
TeamCity - change port for web server

I'm a complete TeamCity newbie, so I apologize if this is a stupid question. I installed TeamCity and got it working against my project. However, I have since realized that I don't want it the administration page to be configured on port 80. I'm going to have other websites on that server that I want on the default port. How do I cha...

How do you get TeamCity to flatten a directory when it creates artifacts

We are using TeamCity 5.0 to build a C# solution using the sln2008 build runner. We have multiple projects that produce exe files. We want to use TeamCity's artifacts feature to flatten all the directories. We want all the files to go into one folder with no sub folders no matter which folder it came from. TeamCity keeps the directory hi...

Which CI is suitable for .Net

I want to Automate the build process of my company. We are Using.Net platform for developing softwares and currently using VisualSourceSafe as source control. So I want to know that which tools is the best CI for .net Platform. Based on my Researches I found that CrouseControl.Net is better than others so What Do you think. note: I al...

Team City and Visual Studio 2010 and Coverage Tool

Hi everyone ! In my team we shall use Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 as soon as possible and I have a question regarding VS 2010 and Team City. In VS2010 there is a simple tool to measure mstest coverage. Question: Is it possible to read the result of ms-Coverage from team city? If yes, how do we set up that configuration. best Regar...

Anyone manage their Continuous Integration with TeamCity, FinalBuilder, and Mercurial (Kiln)?

Possible Duplicate: Continuous Integration stack on Windows with Mercurial + Mercurial Queues? If so, what does your build process look like? I'm having a difficult time (mostly because of my lack of experience/understanding of all 3 tools) getting TeamCity to run my FinalBuilder scripts. Right now I have FinalBuilder managin...

Finding out who broke the most builds in Teamcity

Is there a simple way of finding out how many successful/broken builds a user has generated in Teamcity? We need this to find out who buys beers on friday :) ...

How to exclude tags folder from triggering build in Teamcity?

Hello, I recently installed Teamcity 5.0.3. I am trying to setup automated build for a .NET 2.0 VS2005 project. I use NAnt and MSBuild task to perform the build. The project structure is a typical SVN structure svn://localhost/ITools is my repository and the project structure is VisualTrack trunk branches tags I created a new ...

How can I change the user identity that runs a build agent in TeamCity?

I am trying to get a build process set up in TeamCity 5, and I am encountering an access denied error when trying to copy some files. I see that my build agent is running as "SYSTEM" now, and I think that's part of the problem. I'd like to change that user identity. The trouble is that I can't figure out how to change those settings o...

Problem loading Oracle client libraries when running in a NAnt build

I am trying to use dbdeploy to manage Oracle schema changes. I can run it successfully from the command line to get it to generate my change scripts, but when I try to execute it via the dbdeploy NAnt task running through TeamCity, I get an error: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater. I ...

TeamCity stopped working once I added NUnit to the mix

I'm struggling a lot trying to get our build server going. I am currently running tests in a Windows XP virtual machine, and have installed TeamCity v5.0.3, build 10821. I am using NUnit v2.5.3. I finished the initial setup with TeamCity without any issues at all, provided that I use the sln2008 build runner that makes the entire proc...

TeamCity with TFS - workspace problems

Hi, We have been using CC.NET as our CI server for a month or so now, which has worked ok with TFS. In the config we were able to specify the TFS server, username, password, project and workspace which is all good. Now we are moving over to TeamCity mainly because it just seams more solid and is much nicer to use. The problem is gettin...

Automating silverlight unit tests using StatLight and TeamCity

Hi, What is the best way to run silverlight unit tests automatically using team city? I have found StatLight which we had working well when we used, and it says that it has support for teamcity. Does this just mean the test results output file is compatible with teamcity? Do I need to create a command line runner to run the tes...

How can I reduce build time using a parallel build / parallelizing the tests?

Simple question :) How can I reduce build time using a parallel build / parallelizing the tests? We're using TeamCity, JUnit, Fit, Selenium ...

Configuring TeamCity + NUnit unit tests so files can be loaded properly

In a nutshell, I have a solution that builds fine in the IDE, and the unit tests all run fine with the NUnit GUI (via the NUnitit VS2008 plugin). However, when I execute my TeamCity build runner, all unit tests that require file access (e.g. for running tests against specific XML files), I just get System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundExceptions....

Globally disabling FxCop errors in TeamCity

Ok, another FxCop question for today. I've read the arguments regarding the IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly rule, and whether or not it should be "XML" or "Xml". Well, I'm an "XML" guy and I want to stay that way. Therefore, I do not want FxCop to correct me all of the time. I have been using the SuppressMessage attribute only for ...

How can I copy the artifacts from Teamcity to another server?

Hi, how can I copy the artifacts from Teamcity to another server? Thanks ...

Teamcity and Grails

Hi there, My current requirement is: I have to package my grails app and use teamcity for continuous build. The only problem is the build agents don't have groovy and grails installed (don't ask why) I want to package my app with Groovy and Grails directories and check in Git. So that there is no dependency on installing groovy an...

Watin + Teamcity = error 8007007e

I try to run some javascript unit tests (in addition to my Nunit tests) on a project in TeamCity, by using Watin. I am not very familiar with either Watin or Teamciy, so forgive me if I have missed some vital information along the way. Anyway: When I run the test in Visual Studio 2008, it succeeds, but when I try to run it on teamcity i...

Grails Plugins and Team City

This is my current scenario: I have checked in my grails app code + Groovy Folder + Grails Folder using GIT to teamcity. Now when I try to run it Teamcity trows me this error: [13:33:35]: Error reading remote plugin list [ Connection refused: connect], building locally... [13:33:35]: Plugins list cache doesn't...

TeamCity and pending Git merge branch commit keeps build with failed tests

We use TeamCity for continuous integration and Git for source control. Generally it works pretty well - convenient, modern and good us quick feedback when tests fails. There is a strange behavior related to Git merge specifics. Here are steps of the case: First developer pulls from master repo. Second developer pulls from master repo....