
Three20 + CoreData

Before I begin looking into this myself, I wanted to check if anyone had leads on projects that already integrate CoreData into the three20 MVC model. I didn't find anything when I looked online so just throwing this out there too. ...

three20 TTNavigator Demo

I am working through creating a similar project following the TTNavigator Demo app and have fallen at the first hurdle. I have duplicated the beginning section as show here: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { TTNavigator* navigator = [TTNavigator navigator]; navigator.persistenceMode = TTNavigatorPe...

how to add a custom subview inside TTThumbviewController (Three20)

Hi, i am developing an iphone application which have to show images from server as thumbnail list. I have created thumbnailview using Three20 package TTThumbViewcontroller class. Now i have to add banner view above the thumbnail view as shows in the image. Also i have to add the bottom banner view in the TTPhotoviewcontroller also. c...

Three20 add TTThumbsViewController via presentModalViewController?

I have a regular old iPhone app that has a main view controller that is loaded from a nib. I have a uibutton tied to an ibaction and when that is clicked I want to display a TTThumbsViewController. Is there a way to do that without adding a launcher or any other unnecessary overhead? A tutorial or code sample would be spectacular. Thanks...

Using CATransition's In Three20?

I am looking to implement CATransitions within TTNavigator, I know the method openURL can take a UIViewAnimationTransition but that only gives me flipping and curling animations, but with CATransition I have access to another 8, of which kCATransitionFromRight, kCATransitionFromLeft, kCATransitionFromTop, kCATransitionFromBottom are the ...

Add/remove data to TableView datasource programmatically

HI @ll! I want to add and remove some items to my datasource for my tableview programmatically. First of all: What do I want to achieve? I habe a UIView with a TTTableView control (the Tableview from the Three20 project, but derived from the common UITableView control). This TableView is working well and has a TTSegmentedDataSource obj...

three20 doesnt show navigation and tab bar

Hello all, Actually i am stuck at problem using three20 photo gallery. I used it in one of my tabbar item which has tableview one cell of table push three20 photo gallery. it works but there in no tabbar in gallery and no back button. Please help me out. ...

Scrolling text with wrapping on iPhone

Hi, is it possible to make text scroll horizontally and wrap when finished? Automatically scrolling like a NYSE ticker. And is there a method that could get called on the re-wrap, so I could, for example, refresh the news feed? I heard you can do this in Three20 but I'm not sure of the class / implementation. Cheers! ...

Three20 image from file folder

I am saving a UIImage using following code.This image is saved in My application's Documents folder. NSString *pngPath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents/Test.png"]; [UIImagePNGRepresentation(currentImage) writeToFile:pngPath atomically:YES]; How to get back this image in Three20 TTThumbsViewContro...

[iPhone] Preferences like TableView

Hi @ll I am currently working on an internal settings menu for my app (I know the global one for all application settings). For the Menu I am using the Three20 lib. My question: Is there a table cell for Three20 TTTableViewController which looks like the cells in the global preferences menu? What I need is a cell with a caption on the ...

TTNavigator from Three20 is crashing

Hi Experts, I'm using a TTTableSubtitleItem and want that on a touch a function is called. TTURLMap *map = navigator.URLMap; [map from:@"*" toObject:self selector:@selector(calledFunction)]; but if I' using it its throwing this error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSInvocation...

External library working in Debug profile but not in Release profile on iOS 3.1.*

Hi! I'm having a problem with my Three20-based application. It works perfectly fine on iOS 4, but on iOS 3.1.*, it only works with the Debug profile. When I try the Release profile, the application crashes with [NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:] at the first call to a Three20 method. If I comment out all Three20 method calls, the app ...

Why Extra Padding on top of ThumbnailView?

I am using Three20's TTThumbViewController. Everything works fine except for a padding on top of the thumbnail table which appears to be reserved for the navigation header, except that it takes the place right below the header. How can I get rid of this white space? ...

iPhone tabBar TTNavigation caching

Hi All, When using a tabBar and TTNavigator I get some unwanted caching... for example: Select tabItem 'A' Select TTTableViewController item (redirects with tt://myController) Select tabItem 'B' Select tabItem 'A' again Viola! You have the contents of tt://myController on the page! Is there a way to get tabItem 'A' to rerun it's view...

How to get user defined background color in three20's TTTableViewController

Hi there, having a TTTableViewController instance, I try to set the background of the currently selected cell. I am aware of the style sheets concept in Three20, but it just offers: - (UITableViewCellSelectionStyle)tableSelectionStyle { return UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray; } with standard options UITableViewCellSelectionStyl...

Truncate text in TTStyledTextLabel

Hi, I am using a TTStyledTextLabel in my project to parse the hyperlinks, it all works fine. The only problem I am facing is to truncate a long text - show ellipses if the text does not fit in the bounds of TTStyledTextLabel. In other terms, I need the same behavior as a UILabel which adds ellipses to indicate that some text is clipped...

objective c Three 20 Framework how to configure touches

THREE 20 Objective C How to configure and play/tweak touches for TT library in three 20.... I am looking for a feature like UITouch in Iphone OS reference Library... thanks ...

Three20 pros and cons

I believe a lot of people have heard of and even used three20 library for building their apps. What's the pros and cons of using it? what's your experience so far - starting from ramping up, app design, building, to approval, and future maintains... I am interested in picking it up, attracted by the UI elements that not easily get from ...

Detecting what view is currently being displayed

I have a problem. I am using three20 and am using TTYoutubeView, this problem does not necessarily require knowledge of three20 to fix I think. My issue is, i have a custom drawMethod on my navigationBar, however, when i load a youtube video, i need to tell it to ignore my custom draw method (this isn't a problem, i have a global BOOL t...

Three20 - Attempt to Refresh TTThumbsViewController stays stuck on "Loading..."

Hello, I am using a TTThumbsViewController to display a gallery. Users can upload photos to a server and when the upload is complete I post a notification which I receive further up the navigation stack at the TTThumbViewController where I want to reload the gallery so that when the user navigates back the gallery includes their newly a...