
XSLT: Append spaces in "long" word.

There is a code: <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsecteturadipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute iruredolorinreprehenderit in voluptate velit es...

Convert non-breaking spaces to spaces in Ruby

I have cases where user-entered data from an html textarea or input is sometimes sent with \u00a0 (non-breaking spaces) instead of spaces when encoded as utf-8 json. I believe that to be a bug in Firefox, as I know that the user isn't intentionally putting in non-breaking spaces instead of spaces. There are also two bugs in Ruby, one o...

Windows Batch Scripting Issue - Quoting Variables containing spaces

So here's my issue: I want to use %cd% so a user can execute a script anywhere they want to place it, but if %cd% contains spaces, then it will fail (regardless of quotes). If I hardcode the path, it will function with quotes, but if it is a variable, it will fail. Fails: (if %cd% contains spaces) "%cd%\Testing.bat" Works: "C:\Program...

Passing a Batch File an Argument Containing a Quote Containing a Space

Hi, On many occasions I have dealt with passing batch files arguments with spaces, quotes, percents, and slashes and all sorts of combinations of them. Usually I managed to figure out how to accomplish what I want, but this time I am stuck. I have tried a couple of hundred combinations now and my head is starting to hurt. I’ve reduced ...

ASP.NET membership spaces in username

Hi, We just came across a weird bug in our application that uses the membership. The administrator had created some users with spaces behind their name: 'My Username ' In the Users table this is saved normally, so without the spaces: 'My Username' The user can also login using the name without the spaces: 'My Username' When...

space around div with background image

Hi to all, i'm trying to create a frame that will contain a dynamic amount of text. it has rounded corners so a created 3 divs:top, body and bottom. body will hold the content while top & bottom only display the respective images of the frame. all this can be seen here: the problem: t...

Carbon Accessibility API - Getting windows information across spaces

I have the following (minor) problem that I want to solve programmatically. Whenever I unplug my secondary monitor from my laptop, every windows get moved to be visible in the now smaller resolution. When I plug my external monitor back in, I need to manually replace the windows to their correct position. I have to do that every morni...

Varchar2 and Oracle quick question

Hi guys I'm using varchar2 for a product name field, but when I query the database from the run SQL command line it shows too many empty spaces, how can I fix this without changing the datatype here is the link to the ss ...

How to edit preference file for Notepad++?

My open source project uses spaces, not tabs, in its code. A contributor to the project has his own website which uses tabs, not spaces. He uses Notepad++ in Windows to edit files for both projects, and is frustrated when he forgets to manually set the Preferences correctly and thus inserts tabs into my project's files. Is there a way...

Rails tabs instead spaces

Is there any way to to setup Rails generating files with tabs instead spaces? Or maybe is there any way to auto replacing spaces to tabs in gedit? Cause I really prefered tabs and it's really take some time to replace spaces to tabs in new generated files by Rails. Thanks in advance! ... running file with space in path with PHP

I was trying to use through COM objects with php to pass some cmd commands to cURL library (the DOS version). here is what I use to perform this task: function windExec($cmd,$mode=''){ // Setup the command to run from "run" $cmdline = "cmd /C $cmd"; // set-up the output and mode if ($mode=='FG'){ $...

How to cin Space in c++?

Say we have a code: int main() { char a[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cin>>a[i]; if(a[i] == ' ') cout<<"It is a space!!!"<<endl; } return 0; } How to cin a Space symbol from standard input? If you write space, program ignores! :( Is there any combination of symbols (e.g. '\s' or something li...

Additional spaces in String having read text file to String using FileInputStream

Hi, I'm trying to read in a text file to a String variable. The text file has multiple lines. Having printed the String to test the "read-in" code, there is an additional space between every character. As I am using the String to generate character bigrams, the spaces are making the sample text useless. The code is try{ FileInputSt...

How to correctly calculate address spaces?

Below is an example of a question given on my last test in a Computer Engineering course. Anyone mind explaining to me how to get the start/end addresses of each? I have listed the correct answers at the bottom... The MSP430F2410 device has an address space of 64 KB (the basic MSP430 architecture). Fill in the table below if we know ...

Inserting Strings Without Trailing Spaces SQL

I have a database with a field named Field1 that has 100 nchars per entry. Each time I add a value, it is stored as: "value (100-ValueLength Spaces) " So Basically each stored value has a string of spaces after it. This is getting to be an issue when I try doing: if (value == "Example") because of all of the empty spa...

replace spaces with _ in php

i am trying to replace spaces in the following var $e_type = 'Hello World TEST'; ca anyone help me please ...

Is there a way to add a menu shortcut for an application to select which Space is supposed to appear on?

I am looking for a more convenient way to manage assignment of applications to a particular Space without having to popup System Preferences all the time. Maybe there exists a contextual menu that allows me to do it, or a menu hack? I'ld even be open to use Applescript, but Spaces is not very well supported in Applescript, AFAIK. ...

Convert user title (text) to URL, what instead spaces, #, & and other characters?

I have some form on the website where users can add new pages. I must generate SEO friendly URLs and make this URLs unique. What characters can I display in URL, I know that spaces I should convert to underscore: " "->"_" and before it - underscores to something else, for example: "_"->/underscore It is easy make title from URL back....

How to split byte strings with a space in AutoIt?

I would like to split byte strings, for example "AAFF10DC", with spaces, so it becomes "AA FF 10 DC". How to do this in AutoIt (v3)? ...

LaTeX - vertical space equivalent of \makebox ?

I'm making a LaTeX document and I'm getting success with \makebox, which puts text in an invisible box and will add extra horizontal whitespace to the end to make the whole thing fit within the size you specify. Is there something like that for vertical space? I have a few variable length paragraphs, images, etc. that I want to put in ...