
three20 error after adding it to my project

I have been trying to add the Three20 framework to my app. But I always end up getting this error: Undefined symbols: "___restore_vfp_d8_d15_regs", referenced from: +[TTEntityTables(TTSingleton) sharedInstance] in libThree20Core.a(TTEntityTables.o) +[TTEntityTables(TTSingleton) releaseSharedInstance] in libThree20Core.a(TTEntityTables.o...

Replace UITableView and UITableViewController with Three20

Hi i have a working UITableViewController and UITableView with custom cells but i want to add some async functionality from Three20, so i would like to migrate my current classes to the ones from Three20, TTTableViewController and TTTableViewController, to use the TTImageView inside of my custom cell. The functionality would be download ...

Three20 navigation by openURLAction; self.navigationController is nil in pushed VC???

The navigation commences with [[TTNavigator navigator] openURLAction:theUrl]; from one UIviewController controller and another UIViewController is the target of that URL. The map is set with set with the following code and there is no doubt navigation goes to the right place: TTURLMap* map = navigator.URLMap; [map from:@"tt://goToMyVie...

Error when using UIActionSheet and Three20

In a project I'm using Three20 for some of the code (not using the TTNavigator or some advanced features, only a few things). When I try to create an UIActionSheet, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. The code that triggers it is as follows (on a UIViewController) - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; ...

TTTableViewController scrollsToTop not working

I'm using a basic Three20 TTTableViewController subclass which employs its own datasource and model. The problem is that I cannot seem to use the scrollsToTop property of the table. This is a standard property for the table, inherited from UIScrollView and very commonly used. I have tried all of the following, in numerous different lo...

Having trouble compiling Three20 sample TTCatalog

I downloaded from git a copy of the latest three20, and I keep running into errors when I try to compile the sample code in the folder. Undefined symbols: "_UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification", referenced from: _UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification$non_lazy_ptr in libThree20UINavigator.a(TTBaseNavigator.o) (...

How to change the color of the title in TTLauncherItem?

I am having a lot of trouble trying to change the color in the TTLauncherItem, because the default gray color does no work with my background. Any ideas? ...

Will using three20 make my app slower?

I want to use three20's TTThumbsView & TTPhotoView to build something like Grindr. Instead of (1) subclassing these classes, I'd prefer to (2) analyze them and build take the necessary code & tweak it accordingly. Why? Because my concern is that option (1) will increase the download size of our app & slow it's performance. (Another thing...

How to get Rows updated automatically ?

HI all, I have made my custom Data Model, custom Data Source and a TTTableViewController which uses my data source, now in data model there we are mentaining the array, if something changes in the datamodel, ui should auto reflect those change, how this thing can be implemented? ...

Why use TT_RELEASE_SAFELY in three20 for iPhone?

#define TT_RELEASE_SAFELY(__POINTER) { [__POINTER release]; __POINTER = nil; } Why is does three20 consider it safe to assign an ivar to nil after releasing it? Is it unsafe to leave out the ivar = nil step? This is all I found: I ...

Passing url to Three20 TTURLMap

I am trying to pass in a URL as a parameter to a TTURLMap like this: [map from@"tt://person/(initWithURL:)" toViewController: [PersonViewController class]]; I then have a TTStyledTableItemCell with links that render like this: <a href="tt://person/"&gt;Person name</a> but when I click on these links the l...

Is Three20 allowed?

Ive heard news that Apple is turning down Apps that use the three20 framework.My project uses it extensively.Does this mean im running into trouble. ...

Can't complie Three20 template on iOS4

I pulled the latest version of three20 from github, and installed their template. I opened it up in XCode, build and run, then I realize the template isn't iOS4 ready. The first issue I found was "Base SDK not found", I solve it Edit Project Setting , changed the Base SDK to "iOS Device 4.1" Then I run it again, I got tons of errors r...

objC three20 example ttnavigator menu controller page instance declaration

Hi, I tried to understand the three20 ttnavigator example code, and in the MenuController.h file, it is as follows: typedef enum { MenuPageNone, MenuPageBreakfast, MenuPageLunch, MenuPageDinner, MenuPageDessert, MenuPageAbout, } MenuPage; @interface MenuController : TTTableViewController { MenuPage _page; } @property(non...

How to reproduce Three20 Slide Up To Refresh feature ?

Hi ! I would like to add this to a projet, but I don't want to add the full Three20 framework for a simple feature. How the framework does to always hide the first row, and to detect when it's sliding up ? After that, I suppose a callback url can just be called to refresh the table view. Thanks ! ...

Making private changes to Three20

Hi, I've made some private changes to the public Three20 libraries. Three20 will now work with semi-trusted SSL certs. Custom views are now working for headers in grouped table views. Custom chrome is now allowed on the photocontroller, and the network performance was tuned for image loading over 3G. Finally, a display bug that woul...

three20 TTURLRequest resend

I have a REST service that uses an auth_token that expires every so often. when a request fails, I want to re-authenticate (which I'm able to do) and then resend the same exact TTURLRequest in the following generic way: - (void)request:(TTURLRequest*)request didFailLoadWithError: (NSError*)error { NSLog(@"error %@ %@ %@", [erro...

Why do I get SIGABRT after the first iteration of this my for loop?

I feel very stupid for asking this, but I've been trying to figure this for about three hours and have gotten nowhere. See the code below. After the first iteration, my program crashes and all I get is SIGABRT. As you may get from the code, I'm just trying to build a string from other strings. It works fine on the first iteration, bu...

Three20 project crash on jailbroken iPhone3G, works fine on 3GS without JB

Hi , i've got a strange problem: i've made a simple app using three20 framework, it builds without error, after installing the app on 3GS it works great, but after opening it on jailbroken 3G ot crashes with following errors: warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib" (file not found). warning:...

How to show a PDF Page by Page using the Three20 Project - iPhone

Hi, I have a large local PDF. How can I use three20 Project for showing the PDF page by page with zooming, swiping functionalities? Is there any other free library available to achieve this functionality? I tried to use the Apple WWDC 2010 code but facing some problems (I am showing PDF Pages instead of images). The question related t...