
Three20 Photo Scroller alternative?

Hello I wan to add a view in my iPhone app where the user can scroll (paged) through a series of web loaded images. I've been reading many threads and most of them end up suggesting the Three20 lib. I've tried that and looks complicated to integrate and quite heavy in size (1.2Mb added to my app). Additionally I only need the TTPhoto...

Adding a ToolBar with a TTNavigator

Hi everyone, I didn't anywhere the solution to my problem. Basically, I just want to add a ToolBar while using TTNavigator for managing the navigation of my application. The ToolBar is the same one can have with UINavigationController : self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = NO; I don't think it's difficult to set up :) Hope someon...

TTPhotoViewController: How to show small images

Hi, I posted this question on Three20 google group but did not get any response. So I thought I try this forum. I am using TTPhotoViewController to display photos. I am following sample code given in Three20 sample project: TTCatalog/PhotoTest1Controller.m. In my case some of the images are less than (320,480). The problem which I am f...

Reloading the model of a TTTableViewController

My problem is that I have a Register Controller and a Login Controller. The Login Screen displays a Login Screen or a Logout Screen depending if a user is logged in. Now when a user registers, does not close the app, and then goes to the Login Screen it will still display a Login Screen, although there is a logged in user already. This i...

Three20 URLNavigation: Disabling view persistence for some controllers

I generally like the View Persistor in the Three20 URLNavigation, however, I would like to exclude a few Controllers so they can't be the the first controller to show when the app loads. how can i do that? ...

TTThumbsViewController / TTPhotoView - Change Caption Size?

I am working with Three20's PhotoTest2Controller (TTThumbsViewController). When I click a thumbnail and open the image (TTPhotoView?), how can I increase the size of the caption area? I need to be able to display more than 6 lines. ...

Set the width and height for a TTLauncherItem

I have this: _launcherView.pages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [[[TTLauncherItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"New Note" image:@"bundle://Icon.png" URL:@"ht...

three20 linking error

Hi all, After following all the instructions on to integrate three20 library into my project. I'm getting this linking error: duplicate symbol _TTCreateNonRetainingArray in /test XYZ Photos App/Three20/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libThree20Core.a(TTGlobalCore.o) and /test XYZ Photos App/Three...

Using three20 to display a table view with styled text

I'm trying to get my head around three20. It's a big beast, but I want it to do just a small thing - display a table view with styled text within the cells. How would I create and show such a table? ...

How to open a link in Safari with three20?

With the three20 library you can create styled text, including links, but how do you get those links to open in Safari (or within the app itself)? ...

Best way to use custom TTButton with interface builder

Hi, I am quite new to the whole IPhone development thing and was playing around with the Three20 library. The samples for this library showed me an easy way to create a nice looking button with styles etc and this to my view: TTButton* button = [TTButton buttonWithStyle:@"forwardActionButton:" title:@"Login"]; [button setFrame:CGRectMa...

Extend TTPhotoViewController with custom TTPhotoView

I have successfully integrated the three20 framework in my project, and I have extended the TTPhotoViewController to add some further functionality. Now I need to add some subviews to the TTPhotoView loaded by the TTPhotoViewController. In particular I would like to add that subviews after every TTPhotoView as been loaded. These subview...

TTActionSheetController adding a UIPicker

I know how to add a uipicker to a uiactionsheet, how can one be added to the ttactionsheetcontroller? I see a reference to actionSheet within the controller, but setting the bounds to accommodate the uipicker doesn't seem to have any affect. And ideas? Best, Ward ...

Three20 for iPad

Hi, I have a requirement of using Three20 in my iPad project. I was wondering if the Three20 project of iPhone version is directly usable in iPad or should we wait for the this timeline to complete: Are there any alternatives for Three20 in OS 3.2? Thanks, Raj ...

Help - Three20 Distribution Build

Hey there, I just wanted to build my App for submitting it to the AppStore - it includes the widely used three20 framework. As the Debug Versions on the Dev-Devices worked great, i'm having trouble compiling the project for distribution. XCode says: No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=armv6, VALID_AR...

TTLauncherItem: change badge immediately (or: how to refresh TTLauncherView)

I have a TTLauncherView with some TTLauncherItems. These show badges, representing messages from the network. I set the badges in viewWillAppear:, so if I switch to another view and then return, the correct badges are shown. But I want to update the badges as soon a message comes in. Calling setNeedsDisplay on TTLauncherView doesn't hel...

Three20 and iOS 4

I'm trying to complie my app for iOS 4. It includes Three20. I've set the base SDK to "iPhone Device 4.0" and the Deployment Target to "iPhone OS 3.0" but I get this message: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_TTURLRequestModel", referenced from: _OBJC_CLASS_$_MockPhotoSource in MockPhotoSource.o What do I have to do? ...

Do I need to answer "yes" to the Encryption used question in the app store submission process as I am using Three20 library?

Hi, i am going to submit my application to Appstore. i have one question as i am using Three20 library in my project to load thumbnail images from server. My question do I need to answer "yes" to the Encryption used question in the app store submission process? while review the library i found Three20 library using md5 encryption so...

Three20 setting thumbnail photo size

Hi all, Three20's photo aplication sets the photo size of the photos which are expanded from thumbnail photos. I want to resize the bigger image into thumbnail size keeping the aspect ratio same. But there seems to be no delegate method to do the same. How to set the size of the thumbnail photos? I'm getting this exception TTDASSERT...

TTPhotoViewController: Images not loading until swipe

Hi, I am trying to implement TTPhotoViewController in a sample iPad application. I have implemented properly TTPhotoSource and TTPhoto protocols. The TTPhotoViewController does show image, but not until swiped. The right and left button in the tab bar below doesnt seem to work at all, they never change the image displayed. The UIActivi...