
What is your opinion of the Telerik Extensions for MVC?

I've started digging around with using the Telerik Extensions for MVC. They don't integrate seemlessly into my current project, but I could reorganize things to fit it in. But, I'm wondering if it would be worth it in the end. I've been searching for reviews on the extensions, I haven't seen too many. So I'm asking here. On their websi...

Can an individual RadGrid row be selectable based upon a condition?

I have a RadGrid that has a GridClientSelectColumn. I have the AllowRowSelection setting set to true. Is there a way on the server end that I can conditionally set whether an individual datarow in selectable or not? I want some rows to be selectable on the client-side, but not others. Thanks! ...

IQueryable into a hierarchy

I currently have an IQueryable of Questions. In my Question object I have and "id" and a "parentId" which can be used to create a hierarchy. Currently, I bind a RadTreeView to the IQueryable of Questions and the RadTreeView takes care of creating the hierarchy because I define the dataId and dataParentId for the TreeView in the markup....

Binding a radgrid to a tree like data structure

I have a structure that looks following Class TreeNode { public TreeNode Parent { get; } public IEnumerable<TreeNode> Children { get; } public . . . . } I want to bind this to a telerik radgrid with detail tables for each level of the children. I know that radgrid supports declarative binding to a self referenci...

RadGrid In-Line Editing with Hierarchical DropDownLists

Hi Everyone, Has anybody seen a demo or forum post that might help me out with this issue? What I'm looking to do is to have a RadGrid with in-line editing. I have three columns, "Category", "Question", and "Answer", which I'd like to use drop down lists for. However, what I'm looking to do is when a "Category" is selected, to repopu...

Telerik GridViewDataControl - load from datatable

Hello, does anyone uses this control and knows how to load data to it from simple datatable. There is not such a trick as DataSource... ...

telerik radgrid: grid clientside pagination

I have a web service which returns me some data,I am massaging this data and using this as datasource for my radgrid (telerik). The datasource is quite large, and would like to paginate it. I found couple of problems when I paginate it in the server side I have to bind the grid again for pagination, which essentially means I have to ma...

Set default value of telerik:GridDropDownColumn inside of telerik:RadGrid

I have a telerik:RadGrid that is bound to a SQL Data Source. One of the columns is for "Location" which is really a look up value in another table. <telerik:GridDropDownColumn DataField="d_location_id" DataSourceID="dsLocation" UniqueName="d_location_id" DataType="System.Int32" ListValueField="d_location_i...

Telerik RadTabStrip doesn't render correctly when loaded via AJAX

Hi, I'm loading a user control dynamically and displaying it using a RadAjaxPanel. The problem is that my RadTabStrip doesn't render correctly. The skin hasn't been applied and I only see part of the text. If I do a complete refresh of the page then it displays perfectly fine and from that point on it will render correctly even if I loa...

Discuss on Commercial Component libraries of silverlight

I am now looking forward to buy a component library of silverlight for increase the productivity. I find there are number of them. Telerik ComponentOne ComponentArt Infragistics Syncfusion I found more people talk about Telerik and ComponentOne on the Net, and so I did a try. Telerik seems more handy for the beginner lever, as many comp...

Which is the best input mask???

Hi everyone, I have been putting only jQuery mask so far, but I figured out that in Mozilla they have some problem. For example if I mask input with $(".someClass").mask("9?9"); and enter only one digit '1' Mozilla will submit value of "1_" which fails validation (is a number) but user definitely entered correct value. Is there a mask...

Telerik RadGrid Add/Edit Row Performance Issue

In a Telerik RadGrid, the user has the ability to add a row and edit an existing one. It appears that the grids actually force a postback to occur before the UI controls are rendered on the screen. I'm noticing a second to two seconds delay from the time the button is clicked to the time the controls appear. This seems about a second ...

Calculated cells in Telerik RadGrid's GridGroupFooterItem

I'm populating a Telerik RadGrid with data from a DataTable (System.Data.DataTable). As I'm supporting someone else's application, I can't use any other data source or display control. In my grid I have three columns: let's say they are Widgets Produced (column A), Faulty Widgets (column B) and Faultiness Proportion (column C). The data...

Javascript alert with confirmation

Hi, I have a javascript alert popup on my page. Problem I am having with it is that instead of waiting for the user to actually click the OK button, it simply does a redirect, something it ought to do AFTER the OK button has been clicked. Can anyone please help me tweak my code so as to get this working as it ought to please? function f...

Changing RadCombobox Font Color when Disabled in ASP.NET

I am not exactly sure why this is not as easy as I expected. I need to change the font color of a disabled RadCombobox control . Any idea how I can do this please? .RadComboBoxcss { background-color: #808080; color:Blue; font-weight:bold; } ...

Problem with Telerik RadGrid Paging and Updatepanel

Hi, I've set a RadGrid with Paging into a simple UpdatePanel, and it caused a JavaScript exception. Does anyone familiar with that problem ? ...

RadcomboBox css help needed

I am trying to change the font color on disabled radcombobox control. Any idea what I may be doing wrong in the code below for the font color not to work? .RadComboBox_Web20 .rcbDisabled .rcbInputCell input, .RadComboBox_Web20 .rcbDisabled .rcbInputCell .rcbItem, .RadComboBox_Web20 .rcbDisabled .rcbInputCell .rcbInput, .RadComboBoxDropD...

Conditional Item Templates with RadComboBox

I have a RadComboBox that I am using to display department name and abbreviations. I am using an Item Template with a LinqDataSource to make each item appear as: DeptAbbr - (DeptName) Here is the code I am using to do this and it works fine: <telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbDepartments" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="True" O...

How to catch a LostFocus event in client-side code?

This is really a dumb newbie question, but I am still learning the ropes of ASP.NET, and I couldn't work this one out by myself... < blush> I am working with a 3rd party control (Telerik RadTimePicker). Somebody else designed the form, and I just want to catch an event on the client side when the control loses focus so I can set the va...

Access control on parent from IFRAME (RadWindow)

Need a "server-side" solution. Is there any way to access a control (Hidden HTML Field) from an IFRAME (RadWindow) that is on the parent page? Before I launch the IFRAME (RadWindow), I write the URL I am opening to a hidden HTML field on the parent page. The point is so I can access that value from within the IFRAME if I wanted to "go...