
How to display a image from web with ttstyledtextlabel?

I want to display data like: <p>blabla blabla <img src="" /> lalala </p> but I found ttstyledtextlabel could only display local image. I don't want to use UIWebView because It's too heavy and slow. ...

Set the TTStyledText div/span width on iPhone

I want to render a label with the following look: LongTitle 1234 Title 6789 As you can see, this looks like a table with an invisible margin. TTStyledTextLabel does not support tables as far I can tell, but it supports styling div/spans to some degree. In regular HTML, I could accomplish this with: <span style="width:200p...

Three20 monotouch/btouch examples?

Hey Does anyone know of any examples or tutorials working with the three20 btouch dll? I have no idea where to start! w:// ...

Is it a good idea to use ASIHTTPRequest library with three20 ?

Was wondering if it was a good idea to intergrate ASIHTTPRequest framework for HTTP requests for REST while using three20. three20 has TTURLRequest. ...

TTNavigator three20 openURLAction

I'm new to three20 and trying to find my way through the TTNavigator class. I try to push to a new view via the URL system. So I used openURL: animated: method which works just fine, but it's deprecated, and I know that I should use openURLAction instead, but this has no animated: parameter. Am I missing something? ...

Using TTMessageController by -pushViewController

Hi Everyone: TTMessageController (from the Three20 framework) was recommended to me to replicate the email creation behavior. However, I am running into a bit of a problem integrating it with my application. The rest of my application uses a UINavigationController in order to show the various UIViewControllers, but it doesn't seem that ...

Why does my TTTableViewController not appear

I have an application which contains a scrollview with two subviews (to scroll left and right between them) Both views appear correctly and scrolling between the views worked fine. Now I want to change the first view to be a TTTableView (courtesy of Three20) but when I use the class 'TableControlsTestController' from the TTCatalog appl...

How do I right align controls in a TTTableControlItem?

I'm using Three20's TTTableViewController to display a sectioned table view. The datasource is a TTSectionedDataSource containing TTTableControlItems. The controls are all left aligned. I'd like to make them right aligned. Is there any way to do this without creating a custom cell? ...

Using Three20's TTThumbsViewController in conjunction with TabBarController

I've been struggling to get TTThumbsViewController to work with my application's tab bar and navigation. Bit-by-bt, I've solved most of the problems. The first problem is what I see when I get to what is supposed to be a full-screen image view. It is creating a white block where the status bar used to be. See screen-shots... Any...

TTThumbsViewController + navigationController issue

Hi, .. 2 questions. I am only using Three20 for a gallery in my app. When I push my .. : TTThumbsViewController from another view, the navigation bar is not the color I want it to be (as per the rest of my app). I have set up a TTDefaultStyleSheet as per this stackoverflow QA. Is there something special I have to do as I am only using ...

Problem with TTWebController… alternative view controller template for UIWebView?

I have a UIWebView with content populated from a API call. This content contains links, many of which are handled by parsing info from the URL in: - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)aWbView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType; …and passing that info on to appropr...

Using TTSearchBar with TTThumbsViewController

I would like to layout a TTSearchBar above above a TTThumbsViewController. My current (failing) attempt involves my own SearchViewController that inherits from TTViewController and contains a reference to a TTThumbsViewController and TTSearchBar. In the loadView method, I instantiate both TTThumbsViewController and TTSearchBar and add th...

TTNavigator doesn't use existing navigation bar (iPhone)

I am using the three20 framework in one view controller of my App. I create TTNavigator object and open a url which works fine. The problem is that TT creates it's own navigation bar and does not use the existing bar. There is no back button on the new nav bar so I cannot go back to my previous view controller. Has anybody run into this...

[three20] dynamically add Items to TTLauncher

Hi guys, in my app i got a TTLauncher Object with some TTLauncherItems in it. Now i want to add some Items dynamically inside my App by pressing a button. Is there a simple way to do that or do i have to create my own methods? In the original facebook application there is already something like that implemented. (You can add your Frien...

How to use NSObject to URLs with three20 properly

Basically i map my controllers to accept the address class to be passed into the listingpage controller. Which is done here: [map from:@"tt://listingPage/(initWithResult:)" toViewController:[ListingPageController class]]; [map from:[Address class] name:@"result" toURL:@"tt://listingPage/(initWithResult:)"]; This url is being used ...

Adding Three20 in our project ?

Hi How to find /Three20/src folder in downloaded source code ? or i have to create my own folder of that name ? and Clone the Three20 git repository: git clone git:// is have to run on terminal or what ? Concept not clear ? any any body help me regarding all the steps clearly ? thanks ...

Multiple TTPickerTextField in TTMessageController

Hi Everyone: Is there some way to use multiple instances of TTPickerTextField in one TTMessageController? I am currently only using the default "To" field with a .datasource, but I am unsure of how to add the others to the main controller. Thanks for any help. ...

iPhone:How to change the background color of 'TTTabStrip' Tabbar in Three20 lib?

Hello, I have added facebook's Three20 static library successfully into my project and able to view scrollview tabbar called 'TTTabStrip' which has defined in TTCatlog project. I want to now change the background color of the tabbar as Tabbar is always showing like silvertint color. How do i change TTTabStrip tabbar background color. I ...

tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: calls TTNavigator openURLAction:applyAnimated: — UITabBar and navigationItem disappear

I have an existing iphone project with a UITabBar. Now I need styled text and in-text links to other ViewControllers in my app. I am trying to integrate TTStyledTextLabel. I have a FirstViewController:UITabelViewController with this tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(N...

TTRequestLoader always raises "TTDASSERT failed: _cacheKey == request.cacheKey"

I run the TTCatalog application from the Three20 library and encountered this error when click on the "Photo Thumbnails" of the "Three20 Catalog": TTDASSERT failed: _cacheKey == request.cacheKey I look at the breakpoint and see that it is on line 119 of TTRequestLoader.m of the method addRequest. I know that it failed to do the ass...