
Visualization with JavaScript of data from a JSON source?

I would like to use a library like the Google Visualization API to draw charts, but taking the data as JSON from an external source. The context is to use some SPARQL service to extract the data from a XHTML+RDFa source, as described here. But that latter page has to use a trick, but points out that it would be great that these visualiza...


Schoffel Maak IK EEn woudld SPARQL query ... meer : Rivieren sterven uitmonden in de Rijn , diedan 50 kilometer ? ...

OpenLink Virtuoso: Finding if two nodes are connected within a certain distance

Hi folks, How can I find the distance between 2 nodes in a graph using Virtuoso? I've read the Transitivity documentations but they limit you to one predicate e.g.: SELECT ?link ?g ?step ?path WHERE { { SELECT ?s ?o ?g WHERE { graph ?g {?s foaf:knows ?o } } } OPTION (TRANSITIVE, t_distinct, t_in(?s), t_o...

expressing quantities in rdf

am having trouble presenting this data in triples - please help! 34 records are created with attribute "00EC" and log_id "001" 32 records are updated with attribute "00EC" and log_id "001" 31 records are deleted with attribute "00EC" and log_id "001" 12 records are created with attribute "00EA" and log_id "001" 31 records are updated w...

I can not run some of SPARQL quesry in jena.!!

I create a simple query to show subjects with value of DataType property. this query run in the Protege3.4.3.but when i run in the Jena i revive this title "com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.ResultSetStream@16be68f".why? this is my query: PREFIX VB:http://VBnet# SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x rdf:type VB:LearnerInformation . ?x VB:Name ?y Lear...

how we can create a quesry based on SPARQL to see the value of some data type property?

I create this query: PREFIX VB: <http://VBnet#&gt; SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x VB:HasName ?y } HasName is one datatype property. When I run this query in Protege, system show me just the subject without any value for datatype property. mwans ?y is empty. Also when I run in jena system show me just:(String) How can I see the val...

SPARQL get all nodes of transient relation

Is it somehow possible to get the list of nodes connected through a transient relation with SPARQL? I have elements that are connected in this way: ?a g:eastOf ?b ?b g:eastOf ?c ... Not all nodes are connected with each other, because some are further down south. Only when nodes are vertically at the same plain there might be a g:eas...


Hi everybody, Could I ask you about a SPARQL query on an Ontology. I have a family.owl file is the ontology build from protege 3.4 with data: Lan haschild Tuấn, Tùng haschild Tuấn. I use Java and CORESE API on site ( ) to query the family.owl above. W...