
Programmatically compute the start time of a process on Windows

Hi, I'm writing c/c++ code on Windows using Visual Studio. I want to know how to calculate the start time of my process effectively. Can I just use gettimeofday()? I've found the following code from google but I don't understand what it's doing really : int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz) { FILETIME ft; uns...

VB.NET Process.Start() immediately stops

Hi, I'm having a strange problem with the following code, I'm writing a game launcher in VB.NET: Dim gameProcess As Process = New Process() gameProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False gameProcess.StartInfo.FileName = TextBox2.Text gameProcess.Start() Debug.Print("Game started") gameProcess.WaitForExit() Debug.Print("Game stopped") T...

Getting windows to start R in batch mode using the Start command

I know I must be making a simple syntax mistake, but I want to have a windows batch file that fires up 9 instances of R and runs a different routine in each one. I want these to run simultaneously (i.e. asynchronously). I can fire up 9 command prompt windows and type a command in each one, but it seems like with the START command I shoul...

How to export a remote java webstart app thru WAN ?

Hi, I've got the following problem. A client is looking for better latency to access a forex trading java web app (.jnlp) that is stored on a third party server. I can provide him access to one of our servers (running linux) that is geographicaly closer to the trading portal (rather than connecting directly to the trading server, less...

problem with oracle sqlplus with whitespace in the path of the @ command

I'm running Oracle 11g on Linux and I'm trying to run a script which will create my database. This script runs fine on windows, but when I test it on Linux, I get the following error: SP2-0556: Invalid File Name The problem may be that the path to the file name has a space in it. I'm going to simplify the problem down to one of the ...

C# Process.Start parameters truncated

Hi, I've got truncated parameters when passing very long file paths. I need to start a program and pass it everything via command params - sometimes it just truncates the command. It does it globally - so it's not only a problem for each parameter but for whole. edit: The problem is probably the limit on the command line length as monk...

Batch output redirection when using start command for GUI app

This is the scenario: We have a Python script that starts a Windows batch file and redirects its output to a file. Afterwards it reads the file and then tries to delete it: os.system(C:\batch.bat >C:\temp.txt 2>&1) os.remove(C:\temp.txt) In the batch.bat we start a Windows GUI programm like this: start c:\the_programm.exe Thats al...

Is there any way to redirect stderr output from a command run with “start” in the Windows command line?

I have a program that I want to automate runs for, since it takes awhile to complete. For some reason it outputs everything to stderr instead of stdout, and I'd like to check on its progress, so I find myself needing to redirect stderr output within a start command. I tried this: start "My_Program" "C:\Users\Me\my_program.exe" --some -...

How to automatically run JBoss app on startup, using RedHat

Not too long ago, I installed a java web application on a Red Hat server running JBOSS. After a recent reboot, I realized that the site did not start up automatically when the machine was booted. Is there an easy way to ensure that this happens? There are shell scripts to start and stop the application, something like : /opt/myApp/St...

Start And Stop Windows Service remotely using PSEXEC

How to start and and stop a windows service remotely using PSEXEC Preferable the syntax to write I tried the cmdlet given below psexec \Server -u Administrator -p Somepassword ServiceName Please can any body help me in this Thank You in advance ...

Unable to run WSAD in client machine

Hi I am trying to run WSAD in Client login but its not starting up and giving the error as below Application started: wclight [02/09/09 15:11:27:656 CST] 41104110 WebContainer E BRVE01E: Failed to Start Transport on host , port 80. The most likely cause is that the port is already in use. Please ensure that no other applications are us...

Cannot Start /Stop windows service using C# code with PsExec?

Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:/PsExec.exe"); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.RedirectStandardInput = true; psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; psi.CreateNoWindow = true; psi.Arguments = "PsExec \\\\Newton ...

Create shortcut to start menu (not IN start menu)

I have been experimenting with object dock and rocket dock. So far I like object dock better, but it takes FOREVER to start up on my machine (more than a minute). I am running on a good computer (quad core 4 gigs ram ect ect) so I don't understand why this is. Anyway I have been using rocketdock instead because of this, but the problem i...

How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete

Hey guys, I have a load function and would like for the code to write some html into a div while it loads, and when it completes, to display the page. I saw some little writeups on the ajaxStart and ajaxComplete events, however I am not sure how to implement them. Here is the jquery I am thinking of using, however not sure how to imp...

Is it possible to have a sound play before/during the splash screen?

My app takes a few seconds to load and I have a splash screen. Once "viewDidLoad" I have a little sound play. I feel that the sound would be in better use if it started playing when the splash screen popped up. Is it possible to have a sound start before/during the splash screen? Here is my code: (under viewDidLoad) NSString *sound...

Visual Studio C# WPF run without debugging - nothing happens

I am new to Visual Studio 2008, and I am learning the old "Hello World" application using a WPF application. When I click 'Start without Debugging' I see a window open for a half-second on my taskbar, and then close. I dont get any window that stays open with my application in it. I cannot figure out why this is happening. If I trying op...

Hide CMD window after using START to run a network application

I have an application that is run over a network. I need to be able to run this application from a batch file, and had ended up using this: pushd \\server\folder start /wait program.exe Aside from the message saying... \\server\folder CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Def...

Qt4 starting and stopping (pausing)

Ok, so I'm having this problem tonight: [...] connect(startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startCalculation())); connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopCalculation())); [...] void MainWindow::startCalculation() { qDebug() << "hello"; this->startButton->setDisabled(true); this->stopButton->setEnabled(t...

What I Can Do With R?

Hello, I was seeing that here we have a new language(for me it is), R, but I was viewing it's site and as I can see we only can do graphics with it, but there is more things that we can do with it? ...

How to start the java console when launching an application from Eclipse?

When I start a java application, the Java Console is started. But when I start a java application from Eclipse, the Java Console does not start on its own. How can I make it start also when I run an application from Eclipse? ...