How can i write a cloud-aware application? e.g. an application that takes benefit of being deployed on cloud. Is it same as an application that runs or a vps/dedicated server? if not then what are the differences? are there any design changes? What are the procedures that i need to take if i am to migrate an application to cloud-aware?
I would like to display a list of records from an internationalized table using sfDoctrinePager. Not all the records have been translated to all the languages supported by the application, so I had to implement a fallback mechanism for some fields (by overriding the getFoo() function in the Bar.class.php, as explained in another post her...
I'm able to do the following for all checkboxes in a set (in an action):
$this->form->getWidget('some_form_field')->setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
... but I'm unable to set specific checkboxes to ticked on the basis of data returned from the db.
I'm after something like:
I have Doctrine model with a date field "date_of_birth" (symfony form date) which is filled in by the user all works 100% it saves to the db as expected, however in the model save() method I need to retrieve the value of this field before save occurs. My problem is that When trying to get the date value it returns empty string if its a n...
I'm using Symfony 1.4.3 + Doctrine 1.2, and a typical i18n category table (the ids are in category, and the name and slug in category_translation).
I have this Doctrine validator defined in my form:
'category' => new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'Category', 'column' => 'slug')),
Is there any way that I can detect browser type on routing and use specific controller? I want to be able to do something like this in routing.yml:
url: /*
browser: mobile
My navigation is written in the layout.php template
It looks like this:
<ul id="nav">
<li><a href="item1">Item 1</a></li>
<li><a href="item1">Item 2</a></li>
<li><a href="item1">Item 3</a></li>
<li><a href="item1">Item 4</a></li>
What is the best way to get a class="current" on the currently selected page?
For hadoop application development, are PHP frameworks less popular ?If so, why? Else,please do point literature/documentation/tutorials for a specific framework? (stuff for Symfony would be awesome!)
Can anyone tell me why calling "unserialize" works fine in an action but gives an offset error in a template?
It's basically possible to unserialize a database text result into a variable in an action and pass it to template, in which case it displays fine:
$this->clean = unserialize($this->raw);
<?php echo $clean ?>
But not if ...
My model is built on non-numerical ID's (36-char. GUID to be specific).
The problem is that when I run symfony 1.4 admin generator, it assumes that all my IDs are numeric and applies default routing requirements.
I tried providing specific routing requirements as advised here:
It's need for preview function in backend. I want to avoid duplicating templates.
// in some backend module action
because context is backend, how about partials in tpl, routes and so forth?
I'm using symfony 1.4.3
Is there some way to render a sfWidgetFormChoice as an unordered list?
In the API there is an option called 'renderer_class' but I can't find any documentation or example about it.
I'm using Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine.
My application's backend was built using Symfony's admin generator.
It works great when I want to display basic stuff.
But tehre's not a lot of documentation on how to enhance it and add new pages.
Let's take an example:
I want to list published items on one page and to-be-published items on another...
I'm trying to get an easy way to fetch data from two joined Mysql table using Propel (inside Symfony) but in one query.
Let's say I do this simple thing:
$comment = CommentPeer::RetrieveByPk(1);
print $comment->getArticle()->getTitle();
//Assuming the Article table is joined to the Comment table
Symfony will call 2 queries to ge...
I'm new to Symfony. Is my understanding correct that the User class is actually for controlling sessions? But is there built-in login and account creation? I'm not finding it. But if there's an admin backend generator, how can it function without user logins?
i have installed sfDoctrineGuardUser and have created this model that
inherits sfGuardUser model:
extends: sfGuardUser
type: simple
nombre_apellidos: string(60)
sexo: boolean
fecha_nac: date
provincia: string(60)
localidad: string(255)
email_address: strin...
public function configure()
$this->widgetSchema['start_date'] = new sfWidgetFormInput();
$this->widgetSchema['end_date'] = new sfWidgetFormInput();
$this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator( new sfValidatorOr ( array(
new sfValidatorAnd( array
Hi there!
I'm trying to add a custom page to my web application for the times I'm performing maintenance. I'm trying to test the referred page on my development environment but always appear the symfony page. I had already created a module with a proper action and template and also configured those on the settings.yml file.
Can anyone ...
I have a project built on Symfony 1.4 and it has multiple environments - each developer has their own copy installed on their local machine and therefore has their own environment.
I am able to dynamically set the environment in index.php, but how can I do this for CLI tasks?
I could of course use --env=myenvironment on all tasks, but ...
What I want to do is quite simple: store data in a custom config file that I want to read later on.
I created my file something.yml that I put in the global config directory.
It looks like that:
test: ok
test: ko
foo: bar
john: doe
Then I copied the config_handlers.yml and also put it in the config directo...