
Continuous Integration for a small .NET open source project

I'm starting a small open source project, myself being the sole contributor for the time. Still, I think a continuous integration setup would be useful to detect whether I broke the build. Is there a free, hosted continuous integration server that is suitable for very small projects? Googling turned up CodeBetter, but I'm not sure they'...

TeamCity - problem with Publish on site

Hello all, I am trying to configure TeamCity 5.0 to run "Publish" target on one of my projects. When I load the solution in VS 2008 and click publish on the project the website is being build nicely - files on server appearing by themselves etc. Yet when I run the sln file via TeamCity Sln2008 runner the TeamCity returns: [Project "...

Can anyone suggest reasons as to why the default Build Agent would be unavailable in TeamCity?

I'm in the process of setting up a proper CI environment and am currently evaluation TeamCity. (So my TeamCity experience is non-existent.). I've performed a default install of TeamCity 5.0.1 Professional in a clean Windows XP (for now) VM. I've created my project and pointed it to my source repository and queued up a build. However, ...

Making TeamCity integrate the Subversion build number into the assembly version.

I want to adjust the output from my TeamCity build configuration of my class library so that the produced dll files have the following version number: 3.5.0.x, where x is the subversion revision number that TeamCity has picked up. I've found that I can use the BUILD_NUMBER environment variable to get x, but unfortunately I don't underst...

MSBuild not compiling MSTest projects (from TeamCity)

Im using MSBuild 10 to compile a .Net solution file which includes a MSTest project. Im using MSBuild from within TeamCity. MSBuild doesnt seem to be building the test project and so the test project dll isnt created for use by MSTest, although the other projects are compiled OK. What do I need to do to get the test project to compile ...

Error building ASP MVC solution with Team City

Im testing out the new MVC2 framework, and there I also have tried out the new areas functionality. Im following this example: Walkthrough: Creating an ASP.NET MVC Areas Application Using Multiple Projects Everything builds and runs okay locally, but when I try to commit to my repository and the use the build automation engine Team Ci...

Is it posible to display custom charts per test in TeamCity?

TeamCity reports charts for test duration. I want to break duration into two separate timings and want to display these graphs in "Test Details" tab. Is it possible and how? ...

How does a "delayed commit" work with source control repositories and CI servers?

I'd like to know how "delayed commit" functionality works on CI servers that are not integrated with the source control repositories. Conceptually, the process works like follows: Check in code changes CI server builds the changes If the build passes, the code is committed to source control repository If the build fails, the code is...

TeamCity and IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) Integration

Has anyone used TeamCity with Rational Team Concert (RTC) ? Is there any other continous integration for RTC? ...

Is it possible to change TeamCity's artifacts path

The default path for teamcity artifacts is C:\#User#\.BuildServer\system\artifacts How can i change it to d:\TeamCity\Artifacts Thanks ...

TeamCity Support with Git and MSysGit Public/Private Keys

Does anyone know if TeamCity 5 support the SSH keys generated by using Msysgit? I am not able to connect TeamCity to github using the keys generated by msysgit. ...

TeamCity and NCover integration, exclude files/types just gives me errors

I am trying to integrate NCover 2 into TeamCity 5.0.1, and since I have some files in the project that are out of my control, I'd like to exclude those from the NCover statistics. In the TeamCity build runner setup, I have an option for "Additional NCover arguments", and by looking at the page that describes NCover parameters, I added t...

How can I have teamcity run a .bat file on each successful build?

I have a teamcity (4.something) install that creates .wsp file for deployment to sharepoint. Currently I have to copy the wsp out of the build artifacts directory and into a little deploy folder I have created. In the folder I run a .bat that deploys the new .wsp to our test server. What steps can I take to automate this? Either copy th...

Publishing POMs via Maven and inserting build version info

I'm building Maven projects via TeamCity/Git and trying to insert the TeamCity build numbers in the pom.xml that gets published to my repository upon a successful build. Unfortunately I can't determine how to publish a pom.xml with the substitutions inserted. My pom.xml contains info like: <version>${build.number}</version> where bui...

PartCover and TeamCity

I am using TeamCity to build via a solution file. I am attempting to get "PartCover" to work it. It is easy enough to point it to the partcover.exe, I am just unsure how to get team city to produce a proper report from the results of our nUnit test. I have added the a file to our setup and it is displaying the correct info u...

Using a variable to define a VCS root URL in Team City

We're trying to define a TeamCity project for a release tag. When we're ready to release, we tag trunk with a tag that includes the version number. We want the build process to checkout based on this tag and when the build is complete, move the files into a folder with a name that is also based on the version number. We're only interest...

How to set user account to run build runner in Team City

Hi I have a separate build configuration used to deploy built files. This configuration uses command line build runner. I have a bat file that copies output files to another computer share. The output files are produced by other build configuration. The problem is that when team city executes Windows XP copy command i get access denied...

Why does TeamCity miss a reference and fails compilation?

I'm completely new to TeamCity and I'm using a simple Visual Studio 2008 solution to learn it. My solution has 2 projects: ConsoleApplication1 and ClassLibrary1. ConsoleApplication1 has a reference to ClassLibrary1. The solution compiles with no problem in VS directly. However, when I try to compile the same solution in TeamCity, it ...

How to get MSTest to work with Gallio/MBUnit?

How to get MSTest to work with Gallio/MBUnit? I am trying to get TeamCity to work with Gallio/MBUnit and also some legacy MSTest unit tests. The MSTest section fails with a "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error message. Problem seen with GallioBundle-3.1.397.0-Setup-x64.msi. ...

Maven: Obtaining parent project from SVN when running from TeamCity

I have 3 sibling projects that have a common parent that I'm managing with Maven. The projects share same parent which is one level up. The parent POM has no knowledge of any of the children it simply contains boilerplate, repo definitions and common plugins. Everything works fine until I try to put this on TeamCity. Here's how I do it n...