
Validating a slug in Django

Hi I'm guessing this is going to involve regexp or something, but I'll give it a shot. At the minute, a user can break a website by typing something similar to £$(*£$(£@$&£($ in the title field, which is converted into a slug using Django slugify. Because none of these characters can be converted, Django returns an error. My question ...

Best way to generate slugs (human-readable IDs) in Rails

You know, like Should I do this with the built in parameterize method? What about a plugin? I could imagine a plugin being nice for handling duplicate slugs, etc. Here are some popular Github plugins -- does anyone have any experience with them? http://github...

ASP.NET MVC - Regex for a URL Slug

hello, I am writing a URL Slug for routing. Should I leave the slug constraint blank or what? Here is my code: routes.MapRoute( null, "q/{slug}/{id}", new { controller = "q", action = "Index" }, new { id = @"^(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-f...

Friendly URL Question, with a Twist

I have a user model and a profile model. user has_one :profile profile belongs_to :user Because of this relationship, I pull up my profiles by calling the user id. So my urls look like this:[user_id]/profile I'm not sure if there's a solution to my problem. Here it is: I would like to display SEO friendly urls. I'...

django auto slug in model forms like prepopulated-fields in django admin.

is there a way to get the same results of using pre-populated fields in django's admin site for slug fields in a standard modelform ...

Django slugified urls - how to handle collisions?

I'm currently working on a toy project in Django. Part of my app allows users to leave reviews. I'd like to take the title of the review and slugify it to create a url. So, if a user writes a review called "The best thing ever!", the url would be something like: That's all well and good...

Better to save a slug to the DB or generate dynamically?

Hi - I am working on a django project and would like to include a slug at the end of the url, as is done here on The object ID will be used to look up the item, not the slug -- and, like, the slug won't matter at all when getting the link (j...

Complex htaccess rewrite rules - where do i start ?

Hi I have asked on here before about mod_rewrite and got the perfect answer but now I need to do something more complex and really needed the advice of someone who knows mod_rewrite much better. My rewrite rule looks like this so far: RewriteRule ([a-zA-Z_-]+)/([0-9]?) index.php?cat=$1&page=$2 And that shows the URL as follows: /cat...

Django: Slug in Vietnamese

A site in Vietnamese, it is virtually no different to English. However, there is a problem that is slug. When I type characters such as "ư", "ơ", "á",... Django is not identified. Solution here is to replace characters that do not sign into. Eg: ư -> u ơ -> o á -> a One from "những-viên-kẹo" will become "nhung-vien-keo". However,...

Enable sluggified URLs in Django

I am trying to enable sluggified URLs in Django of the form that SO uses: I have no problem enabling slugs, and have URLs currently set up of the form: (eg. /articles/1/) and that works fine. The corresponding URLpattern is: (r'^(?P<object_id>\d+)/$', 'django.views.generic.list_de...

Java code/library for generating slugs (for use in pretty URLs)

Web frameworks such as Rails and Django has built-in support for "slugs" which are used to generate readable and SEO-friendly URLs: Slugs in Rails Slugs in Django A slug string typically contains only of the characters a-z, 0-9 and - and can hence be written without URL-escaping (think "foo%20bar"). I'm looking for a Java slug funct...

Permalink/slug best practices

I'm about to setup permalinks on a website and I'm wondering what sort of conventions I should follow in regards to generating them from the existing table of news articles. So far here are the rules/steps I've come up with: Create a dump file of my live database, set it up locally Add a new 'permalink' column to my news_articles tabl...

URL Friendly Username in PHP?

On my PHP site, currently users login with an email address and a password. I would like to add a username as well, this username they g\set will be unique and they cannot change it. I am wondering how I can make this name have no spaces in it and work in a URL so I can use there username to link to there profiles and other stuff. If ...

Doctrine Sluggable Behavior for Foreign Relations

I have a database design case which I am curios whether Doctrine ORM supports it out-of-box. Product:   columns:     id: {type: integer, primary: true, autoincrement: true }     type_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }     brand_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }   relations:     ProductType:       class: ProductType       loc...

How to create a unique_for_field slug in Django?

Django has a unique_for_date property you can set when adding a SlugField to your model. This causes the slug to be unique only for the Date of the field you specify: class Example(models.Model): title = models.CharField() slug = models.SlugField(unique_for_date='publish') publish = models.DateTimeField() What would be the...

Slugify and Character Transliteration in C#

I'm trying to translate the following slugify method from PHP to C#: Edit: For the sake of convenience, here the code from above: /** * Modifies a string to remove al non ASCII characters and spaces. */ static public function slugify($text) { // replace non letter or digits ...

Pretty (dated) RESTful URLs in Rails

I'd like my website to have URLs looking like this: I have my Post model with slug field ('my-first-post') and published_on field (from which we will deduct the year and month parts in the url). I want my Post model to be RESTful, so things like url_for(@post) work like they should, ie: it should gen...

Replace chars in routeurl's?

Hello I'm trying to add a "fullname" in the route in my url, and I wonder which chars I should replace? Should I use _ instead of space? and what other chars might "need" replacing? Mostly gonna use swedish names, but some might have some strange letters, not icelandic ones though :) /M ...

How can I make URLs in Django similar to stackoverflow?

I'm creating a video site. I want my direct urls to a video to look like where 1 is the video id. I don't want the slug to matter though. should point to the same page. On SO, /questions/id is the only part of the url that matters. How can I do that? ...

the django slug can't contain a "love" speech?

I use django-1.1 and satchmo (commit: 1385 75a2ea838067) I found that if there is a "love" speech in the slug item, for example, love-x10, dsfdsfloveddd, love-love ... the product's url is "", if you click "add to cart" button, the server give me a Blank Page, Empty! And the server is temporarily una...