J2ME store image to file
I'm trying to create a program that emulates the camera. How can I store the Image to a file in the mobile? I am targeting Symbian S60v3, using Nokia N82 for my test mobile. ...
I'm trying to create a program that emulates the camera. How can I store the Image to a file in the mobile? I am targeting Symbian S60v3, using Nokia N82 for my test mobile. ...
Hello! I need to make a desktop application that stores data, I want this data to protected, and besides, the user shouldn't have to install any data-servers (i.e. SQL-Server, office etc.). I thought XML would be the best idea, the question is how can I protect the data whilst enjoying the other cool features of it which is XML literal...
Can I use C to know whether a file operation is performed (and where it is performed) on the disk at run time? ...
Hi, I'm currently designing an architecture for a web-based application that should also provide some kind of image storage. Users will be able to upload photos as one of the key feature of the service. Also viewing these images will be one of the primary usages (via web). However, I'm not sure how to realize such a scalable image sto...
I have a list of 1 million digits. Every time the user submit an input, I would need to do a matching of the input with the list. As such, the list would have the Write Once Read Many (WORM) characteristics? What would be the best way to implement storage for this data? I am thinking of several options: A SQL Database but is it suit...
It'd be convenient if an application I'm writing stored some files to external storage permanently (so they persist after the application has been exited[destroyed]), but on an uninstall I'd like to do the decent thing and have these files removed to free up the storage. Is there any way I can have these files removed on an uninstall? ...
Hi Guys, I'm building a website that stores a lot of community-generated multimedia. I originally wanted to store the data in my own SAN, but for scalability purposes I'm looking for a solution to store all the images outside my network and request them by HTTP request connectors. I also want a solution that will let me grow in spac...
Are there any guidelines where should my app store resource files downloaded from internet? ...
In the emulator I can't seem to write to the attached SDCard. The following code always spits out the "can't write root" log message, but not the "can't read root" one. File routesRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); if (!routesRoot.canWrite()) Log.v(getClass().getSimpleName(), "can't write root"); if (!routesRoot.canRe...
Please suggest me some good file/data storage apis, which support multiple servers. My requirement is simple, when a user try to upload a file, it should be uploaded to server close to him. We will write app in C#. ...
1) Our Android app will store data in a built-in SQLite DB. I see the DB can throw android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException, but there's no exact info in API what is the limit. Could anyone tell what are the size limits for a DB in order not to get into the SQLiteFullException? I assume DB will store data in device's internal stora...
Hello everyone, I had a question related to whether or not (and how) I should store images loaded from the web. Let's say I am calling a web service from my Android app. In this web service I get a URL for an image on the web. I download and show this image on the left side of a list item in a ListView. My question is, what method s...
There has been numerous discussions related to storing images (or binary data) in the database or file system (Refer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3748/storing-images-in-db-yea-or-nay) We have decided to use the file system for storing images and relevant image specific metadata in the database itself in the short term and migrat...
I found this on an "interview questions" site and have been pondering it for a couple of days. I will keep churning, but am interested what you guys think "10 Gbytes of 32-bit numbers on a magnetic tape, all there from 0 to 10G in random order. You have 64 32 bit words of memory available: design an algorithm to check that each number f...
I checked through the questions asked on SO on audio metadata, but could not find one which answers my doubt. Where exactly is the metadata of audio files stored, and in what form? Is it in the form of files or in a database? And where is this database of files stored? ...
I'm looking for an open source library or project which would offer a filesystem or block device representation for AT&T Synaptic Storage as a Service. I'm looking for something similar to what you have for Amazon S3 : s3backer, s3fs-fuse, s3fs, or FuseOverAmazon. Unfortunatly, I didn't find anything like that for AT&T's storage offeri...
I have a ASP.NET system that creates files (> 20 MB) for users and stores it currently on a folder in the web server. ...
Hi community, I have the following problem with a Citrix XenServer 5.5. I had to physically move the host, so I shut down all machines via console: xe vm-shutdown force=true vm=my-machine-uuis-s After that I shut down the machine itself by issuing: halt After the reboot today the local storage repository is unplugged. I was tryin...
I'm currently writing an API document in LaTeX. I have a tabular environment with a list of error codes and descriptions, like so: \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \textbf{Code} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline 1 & (description of error 1) \\ \hline 2 & (description of error 2) \\ \hline \end{tabular} At various places later in the doc...
I'm forever downloading elements that I think will be useful when designing or developing a website - icons, fonts, psd's etc. The trouble is i've so much of this stuff, I don't actually know what I have already! I've tried breaking it down into relevant folders and sub folders and this used to work. But I'm wondering how other desin...