
Horizontal scrolling not working in tabBar of three20 project??

I am using the three20 open source project by Joe Hewitt. have the following code in a UITableViewController: _tabBar1 = [[TTTabStrip alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 41)]; _tabBar1.tabItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [[[TTTabItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"item1"] autorelease], [[[TTTabItem alloc] initWithTitle:@...

TTTableImageItem doesn't load the image until scroll

Hi, I'm using the three20 project for my iPhone app. I've narrowed my problem down and I'm now just trying to re-create the 'Web Images in Table' example that comes with the project. I've copied the code exactly as in the project, with the exception that I do not use the TTNavigator (which the example does) but I am adding my TTTableVie...

Just how to you use TTStyledTextLabel?

All I want is to display some simple text in my viewController and have the hyperlinks autoparsed. When the user clicks on the link I want the control to somehow do a callback where I can do something with the URL. How can I achieve this? I've already looked through the TTCatalog for hours. I have also tried looking into the source cod...

three20 with iphone device 2.2.1

i use in my iphone application "three20" library but it's not work in iphone device 2.2.1. anybody now if this project can run in this device and how can i solve it ? thanks Alex ...

Is there a way to resize TTThumbsViewController's grid?

I am using TTThumbsViewController to display a grid of thumbnails, very easy. However the hard part is what if I want to display a custom view at the bottom of the grid? And I don't want the view to be part of the scrollable grid. How do I resize the thumbnail grid and then attach my own view to this controller's view? Think of this view...

TTPickerTextField DataSource? How do I create my own DataSource?

Hello, for my iPhone Project, I woud love to use the TTpickerTextField from Three20 to let the User select a contact from the Addressbook. While I’m really new to cocoa, I don’t understand how to use the Addressbook as a DataSource. As far as I understand, I have to create my own DataSource, that means, get every entry from the Addressb...

TTWebController/TTNavigator invocation, not animating + dismissal problem

Hi again everybody. I'm having a problem implementing the TTNavigator + TTWebController to capture links in styled labels and open them in the TTWebController. In my current UIViewController (not a navigation controller), in the viewDidLoad i added (according to TTCatalog sample): TTNavigator* navigator = [TTNavigator navigator]; naviga...

Unable to delete rows in table using Three20

I've got a button that toggles setEditing on a TTTableView. Previously I'd been using a "regular" UITableView and the following method to actually delete the data, but I don't see anything similar in the Three20 classes and using my method doesn't get called when the delete button is pressed on a row. (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tab...

How to achieve a hidden status bar using three20 framework

I'm using the TTThumbsViewController section of the three20 framework, and I have the status bar hidden throughout my application. When the user views the full size image, taps the screen(hiding the controls), when they tap again the controls reappear but the status bar is there too. I've searched through the whole library and been u...

TTURLResponse is nil

I am trying to implement a simple TTURLRequest in my app. I'm pretty new to the Three20 framework. I mainly want TTURLRequest and TTImageView for the awesome caching stuff. I have the following code in my delegate: - (void)requestDidFinishLoad:(TTURLRequest*)request { TTURLDataResponse *response = request.response; // Stuff to ...

Using Three20 Navigator to webview

Hi, How would I make the TTNavigator sample code to make one of the tabs go straight to a web view or straight to a youtube video etc? Here is the current code ...

How to force TTPhotoViewController reload image URL in iPhone?

Hi, everyone. I feel good when I use Three20 framework to create a good iPhone application if you didn't try it before, just go here to try. but the I want your help me to force TTPhotoViewController to reload the image after it initialized. At the moment, it seems load the exist image before and didn't active to viewDidLoad. Could y...

Three20 library - subclass of TTPhotoViewController has an opaque navigation bar

Hi I am using a TTPhotoViewController subclass from the Three20 library for showing images from a web location. The images load up fine but the navigation bar and toolbar show up with the default tint. I am using a nav bar with a custom tint (set in the MainWindow.xib) I tried these things to get it to show black translucent bars but n...

Is there a way to remove the "No Results" label from a UISearchDisplayController?

I have a three20 controller that is using the new sdk3 UISearchDisplayController. I also have a model that is loaded from the network, it seems that no matter what I do the default behavior for the UISearchDisplayController is show "No Results" label. Is there a way to make it go away and show something else? ...

Issue pushing new view controllers on stack using TTURLMap

have an app using tabs, those tabs are mapped as shown in TTNavigatorDemo, in each of those tabs I have varying table views. Each table item has a dynamic TTURLMap URL associated with it. When I select an item, I know the subsequent view controller is being called, i just log in the initWithNavigatorURL function. However, the view is n...

Three20: Make a TTTableItem link to a TTViewController

I want my table items to show the disclosure arrow and link to another "details" screen. Pretty standard. Three20 is supposed to help with this. In my TTListDataSource, I'm currently doing: - (void)tableViewDidLoadModel:(UITableView *)tableView { [super tableViewDidLoadModel:tableView]; // Construct an object that is suitab...

Serving PNG images over http to Three20 iPhone app

I'm trying to serve up png images from a Linux (c++ / Qt4.5.x) server daemon to an iPhone application that is using the Three20 framework - specifically I want to use the TTThumbsViewController view. I managed to make any web browser view images with the following returned in my daemon when it "GET"s a request: QTextStream os(socket); ...

How to delete row in TTTableViewController (Three20)

Hi, The Three20 is great library. It's making the work with tables very easy. But one gap that I noticed - is deletion of rows, with animation. I spent many hours trying to do this, and this is what I'm doing: // get current index patch UITableView* table = [super tableView]; NSIndexPath *indexPath = [table indexPathForSelectedRow]; ...

iPhone App rejected because of Three20 "non-public API" "lineHeight" and "previousViewController"

Hi, my app was rejected because of the non-public APIs "3.3.1 Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs." The following non-public APIs are included in your application: lineHeight previousViewController " What can I do? I used the three20-P31 version, but i...

TTStyledTextLabel - unrecognized selector exception

Hi I am using the 2.x compatible branch of Three20 library. I want to display a URL and am using the TTStyledTextLabel for this purpose. However when trying to use it, I get an exception *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[TTStyledTextLabel width]: unrecognized selector sent to in...