
How to use TTTThumbViewController and UITabBarController

Hi, I will be really fast, in my app I've a UITabBarController, in one tab I've implemented a TTThumbViewController but when it appears my tabbar disappears and I lose the primary navigation in my app. What is the right way to implement it? Thanks ...

iPhone:(Three20)Unselect (Unhiglight) TTTabItem dynamically?

Hello friends, I have four TabBarItem (TTTabItem) in a TabBar (TTTabBar). In one case, i want to remove the TabBarItem selection from any of the four TabBarItems (TTTabItem) . i.e., the complete TabBar will not show any TabBarItems selected. Can i achieve it? I tried the following, [_tabBar1 setSelectedTabItem:nil]; But it is c...

overridden three20 TTDefaultStyleSheet style not working

hi, i recently got three20 integrated into my app and am trying to override the default toolbar color in TTWebController. In TTWebController.m:118 I see that this is setting the toolbar's tintColor: _toolbar.tintColor = TTSTYLEVAR(toolbarTintColor); So I created my own stylesheet that subclasses TTDefaultStyleSheet and overrides too...

Three20 - add items to launcherView after viewDidLoad

Hi I am getting a list of image URLs and corresponding names at run time in my app. I would like to add these images to a TTLauncherView object that I have. Cannot add these in loadView. I am making a call to the method for getting my data in a separate thread. Once the thread completes, I add the TTLauncherItem objects to an array and...

Three20 Library Cannot find its own headers Xcode iPhone

#import "Three20/Three20.h" Fails. Go download it and build a sample app. If that works, then make a new app from the templates provided, then watch as it fails spectacularly to find the right HEADER_SEARCH_PATH. 1) I've gone to the info page for the TARGET and not the PROJECT (Well, I tried both) and tried a bunch of different paths fo...

presentModalViewController NOT animating when showing a TTMessageController

I have a subclass of TTMessageController that shows ... BUT it is not animated even though it should be. The code that displays the modal view looks like this (where PostToWebMessageController is the subclass of TTMessageController: if (self.toWebMsgController == nil) { self.toWebMsgController = [[PostToWebMessageController alloc] ...

How to use Three20 framework to upload multiple images and handle JSON response?

So I have an iPhone application that needs to: Post several strings and up to 5 images (stored in memory) to a RoR web application Parse the JSON returned that will include several strings and an array of URLs (each representing the location of where the uploaded images can be found on the website). QUESTIONS: Can this be done with...

Delegate function not called on Three20 url request model

In one of my project, I want to use the TTURLRequestModel to populate the response data in XML format by passing the TTURLXMLResponse to the request. However, the delegate method is never called. Can someone tell me what I am missing in these two files? Do I need to initialize some other elements of the library? Three20Parser.h @inter...

Using Three20 with an another protocol than HTTP

Hi, I'm just starting to discover Three20, and would like to know in which direction to look for using Three20 with another protocol than HTTP. Three20 uses requests by URLs, and I would like to request files (for examples photos in TTImageView) using a different protocol (a home made one). If you can just tell me if it's possible with...

iphone Three20 TTMessageController Address Book

Hey there, I'm trying to use the TTMessageController from Three20 to send messages through a custom web service. I'm not clear on how I can incorporate contacts from the user's address book. I see the model mock address book in the sample app, but the sample only contains names. Is there a way to set the datasource of TTMessageContro...

iphone Three20 TTNavigator UITabbarController

Not sure if what I want to do makes sense, but I want to take advantage of the UITabBarController and the TTNavigator from Three20. Any tutorials around that demonstrate how this can be done? I understand how to add view controllers to the navigator using the TTURLMap, but do I need to add a navigator for each tabbar item? I'm lost. ...

How to change the navigation bar style in Three20 TTThumbsviewcontroller in iphone?

I am using Three20 to create a thumbnail view. I want to change the navigation bar style to black from black translucent.If i give blacktranslucent it works fine ,if i change it the the thumb nail view is lowered like this image.How can i change it? Please help me out.Thanks. ...

Three20 JSON problem: Can deploy to simulator but not device (extThree20JSON)

Everything builds and runs in the simulator fine ... but when I attempt to run on device I get: "arm-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: ..../three20/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libextThree20JSON+YAJL.a: No such file or directory" I check that directory and indeed the file doesn't exist. It does exist in the "Debug-iphoneosimulator" t...

Problem of Three20: How to refresh TTLauncherItem

After adding TTLauncherItem into TTLauncherView, I want to change the image and title for the added TTLauncherItem。 But when I changed the value of image and title, it was not working. There is no change on the view. Exit the program, and enter again, the image and title was changed. How can I refresh image and title of TTLauncherItem...

How to make scrolling through images as fast as Apple's Photos app

The Goal — On an iPhone, to browse through several hundred locally-stored jpgs using a UIScrollView. The Problem — Like many others before me, I've tried implementing a scroll view based on Apple's Page Control sample code and found it lacking. The biggest issue I'm currently up against is that the sample code's architecture doesn't see...

Am i implementing TTLauncher correctly?

I was playing around with the TTCatalog example, just tried adding a url with a url mapped in the appdelegate: [[[TTLauncherItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Button 1" image:@"bundle://Icon.png" URL:@"tt://photoTest1" canDelete:YES] autorelease], For some reason, it's not doing anythin...

TTTableView and Search issue

Hi, I am working with the SearchTestController demo as part of TTCatalog in three20 and have found that if another TTTableViewController is called from the search screen (via URLs with TTNavigator) on the first view, the top row of the second tableview is concealed by the navigation bar. This only occurs when calling from the first Vie...

Three20 TTSectionedDataSource row height

Hey there, I'm using Three20 to create a table with several textfields for user registration. I've found two possible methods using Three20. The first uses the TTSectionedDataSource's tableDidLoadModel method to manually add UI components and the second adds custom items that contains pre formatted UI components. The second option se...

What is the optimum size for images on the ipad?

Hi, I have built a photo app for the iphone which has albums of high resolution images that the user can flick through. It's based on Three20 and the TTThumbsViewController. The images are currently mostly 2048x2048 or thereabouts but this seems too large given the screen is only 1024x768. Is there any value in leaving them at the ...

How do you add flair to three20's Thumbnail View for iPhone?

Hi. You know three20's Thumbnail View? We're building an iPhone app and want to use that view, except each thumbnail will be a user's profile picture. Then, based on certain flags downloaded as JSON from the server, we want to overlay a green dot on the bottom left of each thumbnail (or give each thumbnail a blue border) where the corres...