until it even gets to the first line of my main function... I started up Process Explorer and during this time you can see how slowly it finds and loads the required...

Need help in optimising query.

I have two tables - incoming tours(id,name) and incoming_tours_cities(id_parrent, id_city) id in first table is unique, and for each unique row from first table there is the list of id_city - s in second table(i.e. id_parrent in second table is equal to id from first table) For example incoming_tours |--id--|------name-----| |---1--|...

How can I output a large HTML table in a Perl CGI program without freezing the browser?

I have this Perl CGI program and I allow the user to select the number of data to view on this HTML table. I go through a foreach ... foreach ... and print each row. There is an issue with the Perl CGI script when it prints over 3,000 rows of data and my Firefox window becomes unresponsive. I am also linking dataTable jquery. What app...

MySQL slow query at first, fast for sub queries

PHP: I have a simple pagination script which uses two queries. MySQL: Using server version 4.1.25 - I have two tables (products, categories) with the item_num field tying them together to retrieve products via category and both have unique ID fields which are indexed and auto-incremented. They're both MyISAM types. Query #1: SELECT COU...

Kohana execution time is fast, but overall response time is slow, why?

I use the Kohana3's Profiler class and its profiler/stats template to time my website. In a very clean page (no AJAX, no jQuery etc, only load a template and show some text message, no database access), it shows the request time is 0.070682 s("Requests" item in the "profiler/stats" template). Then I use two microtime() to time the durati...

Slow select query with left join is null and limit results

I have the following query that is being logged as a slow query: EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM ( `photo_data` ) LEFT JOIN `deleted_photos` ON `deleted_photos`.`photo_id` = `photo_data`.`photo_id` WHERE `deleted_photos`.`photo_id` IS NULL ORDER BY `upload_date` DESC LIMIT 50 Here's the output of explain: id select_type table type...

[iPhone] UITableView reloadData many times cause memory leak and slow down application

I made a mistake when using Leaks instrument that I thought total living objects is byte of memory, so I updated my post! [Updated] Hello All, I am facing with a problem that: My application present realtime data by using UITableView which may contains maximum 34 customized cells, so when receiving update data, I have to do reloadDat...

Why is base64_encode so slow on PHP on IIS6 via FastCGI?

I'm trying to encode a PDF to attach is to an email, and the script I'm using requires the following lines of code: $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$license_filename."\"\r\n\r\n"; $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($license...