
shrink or compact in Sql Server CE?

I am using Visual Studio 2008. and i am new at sqlce.I am checking sdf file and if sdf doesnt exist,I create and then insert around 5000 rows to my sqlce db.If sdf exists,first i delete all tables's rows and then insert these records to existed tables.After insert complete,i am compacting database.By the way,compacting lasts about 13 se...

SQL Server statement with subselect is invalid

Hey, I am using iBATIS with SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and try to do a subselect INSERT INTO FORMINSTANCE (ID, ID_FORM) SELECT #ID#, f.ID FROM FORM f WHERE ID_PROCESS='10804' When I commit the transaction I get an SqlCeException (SSCE_M_QP_PARAMETERNOTALLOWED). That the Symbol '@' is on the wrong place. I think this is ...

Sql Compact Installation

Is there any way by which we can find programmatically whether SQL Compact is installed or not... Actually I need to know whether the compact edition is installed or not in PC and so that I can include or exclude the SQL Compact dll... Because in my application there are different process that access the same .sdf file which will cause A...

A question about program design.

Hello! I'm developing a Windows Mobile WinForm application that uses Sql Server CE 3.1 with .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 and C#. I have a form that has a SqlCeConnection object, opened during all of it's execution time: I open the connection at startup and close it on event closing. I also have a class to read the Sql Server CE data...

sqlbulkcopy using sql CE

Is it possible to use SqlBulkcopy with Sql Compact Edition e.g. (*.sdf) files? I know it works with SQL Server 200 Up, but wanted to check CE compatibility. If it doesnt does anyone else know the fastest way of getting a CSV type file into SQL Server CE without using DataSets (puke here)? ...

SQL Server Compact 'Data Directory' macro in Connection String - more info needed

So, as described on this msdn page, when you define a Connection String for SQL Server Compact 3.5, you can use the "Data Directory" macro, like this: quote from this msdn page: Data Directory Support SQL Server Compact 3.5 now supports the Data Directory macro. This means that if you add the string |DataDirectory| (enclosed in p...

SQLCe local db in temp- path in connectionstring?

Hi, I have SQL Ce db in my app, which is included in my app directory. While debugging its OK, but when published and run with setup.exe, it retrieves "file not found" in temporary directory the app is ran from. I would like to run from standard location, but I dont know how to change it. I am using this string: SqlCeConnection connect...

SQL Server CE rollback does not undo delete.

I am using SQL Server CE 3.5 and C# with the .NET Compact Framework 3.5. In my code I am inserting a row, then starting a transaction, then deleting that row from a table, and then doing a rollback on that transaction. But this does not undo the deletion. Why not? Here is my code: SqlCeConnection conn = ConnectionSingleton.Instance; c...

Linq to SQL Compact - Transaction or just SubmitChanges

I'm using Linq to SQL on an SQL Compact database. I have a function where I insert multiple records into the database. I only call SubmitChanges at the end of the function. Would using a transaction (using the TransactionScope class) bring me any more performance or advantages? ...

"The specified table does not exist" - for the administrator it does! Vista only issue

Hello, I've got a weird bug occurring in a compact database on a Vista deployment machine. Basically the sdf file seem to be schizophrenic. The client application get the entitled error when running as a user but not when I use run as administrator. I don't see this problem on my XP development machine. I installed management studio o...

Very interesting problem in Compact Framework

Hi, i have a performance problem while inserting data to sqlce.I'm reading string and making inserts to My tables.In LU_MAM table,i insert 1000 records withing 8 seconds.After Mam tables i make some inserts but my largest table is CR_MUS.When i want to insert record into CR_MUS,it takes too much time.CR_MUS has 2000 records and insert ...

In native C++, how does one use a SqlCe .sdf database?

Is there a simple way, without .NET? I've found some libraries but none for SqlCe 3.5. There is http://sqlcehelper.codeplex.com/ but it's far from done, since a major feature like using a password is not yet implemented. I've looked at the source and it uses OLEdb to handle the database. The offical Microsoft Northwind example (that is...

SQL CE Compact 3.5 Identity columns for a table.

Is there a query I can write against an INFORMATION_SCHEMA or against the system tables to determine if a column is an identity column in SQL CE version 3.5? ...

Subsonic 2.2 and SQL CE

Hi, anybody use Subsonic with SQL Server CE 3.5 ? I try but get an error with Substage 2.2, error talking about PK_TABLE. My tables have primary keys and relations. Can someone help me ? By, Giuseppe. ...

SQL CE unspecified error

Hello, I did a project with MS SQL Server CE that when installed in the 'costumer' machine just raises an unspecified excpetion. Did some research and looks like I did everything mentioned. The dev env has sql compact 3.5 installed and sql tools for vs 2005. Using dotNet 3.5. But to make it run in de dev machine I need to add the sqlces...

Sync a WinForm with DatagridView

I have a Form with a DataGridView which DataSource is a BindingSource to a table. This view will have a single row selection and a button to delete, edit the current selected row in a popup Form and a insert button that will use the same Form as well. My question is how can I sync the pop Form with the current row? I tryied to use the ...

SQL Server Compact with Visual Studio 2008

I am running SQL server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 on Vista. I downloaded SQL server compact 3.5 SP1 from Microsofts website and ran the install. When I open the server explorer for any windows application that I'm working on with VS 2008 and right click on data connections and then on add a connection a dialog comes up with available d...

Format date from SQLCE to display in DataGridView

hi folks, I have a DataGridView bound to a table from a .sdf database through a BindSource. The date column display dates like "d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss". e.: "27/2/1971 00:00:00". I want to make it display just "27/02/1971" in its place. I tried to apply DataGridViewCellStyle {format=dd/MM/yyyy} but nothing happens, event with other pre-built...

Delete a Row from a DataGridView given its index

My DataGridView is a single line selection and theres a rowEnter Event where I get the line index every time the selected line changes. private void rowEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { currentRowIndex = e.RowIndex; } when I press a delete button I use the same index to delete the row ...

Insert a Row with a sorted DataGridView

My DataGridView is bound to the same BindingSource as the Insert Form, and the Name column is sorted. After insert is done, the groupBindingSource.Current is not returning the new inserted DataRowView but the last row in the sort order what makes the Update do nothing. FormGroup formGroup = new FormGroup(); formGroup .So...