
Prevent remote runs on TeamCity?

Is there a way to configure a TeamCity build to forbid remote runs? I want to configure a maven build that deploys a snapshot but I don't want to allow remote runs on that configuration. ...

How can I set up TeamCity agents to use separate maven local repositories?

I want to set up each TeamCity agent to use a local repository (maven.repo.local) in the agent's working directory ( Is it possible to configure maven properties to use TeamCity properties in this way? ...

Team Foundation Build or TeamCity?

Hello, We are a mostly MS shop at work doing .NET LOB development. We also use MS Dynamics for our CRM app... all the devs are currently using VS/SQL Server 2008. We also use VSS, but everyone hates it at work and that is quickly on its way out. We are begining our initiative for TDD implementation across the team (~dozen ppl). I've g...

TeamCity and External Database - Which One Works Best, SQL Server or Oracle?

I'm evaluating TeamCity, and am using it with HSQLDB. Now, I'm ready to use an external database, and I have the option to use either Oracle or SQL Server. Everything being equal, Oracle is the preferred option due to corporate policy. Which database will give me the smoothest experience together with TeamCity? ...

Comparison between CruiseControl, TeamCity and Team Foundation Server

Today we are using TFS 2008 for source control, and I imagine we will go for TFS 2010 as quick it goes RTM. We are going to use some continues integration tool but which one? I have been looking at both TeamCity and CruiseControl.NET both seems quite good (TeamCity were a little more easy to configure). I have seen some really promising...

Teamcity build loops on succesful build

I have set up a build with Teamcity. See my build file below. When the build is succesful and the tests pass, the build process just runs again and again indefinitely in a loop. When the build fails, this does not happen. I have tried to first set 60 second pause on buildtriggering, and finally disabled build triggering altogether. N...

Teamcity: Pass Environment parameter to dependent build

I use two build configurations. Root Sub The buildfile for 'Sub' requires a environment parameter 'Param' to run. Can I pass this parameter from my 'Root' configuration to the 'Sub' configuration in Teamcity. Regards ...

Watin from TeamCity not running as a Windows Service

I'm trying to run Watin from within a TeamCity build, using nUnit. All tests run fine locally. I know you cannot run the full Watin tests (i.e. POST) from TeamCity if it is running as a Windows Service. You must start the build agent from a .bat file. But, I don't want to have to login to the server for it to start. I've tried getting...

TeamCity Using Wrong MSBuild Executable?

I'm building an MSBuild file and using it with the MSBuild Build Runner within TeamCity (5.0.2 (build 10784)), but I don't think it's running the right version of MSBuild because I keep getting the following error: error MSB5014: File format version is not recognized. MSBuild can only read solution files between versions 7.0 and 9.0...

TeamCity: Running FxCop After Build

I think I'm missing a valuable piece of understanding with TeamCity 5.0. Why is there a separate build runner for FxCop? I prefer that my build server run everything, at once (compile, run unit tests, FxCop, etc). The problem is, I don't see how to add more than a single Build Runner for a specific project, so it seems I have to add a se...

I get error LNK2001 in TeamCity but not in Vs 2005...

Hi All, I currently have a solution in VS 2005 which I attempted to trim down as it currently contains 150+ projects. As I don't know the solution that well, I am looking at set info, such as the references and the project dependencies within the solution.. In doing so, I have been able to remove approx 15-20 projects from the solution ...

How do I parse the output of msdeploy and fail a TeamCity build if there are errors?

I'm using msdeploy.exe run from TeamCity for deploying ASP.Net projects to staging servers but if suffers severely from always returning a 0 status on exit, even when it raises several errors. This means that a bad deploy does not fail and all looks OK. So I need to parse the output and have that raise an error, is there an easy way to ...

How to share code with continuous integration

I've just started working in a continuous integration environment (TeamCity). I understand the basic idea of not getting so abstracted out in your code that you are never able to build it to test functionality, etc. However, when there is deep coding going on, occasionally it will take me several days to get buildable code--but in the ...

Can TeamCity pull from a tag instead of the tip when retrieving files from a Mercurial repository?

This is with version 5.0.2 of TeamCity. ...

Setting up teamcity to run rails specs

Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up teamcity 5.0.2 to run my rails projects specs (just rake spec) My setup is: local git repo rails app root in side it (git_root/site_root) my rake runner settings are: path to rakefile: site_root/Rakefile working directory: site_root rake tasks: spec attached reporters: rspec everything else is ...

Nant copy all files to output - is this needed? / Visual Studio Build Process

When you compile a project in Visual Studio (VS), as part of the compilaton VS takes all of the referenced libraries that are not in the GAC and copies them to the output folder of your build. e.g. ProjectA.Dll References: ProjectB.Dll References: ProjectC.Dll In the bin\debug folder you will find ProjectA.dll, ProjectB.dll and Proj...

Is it possible to update tfs metics like code churn, code coverage, last to break the build with Team City?

We've been using Team City as our build deployment server. We'd like to now update the metrics in tfs like "Code Churn", "Code Coverage". Is it possible to do this with TeamCity or do we just need to start using the tfs build server? ...

VPS/VDS for Continuous Integration (TeamCity)

We are looking at moving some of existing infrastructure to the virtual space, hence the question: Would you recommend a virtual hosting provider for hosting TeamCity CI server, based on your experience? It'd be nice to get company names/links but if that's against the rules listing your VPS configuration should also do. ...

TeamCity GitHub Private Key Access Denied

Does anyone know of a tutorial for using TeamCity with github with ssh private keys. I have tried to set up git hub to connect and I either get a authentication error or get access denied. I am running TeamCity on Windows 2003. I am running the build agent as a custom account. I am running the web server under the administrator accou...

Team Foundation Build under Mono

Hello, I'm currently looking at which build server we should run up for a multi-platform development (targeting .NET on Windows and Mono on Windows/SUSE). We use TFS (2010 RC) for all other aspects of the ALM, and we need to get continuous integration in place. I'm drawn to TFS because of its integration with the rest of the ALM, and ...